From 1541u forum:
I’m working on a 1541U manual. It is still heavily beta and incomplete, but i would like comments etc. So if you have time read it, and give me some input/suggestions.
Perhaps we can combine effords in creating a good manual for this exceptional piece of hardware…
Download: 1541U Manual

This is a nice Commodore Logo from Robert Hurst VIC-20 homepage, i have vectorialized it in some formats (svg,eps,pdf).
Download PNG (original): Commodore Logo (1283) - 16.1 KB
Download SVG: Commodore Logo (1313) - 21.27 KB
Download PDF: Commodore Logo (1322) - 22.66 KB
Download EPS: Commodore Logo (1333) - 21.98 KB
The xum1541 (pronounced “zoom”) is built from a modified version of the xu1541 firmware. It is a USB full speed device and supports high-speed parallel cables. The hardware USB support significantly speeds up transfers. It will support mnib (aka nibtools), which provides low-level imaging to backup copy protected disks.
I’m most excited about this feature since it is critical to archiving original floppies for the C64 Preservation Project.
This is a Very old “Programmable” Joystick Interface for ZX Spectrum from AGF ©1983. You must see that it’s very easy to use. :-D

I have hung some commodore on the wall like paintings, i have others to hang…but my room is very small.
Description from top:
- Commodore VIC-20 Generation One (Pet Function key style)
- Commodore VIC-20 Generation Two
- Commodore 64 Generation One (Pet Function key style)
- Commodore 64 Generation Two (The classic one)
- Commodore 64 G
- Commodore 64 Aldi
- Commodore 16

Mega-Cart’s Gallery
The Mega-Cart’s incredible selection of auto-starting games and handy utilities, coupled with its software-configurable RAM expansion capability, will provide you with hours of fun and discovery.
Yet, despite the immense power and complexity “under the hood” of the Mega-Cart it remains easy to use because of the intuitive all menu-driven selection system.
SJLOAD is a C64/C64DTV software fastloader. Its main difference from normal fastloaders is that it only works with Jiffy-enabled drives and uses the Jiffy protocol. This makes it handy for people who have a Jiffy-enabled drive (also new hardware such as SD2IEC) but do not want to make the hardware changes necessary for exchanging the C64 kernal.
SJLOAD speed is a bit higher than normal Jiffy since SJLOAD uses the same protocol but a different implementation (it disables the VICII during load etc.). With an SD2IEC, SJLOAD is about 15% faster than a normal Jiffy kernal.
SJLOAD is loosely based on VDOS (1986) by Edward Carroll. However, the fast loading routines have been replaced completely by 1570.
The CheapLPC is a flashrom burner for the SST49LF020 chip, The Software can read back, and verify the contents of the chip.
The software is also compatible with any other CheapLPC based programmer, like that used in the Martrix by Xodus, Ozx Prog by OZx Modchips, Neurosys, and a few others.
Download: GreenProg (CheapLPC Programmer) v0.7 (1313)
source: wikipedia
- Country: USA
- Most Common: Europe
- Rarity: Unrare
- Year: 1980
The VIC-20 was intended to be more economical than the PET computer. It was equipped with only 5 KB of RAM and used the same MOS 6502 CPU as the PET. The VIC-20′s video chip, the MOS Technology VIC, was a general-purpose color video chip designed by Al Charpentier in 1977 and intended for use in inexpensive display terminals and game consoles, but Commodore couldn’t find a market for the chip.
As the Apple II gained momentum with the advent of VisiCalc in 1979, Jack Tramiel wanted a product that would compete in the same segment, to be presented at the January 1980 CES. For this reason Chuck Peddle and Bill Seiler started to design a computer named TOI (The Other Intellect).
wiki: VIC20-Wiki
Wow, what a nice theme! I spent hours looking for a suitable theme for my site, and this one is perfect. I hope you like it.
Commodore 64 Porting from the original Amiga game by Ocean.
download the latest build here: pushover64
forum thread:
This is a very old trainer menu for Gameboy/Color made by me for Nightfall & Eurasia, i have decided to release the source.
Source comments are in Italian Language. The archive contain: source,data (rnc packed),compiler/linker (windows 2000/xp) and a .bat (batch file) for build the release.
Download: Gameboy Color trainer example by nightfall (2150)
- Country: UK
- Most Common: Europe
- Rarity: Rare
- Year: 1983
The design was basically the same as the VIC-20 design: Black keys and orange function keys (from F1-F8), and it was said that a few computers have the more angular keys of its predecessor. Earlier models even had some differences, such as the 5-pin video out.
wiki: C64-Wiki
- Country: US
- Most Common: Europe
- Rarity: Rare
- Year: 1983
The Commodore 1551 (originally introduced as the SFS 481) was a floppy disk drive for the Commodore Plus/4 home computer. It resembled a charcoal-colored Commodore 1541 and plugged into the cartridge port, providing faster access than the C64/1541 combination.
Commodore reportedly planned an interface to allow use of the 1551 with the C64, but it was never released.
wiki: 1551-Wiki
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