1541 Ultimate is Open Source!
The software part of the 1541 Ultimate is from now on Open Source! Although the hardware still needs to be documented, people can already check out the source code, edit it and build new applications for the 1541 Ultimate! The source is released under GPL 3.0, which in short means that every addition to the source code will also need to be open sourced and the code or parts thereof may not be sold. The full license agreement can be found in the ‘root’ (trunk) of the SVN archive.
In order to build the software, you need to do the following:
- Install Cygwin, or run under Linux. Make sure you have:
- GNU make in order to run the makefiles.
- GCC compiler, in order to build the conversion tools.
- Install CC65 (http://www.cc65.org), and make sure you have the required environment variables and path set.
- Install a SVN client package (either command line in Cygwin) or a graphical client such as Tortoise SVN.
- Check out the repository from http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/gideonz_1541Ultimate/
- Go to the trunk directory and type ‘make’.
At this point, the archive is read-only. If you are a developer and want to make a significant contribution to the 1541 Ultimate, please contact me and we can discuss being a write-user on the archive. Bug fixes from others can be E-mailed as patches, which I’d happily merge with the archive.
Happy programming!
source: 1541ultimate.net
Commodore 116 (264 series)
I have also a tape drive Datasette (black), tape drive adapter, manual, and joystick adapter.
- Country: USA
- Most Common: Europe
- Rarity: Rare
- Year: 1984
The low end members of the 264 series are the Commodore 16 and the Commodore 116. Of all the machines showcased at the C.E.S., the C116 was the only model to make it to store shelves as originally designed; though it was only in Europe, and in very small numbers.
The Commodore 116 was originally slated to be the only machine in this series, and was designed by engineers at Commodore-US.
source: Zimmers.net
SHO-FLI Converter Update 1 – (C) 2009 Algorithm / Algotech
SHO-FLI (Sprite Hires OVerlay FLI/Sprite OVerlay Hires FLI) is a custom c64 graphic mode which features a hiresolution spriteoverlay in one color over a FLI image.
It works in exactly the same way as the SHFLI mode but the image data is wider due to using 1 sprite overlay (rather than two in SHFLI) – This GFX mode is also known as SHF-XL originally invented by Crossbow/Crest. I created this Application because this gfx mode is rather awkward to paint in. Plus there does not seem to be any converters released.
UPDATE 1 – 04/02/09
- Implemented R,G,B,Brightness/Contrast Sliders.
- YUV Color Reduction/Compare Option.
- Quick Preview option.
- Two additional Ordered Dither.
download: noname.c64.org
Java Ice Team Tracker 64 (JITT64) v1.0.1
Java Ice Team Tracker 64 is a java based music tracker (editor) for creating music for SID chip of Commodore 64. Instruments are totally based onto tables for full control of sound generation.
The new version comes with some bugs fixed and new features:
- Option: temp directory is automatically given by the systemOption: activate the disable real time compilation option.
- Option: add Nimbus theme.
- Patterns: add cut functions and shortcut to cut/copy/paste/clear/select.
- Patterns: add mute/unmute playing of the voice.
- Tracks: fix semaphore red bug when press play and no compilation in background done.
- Tracks: Report when there is a sound problem (sometimes the sound core library is not able to have a free sound line to use) when playing the tune.
- Player: fix track repetition command errors.
- Player: fix note transpose for instrument.
download: sourceforge.net
DirMaster v2.1 from Style
DirMaster is a Windows-based GUI tool useful for the management of common (and uncommon) emulator formats (such as .d64, .d81, .t64, etc) as well as native archival formats (such as .arc, .sda, .lnx, etc).
New in this version:
- .t64 *write* support.
- .t64 “Run In” support.
- disk/archive content preview on file open dialog.
- remembers window location/size between launches.
- cross linked sector check.
- “Run In” can now operate from a transient disk or tape image; this creates a temporary image which is passed to the chosen emulator; temp images are deleted when DirMaster exits.
- configurable character replacements for exported file names.
- and various other user interface tweaks and bug fixes.
source: style64.org
DLH’s Commodore Archive Updated
David Haynes DLH’s Commodore Archive has updated his page.
- Hardware – JiffyDOS Installation Guides. Missing are 64, 64c and 128D. Originals provided by Chris Ryan
If anyone has these please contact me. Also a good copy of the User Manual is needed.
SX-64, C128, 1541, 1541-II, 1571, 1581, BlueChip BCD, Enchancer 2000, FSD-2, MSD SD-1 & SD-2 - Magazines – Added torrent for Family Computing (67 Issues)
- Books – The Official GEOS Programmer’s Reference Guide (BANTAM, 484 pages). This replaces the old scan that did not have OCR. I included the CMD Addendum at the front (17 pages)
source: DLH Commodore Archive
1541 Ultimate Homebrew case with built-in Speaker from fuckutube64
Playing 1541 Sing Song Serenade Drive Music.
DiskMagazine – Vandalism News #50
After many months and a lot of work. Onslaught & Wrath Designs bring you the 50th Vandalism News called The Gold Edition. Four disk sides, 12 exclusive SIDs, a bonus disk and two disk covers.
download magazine: noname.c64.org
download disk cover: noname.c64.org
website: onslaught.c64.org
SHO-FLI Converter – (C) 2009 Algorithm / Algotech
SHO-FLI (Sprite Hires OVerlay FLI/Sprite OVerlay Hires FLI) is a custom c64 graphic mode which features a hiresolution spriteoverlay in one color over a FLI image.
It works in exactly the same way as the SHFLI mode but the image data is wider due to using 1 sprite overlay (rather than two in SHFLI) – This GFX mode is also known as SHF-XL originally invented by Crossbow/Crest. I created this Application because this gfx mode is rather awkward to paint in. Plus there does not seem to be any converters released.
download: noname.c64.org
Art of Commodore Part2 *beta*
Commodore 64 II – Warranty Seal
1541 Ultimate Firmware v1.6 released
The annoying bug in the firmware that had rendered the Ethernet interface almost useless has finally been fixed.
In comparison to 1.5, the following has been fixed:
- Reads from the Ethernet chip have been fixed. The unit now correctly receives packets.
download: 1541U Homepage
Classic Java Retro-Games Online
Popular Retro-Games from the Eighties and Early Nineties online.
source: c64 games nes games gameboy games mastersystem games dos games
TRiAD sOUNDS oF tHE a M i G A #1
Triad’s back and kicking in the new year with something that we’ve had cooking for quite some time… As a little tribute to the genius of Amiga musicians, dalezy and I have dragged our personal favourite synthtunes kicking and screaming off the Amiga and onto the c64′s lovely SID chip for your enjoyment!
download: noname.c64.org
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