Retro Things that was given to me before thrown away.
I thank Robert for the donation.
List of the Retro Things:
- Commodore Amiga 500 (PSU/Manual/Floppy Disk/Mouse/Joystick Slik Stik)
- Commodore A501 REV 6C (Espansion Memory)
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16k (PSU/Cables/Manuals/Tape/Joystick)
- ZX Spectrum Joystick Interface.
- Sony Playstation DualShock (Boxed)
- Sony Playstation 2.
- Keyboard IBM 8525.
- Esternal Floppy Drive 5″1/4 IBM.
Commodore A501 (REV 6C) Expansion Memory Unit Kissed by luck.
Why “lucky”? because the battery used in this Expansion Ram Unit (A501) was not VARTA but GP, these batteries resist slightly to aging and release less acid.
Atari 2600 (4-switch units) Repair.
Replaced parts:
Gallery of the repair:
Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Super Mario Bros 64 +5D (CRT/D64)
- 1337 Karate +3DF
- 1337 Karate
- Vegetables V1.1 +1D
- Conflict in Vietnam + Manual
- Gyruss +7HDG
- Panzer +
- Panzer + (Excess)
- Panzer
- Mashed Turtles V3 +F
- Barbie +1F
- Accolade Card Sharks +2D
- Let’s Invade 2 +7D
- Frantic Freddie II +2
- Frantic Freddie II
- Frantic Freddie II +4
- The House on the Other Side of the Storm +D
- Let’s Invade 2
- Up Preview +
- Learning to Add & Subtract +D
- Frantic Freddie II : Frantic Edition (C128)
- Neutron +2D
- Neutron +
- Mission XZ1 +1T
- Xerons +4DFH
- Color Overload +2
- Neutron +6D
- Frantic Freddie II +3
- Alter Ego Male [1581]
- Space Comets +
- ALF – The First Adventure +5
- Behind Closed Doors 3 +DS
- Behind Closed Doors 2 +DS
- Behind Closed Doors 6 +S
- Behind Closed Doors 5 +DS
- Fuddo and Slam +DS
- Behind Closed Doors +DS
- Galaxy +2D
- Vegetables V1.3 +1D
- Barbie +1DF
- Scarper! +5DH
- PET Snake
- Goldrake + [seuck]
- Nono Pixie
- 1nvader +1H
- Mr. Robot Junior +2
- Trzask Tensorskiego +1T
- Tensor 64 +1TG
- Hellcat Ace +D
- Skilat
- Air Rescue +2FD
- Nono Pixie
- C64 Games System
- Star Fortress +2
- X-Invaders +T
- Crazy Cars 2 +2DI
- Fire Breath V1.1 +5HD
- The Silence of the Stones +D
- The Great Escape 115%
- Mig Alley Ace +D
- Top Gunner Collection
- Robots Rumble +6D
- Diamond Bucket
- Robots Rumble +6D
- Robots Rumble [16kb cartridge]
- Tenebra Macabre V1.1 +4D
- Lala Prologue +4DG
- Minimike Preview V2 +
- Tenebra Macabre V1.1 [16kb cartridge]
- Nono Pixie v1.1
Download: All Games in One Archive (6999)
I was very curious what ZeroPaige has written in the description of the Super Mario Bros 64 game, the game on the C64 DTV use the Turbo mode.
I have tried the game on my upgraded C64 DTV and in fact is much more fluid, i would say perfect except for a few graphics glitches.
Below what ZeroPaige writes about the Turbo mode:
Since the NES-processor is clocked (roughly 70%) faster than a stock C64 there can be slowdowns during gameplay. A pixel indicates this on the time-watch graphics in the status bar.
This port will try to detect and use any kind of turbo functionality, such as:
- Commodore 128 (2 MHz in the border)
- C64 DTV
- Schnedler Systems Turbo Master CPU (untested)
- Swisscomp Turbo Processor (untested)
- Rossmoeller Flash 8 (untested)
- CMD SuperCPU Accelerator (untested)
Jean-François DEL NERO (who’s behind the HxC SD Floppy Emulator) recently has released a version of the HxC emulator firmware that is compatible with the STM32 chip used in the Gotek floppy emulators.
This means that the great functionality of the HxC SD emulator is now available on cheaper and more widely available hardware.
The bootloader to convert the Gotek floppy drive in HxC compatible must be purchased on the website HXC 2001 by sending an email to Jean-François DEL NERO. The price of the bootloader is one-off 10 Euro per Gotek that you want to update. Future updates of the software are free and can be made from a USB stick
The HXC Usb (Gotek) firmware supports: + many more….
USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware v3.1.38.2a -> v3.1.60.5a cumulative changelog:
- GeneralMusic S2/S3 : Undocummented floppy format support added + *.gem file extension support.
- Non-gated interface : Ignore the floppy selection line for the head step + Some fixes.
- Motor-ON signal support to emulate properly the “READY” and “INDEX” signals.
- OLED : SSD1305 2.23″ 128×32 OLED screen support added.
- Internal enhancements. (WIP)
- New direct raw format support : Yamaha QX3 format (*.IMG,*.DSK)
- 7 segments screen menu : Add missing system family entries :
- 15 = Robox RC9400
- 16 = Kawai
- 17 = Yamaha QX3
- 18 = User defined format
- Gotek I/O Lines Diagnostic/Test mode Since this hardware is quite sensitive to ESD and other electrical issues, the floppy lines can be easily damaged.
- This new mode allows you to test/check all Gotek’s Input/Output lines with a simple wire.
- The test must be run with floppy ribbon disconnected from the machine.
- Once enabled/flashed with the diagnostic firmware, all outputs will toggle every 2 seconds.
- All inputs states are displayed on the screen.
- Input lines test method :
- The default input states should be High (1), so to test an input line you have just to connect it to the ground/vss. On the floppy port you just need a jumper to make a contact between the line and the ground.
- Once the jumper is placed between the line pin and the ground/vss pin the corresping input state should turn to Low (0).
- Output lines test method :
- All outputs are toggling every 2 seconds during the test.
- (Note : A 1 ms pulse is sent to the JB output at each toggle to test the buzzer ouput)
- Connect the output line to test to one input line (use a tested input by the above method) with a simple wire.
- If the corresponding input status is toggling with the outputs line, then this means that the output line/driver is working properly.
- LCD / OLED / 7 segments screens output/input status definition :
- LCD/OLED input lines status format : “IN:123456 789AB”
- 1 or Digit-1-segment-a : Floppy Drive Select line (Pin 10 or 12 or 16 -> Depend on the S0/S1/MO jumper !).
- 2 or Digit-1-segment-b : Floppy -Direction In (Pin 18)
- 3 or Digit-1-segment-c : Floppy -Step (Pin 20)
- 4 or Digit-1-segment-d : Floppy -Write Data (Pin 22)
- 5 or Digit-1-segment-e : Floppy -Write Enable (Pin 24)
- 6 or Digit-1-segment-f : Floppy -Head 1 Select (Pin 32)
- 7 or Digit-1-segment-g : Down push button (left)
- 8 or Digit-2-segment-a : Up push button (right)
- 9 or Digit-2-segment-b : Select push button (JA)
- A or Digit-2-segment-c : Rotary CK (J7-2)
- B or Digit-2-segment-d : Rotary DIR (J7-1)
- 7 Segments Digit-3 : ‘h’ when the outputs are high and ‘L’ the outputs are low.
- 7 Segments Digit-2-segments e,f & g : ON when the outputs are high and OFF the outputs are low.
- Floppy connector pinout :
- Pin Signal Pin Signal
- 01 Ground – (O)02 -High Density Select
- 03 Ground – 04 Reserved
- 05 Ground – 06 Reserved
- 07 Ground – (O)08 -Index
- 09 Ground – (I)10 -Drive Select 0 (*)
- 11 Ground - (I)12 -Drive Select 1 (*)
- 13 Ground - 14 Reserved
- 15 Ground - (I)16 -Motor Enable (*)
- 17 Ground - (I)18 -Direction In
- 19 Ground - (I)20 -Step
- 21 Ground - (I)22 -Write Data
- 23 Ground – (I)24 -Write Enable
- 25 Ground – (O)26 -Track 0
- 27 Ground – (O)28 -Write Protect
- 29 Ground – (O)30 -Read Data
- 31 Ground - (I)32 -Head 1 Select
- 33 Ground – (O)34 -Diskette Change/Ready
- (*)Depend on the S0/S1/MO jumper!
- 7 segments screen segments definition :
- // a
- // f b
- // g
- // e c
- // d
- Custom firmware option : Blackberry trackball -> Single and double step support.
- Custom firmware option : Extra up/down buttons or navigation switchs on the rotary connectors.
- Some fixes in the user defined image feature.
- Custom firmware option : Display the current track number on the 7 segment screen.
- Custom firmware option : Debug output on the serial port (115200 8N1).
- Custom firmware option : Read pipeline buffer size.
- New system family support : Kawai.
- Blackberry trackball support.
- Track position display changed to when the screen line size is less than 16 characters.
- Fix some OLED fonts glitches.
- New parameter : OLED line alignment.
- New fonts : 8514oem 10×20, xwindow 8×32, unscii 8×32.
- More customization options :
- 2.42 Inch OLED screen support.
- 100 khz / 400 khz I2C bus selection.
- Indexed mode files naming convention enhanced :
- DSKAXXXX become a prefix : You can now add something after the prefix. e.g : DSKA0000_MyDiskName.IMG, DSKA0001_SaveDisk.HFE…
- The prefix can be changed on the customization page if you don’t like it :
- AUTOBOOT and config files names are now not case sensitive.
- And some more fixes (rotary settings…).
This is only a little part of the changelog. The original one is very long and you can read it here. (instruction manual here)
The HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware Customization page:
Download: USB Stick STM32 (Gotek) HxC Firmware v3.1.60.5a (875)
Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
Changelog (v1.0.21.0):
- Fix ANE opcode for Turrican 3
- Added debugger step over JSR and step out with stack instructions functionality.
- Fixed incorrect memory map while using the debugger that allowed the VIC to read from IO space. This caused Emufuxx0r to fail while using the debugger.
DirMaster is a Windows-based GUI application designed to help Commodore enthusiasts explore and manage their disk image collections.
DirMaster supports common (and uncommon) emulator disk image formats (such as .d64, .d81, .d2m, etc), almost every native Commodore archival format (such as .arc, .sda, .lnx, etc), and many native graphic formats (such as koala, doodle, amica, etc).
DirMaster was designed to give users a perfect blend of familiar appearance (e.g. natural looking disk image contents using the PETSCII character set) and modern GUI functionality (e.g. drag and drop, opening multiple disk images at once). The first version of DirMaster was released in 2006.
v3.1.2 addresses a few bugs reported by users:
- Workaround for high dpi issues reported by users on Windows 10 (Windows 7/8 still affected, known issue)
- Drag/drop from a disk image to the file system handles “broken” files more gracefully.
- Corrects issue moving .cvt files between disk images.
- Page up/down works in the petscii column on the sector editor.
- Tweaks: hexedit font toggling, BAM view, Explorer preview font size.
Download: DirMaster v3.1.2 (618)
This is the official demo party results from Revision 2019. See also the CSDB Revision 2019 section for more informations.
C64 4K Intro:
- 6 – 4k PETSCII Intro by Lethargy
C64 Graphics:
- 6 – Petscii, Dude! by Titus
- 12 – smoking by Titus
Mixed Music:
- 1 – Hard(Re)Start [2sid] by Unreal
- 2 – Deep Kiss (Revision Edit) by LMan
- 4 – Thus Spoke the PC Speaker by Lft
- 7 – Kinky Stinky Pinky by Response
- 11 – Kippers as Slippers by Panda Design
- 12 – Battlestar Watchtowerica by SIDRIP Alliance, Singular
- 13 – Coprolalia by AttentionWhore
- 13 – THCM: Please Release Your Music Tool by PVM
Mixed Demo:
- 1 – Rivalry by Bonzai, Censor Design, Fairlight, Genesis Project, Offence
- 13 – Edison 2019 Invitation by Chemtrailer Boys
- 14 – The 21st by Resource, Singular
- 15 – We Are the Chimpions by Artline Designs, Extend
Mixed Game:
- 5 – 1337 Karate by Abyss Connection
Download: Revision 2019 Party stuff (829)
A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 by Gideon is released.
Differences with previous official release V1.10:
- Based on the Ultimate-II+ firmware Version 3.4c
- NTSC mode has been fixed, from 262 lines to 263 lines per frame.
- SID autoconfig: If there is just one SID, give it the full address range.
- Speaker volume setting added for U64.
- Various fixes in the VIC sprite generator. This fixes many demos.
- Preparations added for Elite version of the U64 board.
- Adjusted analog colors, thanks to Matt Barszcz.
- Fixed sprite collision register timing.
- Fixed line 137 to 000 rollover. This fixes Lunatico three layer scroller
- Added LED controls for the two Case LEDs
- Fixed tape record to tap file.
- Fixed various CIA issues. This fixed the Expert Cart unfreeze problem. Thanks to David Horrocks
- Refined IRQ timing of the 6502 CPU core.
- Added AC generator to support UserPort cable
- Fixed the order of Flash images, to make SS5 NTSC and TAR NTSC work.
- Fixed RES bit in $D016, should be writable. Thanks to David Horrocks.
Changes to the application, 3.4c, compared to previous 3.4:
- Fixing homedirectory function. Added possibility to use wildcards.
- Fixed file extensions. Makes songlengths load again.
- Significant improvements to the Software IEC module.
- Updates to SID player:
- Implemented pause feature (using space bar)
- Pause will now also mute 2nd and 3rd SID chip.
- Fixed SID version check and SID header relocation.
- Fixed display issue when SID model or clock is unknown.
- Updated version of player and copyright year.
Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Knight Lore V1.10 +D
- Bruce Lee Trilogy
- Doc Cosmos +2D
- Lions of the Universe
- Stoppt den Calippo Fresser +
- Metal Gear (testversion x1)
- Doc Cosmos +D
- RoboZZle64_b190313
- Zagor and the Fortress of Smirnoff +1GMTW
- TKO +3DG
- Doc Cosmos V1.1 +4D
- Smurfs +3HDF
- Trump Tower Extended Version +1H
- Crusade in Europe +D
- Nono Pixie Preview 4 &D
- Crusade in Europe +D
- Decision in the Desert +D
- Outlaw +FD
- Sheep is a Key
- Sheep is a Key V1.19
- Emergency Breakthrough +2
- Park Adventure
- RoboZZle64 Preview +D
- Bruce Lee Trilogy V2
- Sheep is a Key +
- Sheep is a Key + – Laxity
- Yet Another One Button Game Preview +
- Yet Another One Button Game V0.0
- Astroclash
- The Pit +6DGH
- Yet Another One Button Game Preview 2 +
- Yet Another One Button Game V0.1
- Summer Games I & II +DI
- Boulder Dash Senior +2
- Race7 Preview
- Lala Prologue [16kb cartridge]
- Lala Prologue +4DG
- ISS Emergency!
- Polybius Preview
- Behind closed Doors Seven +DP
- Retarded Creatures and Caverns +D
- Sheep is a Key V1.19 +3D
- King’s Valley Preview 2 +
- Sixgun Shootout Version 1.2 [IDE64]
- Funghevolissimevolmente +2DGT
- Retarded Creatures and Caverns +D
- Behind Closed Doors Seven +DP
- Bulbo and the Lizard-King +DS
- Microfair Madness +Bonus Adventures +D
- Balrog and the Cat +DS
- The Secret of Little Hodcome +DS
- Aliens +
- From Out Of A Dark Night Sky +D
- RoboZZle64 Preview 2 +D
- RoboZZle64 Preview 2 +MD
- Vegetables Preview +1D
- Wormwood Preview +2
- Memory +TD
- Vegetables +1D
- Vegetables
- Wormwood Preview +2D
- Super Mario Bros 64
- Frogger +
- Toccata +
- Super Mario Bros 64 +2
- Bandersnatch Preview
Download: All Games in One Archive (7013)
A new firmware update for the ARMSiD has been released by Nobomi.
News features and fixes in FW 2.9:
- A longer time is required to activate the reset signal (some issue with board 250407 reported where can be short spikes on the bus, now fixed).
- Small fix in noise generator on the lowest bits. Also faster computing.
- Other speed and code size optimization.
Download: ARMSiD v2.9 (931)
The new version of the PenUltimate+ cartridge even if apparently it seems identical to the previous version, is not, because the new version has some modifications and a software update made to support the DeadTest+ Diagnostic software.
All cartridges produced since December 2018 supports the DeadTest+ diagnostic software.
The DeadTest+ Diagnostic software can be lauched via the menu or by holding Reset button down for 10seconds at power on.
Compared to the first version this new one brings even more ROMs (70+) and a brand new user interface.
Some tfw8b games have been included (The Future Was 8Bit) including Cheese & Onion, RodMan, Pentagorat (Easier edition) and many others.
And of course, it’s still the best ram pack you’ll ever stuff into your VIC20. 3-35k expansion ram can be selected direct from the menu.
Many thanks to Dave Curran of Tynemouth Software and tfw8b (The Future Was 8Bit)
My name is “jaundice” and my last name is “lucky”. :-)
Why “lucky”? because the battery used in this Amiga was not VARTA but GP, these batteries resist slightly to aging and release less acid.
The only defect of this Amiga 500 Plus was the Floppy Drive which did not read any Floppy Disk, the motor running slower than normal, it was enough replace a 4.7uF electrolytic capacitor to make it work again.
I thank my friend Igor for the donation.
Ikari has released a new firmware for the SD2Snes Flash Cartridge (Super Nintendo/Famicom). The upgrade instructions can be found here.
- Revert S-DD1 bitfile to earlier build which happens to less expose a timing hazard. This will need further examination for a proper fix. Fixes severe glitches with S-DD1
- Fix swapped logic terms in SA-1 and SuperFX RAM write cycles. Fixes severe glitches on SA-1 and SuperFX on Mk.II units; The bug was also present in the Pro firmware but didn’t seem to have much of an effect
- Fix game video mode setting in SuperCIC pair mode.
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