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Keyword: ‘commodore’

Restoration & Repair of a Commodore 8032-SK (Gold Label)

January 6th, 2014 1 comment
Commodore 8032-SK (Gold Label)

The conditions of this Commodore 8032-SK (Gold Label) are really bad. The CBM 8032-SK is left for over 25 years in a dovecote.

The cleaning, repairing and restoration have taken a very long time, but the result is more than acceptable.

The comparison (before / after):


  • The Commodore 8032-SK was completely dead (Black screen of death).
  • Little problems of CRT geometry.


  • Replaced the CPU 6502.
  • Yoke calibration of the CRT

Gallery of repair and cleaning:

C64 Game: Tetris (DaCapo) +1H 100% / RGCD 16k Cart Compo …

January 3rd, 2014 No comments

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.


  • Invert (Final Edition) +7HF [pal/ntsc]
  • Invert [Final Edition]
  • Crazy Caverns +3H
  • Vidball +3D
  • Rolloverture +3D
  • Othello +F [pal/ntsc]
  • Vidball
  • Rainbow Dragon 101% +11DX [pal/ntsc]
  • Inertiania +
  • Night Raid +2
  • Re-Alienator +2
  • Franz Falckenhaus Trident Crisis
  • RGCD 16k Cart Compo 2013 Collection [EasyFlash]
  • Tetris (Atari arcade conversion)
  • The Search for Santa Clues
  • 7dshoot preview +1
  • Rent-a-Cop Reloaded Preview
  • Helikopter Jagd 101% Jewel V1.1 +3H
  • A.R.C.O.S.
  • Flok +2
  • Top Gun +1D
  • Oil Defense
  • RGCD 16k Cart Compo 2013 Collection 100% [EasyFlash]
  • Tetris (DaCapo) +1H 100%
  • Bubbled Ghost Preview

Download: All Games in One Archive (2940)


(Italian) Jurassic News numero #49

January 3rd, 2014 No comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Categories: Magazine, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Outbreak +1F 101% / Cowboy Duel / Labyrinth …

December 24th, 2013 No comments

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.


  • Hunt for Bubber’s Bathtub +3CEFD 101% [pal/ntsc]
  • Powerglove V1.2 +D
  • Powerglove (RGCD Compo Edition V1.2)
  • Powerglove +4D
  • Labyrinth
  • Labyrinth +2M
  • Labyrinth &Sol
  • Darkhold +D +Pic
  • Superball
  • Superball +F [pal/ntsc]
  • Cowboy Duel – Live Your Dream!
  • Cowboy Duel – Live Your Dream! +D
  • Rolloverture +3D
  • Othello v1.0
  • Cowboy Duel – Live Your Dream! +2DF [pal/ntsc]
  • Outbreak + 101%
  • Make My Day Preview +3
  • Indeflataball Preview +4
  • Risk Preview
  • Mirror Image +
  • Cowboy Duel +1F DE [english+german] [pal/ntsc]
  • Outbreak +1F 101% [pal/ntsc]
  • Cowboy Duel +1DE [english+german]

Download: All Games in One Archive (2758)


High Voltage SID Collection Update #60

December 22nd, 2013 No comments

The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) is a freeware hobby project which organises Commodore 64 music (also known as SID music) into an archive for both musicians and fans alike.

The work on the collection is done completely in the Team and contributors’ spare time and is proudly one of the largest and most accurate computer music collections known.

This update features (all approximates):

  • 825 new SIDs
  • 233 fixed/better rips
  • 11 repeats/bad rips eliminated
  • 910 SID credit fixes
  • 120 SID model/clock infos
  • 24 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified
  • 8 tunes from /GAMES/ identified
  • 60 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories
  • 7 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories



CBM prg Studio v2.9.0 released

December 21st, 2013 No comments

CBM prg Studio Version 2.9.0 is released. There are a lot of new features in this version. I’d really appreciate it if you report any bugs you find or have any suggestions/comments.

CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or Machine Code program in using a nice Windows environment and convert it to a ‘.prg’ file which you can run on an emulator, or even a real C64 / VIC20 or PET if you’re feeling brave and have the right kit.

CBM prg Studio is the result of merging C64PrgGen and VIC20PrgGen. Adding new features and fixing bugs in two apps which were 95% similar was a bit of a nightmare so merging them made sense.

It was also a good opportunity for a face lift and to add some new features, such as:

  • Programs are project based, meaning all related source files, sprite files etc. are kept in one place and multiple source files can be linked more easily.
  • Tabbed MDI.
  • Syntax highlighting.

What CBM prg Studio isn’t is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any other tokeniser / detokeniser / assembler. It’s all been written completely from scratch.

New features:

  • Extended colour mode for screen designer.
  • Binary file import for screen designer.
  • User defined links in Help.
  • Batch files for user tools menu.
  • Updated help file.

Bug Fixed:

  • Assembler
    • WORD sequences ending in , not reported.
    • ROL, LSR, ADC, SBC not setting status flags in debugger properly.
    • STX/STY reporting invalid address mode.
    • Macros after cheap labels weren’t expanded properly.
    • Macros containing tabs or comments weren’t expanded properly.
    • Labels after ‘Incasm’ were not recognised.
    • Indirect jumps not recognising labels
    • Wrong detection of assembling past end of memory.
    • Comments after macro calls were corrupting the parameters.
    • Build events were not exported properly.
  • Screen Designer
    • ‘Undo’ undid everything, not just the last operation.
    • Screen editor background colours can be set per character.
  • General
    • Some code reformatting issues

Download: CBM prg Studio v2.9.0 (943)


Restoration & Repair a Commodore Dual Disk 8250 LP

December 17th, 2013 No comments
Restoring & Repair a Commodore Dual Disk 8250 LP

The conditions of this Commodore Dual Disk 8250 LP are really bad. The CBM 8250 LP is left for over 25 years in a dovecote.

The cleaning, repairing and restoration have taken a long time, but the result is more than acceptable.

The comparison (before / after):


  • Floppy Disk Drive completely dead.
  • Main motherboard failure: Status LED green but with the Floppy Disk Drive LEDs (red) that blink 3 times and then repeat in loop.
  • Directory displayed with extra chars.


  • Replaced all the electrolytic capacitors of the two Floppy Disk Drive.
  • Replaced the IC RIOT MOS 901869-01 (Memory, I / O, Timer array)
  • Replaced the IC RIOT MOS 6532 (RAM-I/O-Timer)

Gallery of repair and cleaning:

C64 Game: Micro Hexagon + / Kobo64 +3 / Revenge of the Tomato …

December 5th, 2013 No comments

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.


  • The Atom U-Boat +ED 101%
  • Candle Burner v1.1
  • Micro Hexagon +
  • Linus vs. Simon +F [pal/ntsc]
  • Vallation +2D
  • Devil Ronin +2
  • Bellringer III +2D
  • Invert +2
  • Magic Duel
  • Powerglove [RGCD Compo Edition] +D
  • Kobo64 +3
  • Candelburner
  • Candle Burner v1.1 +
  • Invert +7HFD [pal/ntsc]
  • Linus vs. Simon (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Candle Burner v1.1 (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Bellringer III (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Invert (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Monster Buster +2
  • Magic Duel (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Powerglove (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Revenge of the Tomato (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Devil Ronin (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Vallation (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Kobo64 (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Rocket Smash (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Monster Buster
  • Monster Buster (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Rocket Smash [16KB Cartridge Version] +2H
  • Cosmic Ark +D
  • Monster Buster +2F [pal/ntsc]
  • Cosmic Ark (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Micro Hexagon (16KB Cartridge Version)
  • Star of Africa +TD 101%
  • Kobo64 V2 +2M
  • Kobo64 V2 +2M 100%

Download: All Games in One Archive (2795)


C64 Game: Dodo’s Deep Doo-Doo +2D / Loopz +2HD …

November 26th, 2013 No comments

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.


  • Oolong Preview
  • Loopz +2HD [pal/ntsc]
  • The War of the Worlds &D
  • Dodo’s Deep Doo-Doo +2D
  • Bloodwheels +2
  • Sheer Earth Attack (Enhanced) +2H
  • Gold Quest V +2H
  • Dodo’s Deep Doo-Doo
  • Island of Secrets V1.1 &SOL + MAP
  • Conrad Dash
  • Tarzan +4DM
  • Space Towers +12HM
  • Terrain &DG

Download: All Games in One Archive (2877)


C64 Demo: CSSHC-VQ Slideshow by Algorithm

November 22nd, 2013 No comments

A new demo (slideshow) by Algorithm.

Download: CSSHC-VQ Slideshow by Algorithm (1090)


Commodore Plus/4 (PAL) Game: Memento

November 18th, 2013 No comments

Memento is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 (PAL) made by the group Assassins.

The program is written by Skoro, the graphics are from KiCHY and the music was made by Csabo. The game is a memory game and has 20 levels. The difficulty will increase with each level.

Download: Commodore Plus/4 Memento (1284)


Commodore Single Drive VIC 1541 (Newtronics/Mitsumi White Drive)

November 16th, 2013 No comments
Commodore Single Drive VIC 1541 (front side)


This Floppy Drive VIC-1541 (brown label with white case) unlike the known model of VIC-1541 uses a drive mechanism of Newtronics/Mitsumi White and not the usual ALPS brown.

The drive mechanism probably was replaced over the time but i have published the photos anyway.

from Wikipedia homepage:

The Commodore 1541 (also known as the CBM 1541 and VIC-1541) is a floppy disk drive (FDD) which was made by Commodore International for the Commodore 64 (C64), Commodore’s most popular home computer. The best-known FDD for the C64, the 1541 was a single-sided 170 kilobyte drive for 5¼” disks. The 1541 followed the previous Commodore 1540 (meant for the VIC-20).

The disk drive used Group Code Recording (GCR) and contained a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor, doubling as a disk controller and on-board disk operating system processor. The number of sectors per track varied from 17 to 21 (an early implementation of Zone Bit Recording). The drive’s built-in disk operating system was CBM DOS 2.6.

source: wikipedia

Cleaning & Repairing a Commodore PET 2001-8C

October 31st, 2013 3 comments
It Works!

This gallery shows some stages of repairing the Commodore PET 2001-8C

Two months have passed since i have received my Commodore PET 2001-8 Chicklet exchanged for a Sharp MZ-80K, was the day 28/08/2013.

The motherboard was in disastrous conditions, it took two months and a lot of patience to repair it.


  • Garbled characters at boot.
  • Tape Recorder (Datassette) Motor Tired.

Replaced parts and various repairs:

A large number of short circuits visible and not visible (under the ic sockets)

  • 2 x 6540 ROM Basic 1.0
  • 2 x 74LS00
  • 3 x 74LS157
  • 1 x 7805
  • 2 x Electrolytic Capacitor / Tantalum.
  • 1 x Tape Motor
  • 16 x 2114 RAM

I want to dwell on the ram, i noticed that the PET 2001-8 Chicklet does not digest very well all ram.

These ram don’t work properly for my PET 2001-8 Chicklet:

  • TESLA 2114 (2/8)
  • MM2214N
  • SY2114-2
  • HKE2114L-2

I had to buy several stocks of ram in 2114 to find the right ram that work correctly. The ram that work very well are the ELCAP 2114L-3.

I have to thank Andrea Pierdomenico for the ROM test on his PET 2001-8C and Alessandro Polito. for the exchange.

Commodore PET 2001-8C (Chiclet Keyboard)

October 31st, 2013 No comments
Commodore PET 2001-8C (Chicklet Keyboard)


This Commodore PET 2001 also includes the Expansion Memory ExpandaMem made by CompuThink

from Wikipedia homepage:

The Commodore PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) was a home/personal computer produced in 1977 by Commodore International. A top-seller in the Canadian and United States educational markets, it was Commodore’s first full-featured computer, and formed the basis for their entire 8-bit product line.

In the 1970s Commodore was one of many electronics companies selling calculators designed around Dallas-based Texas Instruments (TI) CPU chips. However, in 1975 TI increased the price of these components to the point where the chip set cost more than an entire TI calculator, and the industry that had built up around it was frozen out of the market.

Commodore responded to this by searching for a chip set they could purchase outright. They quickly found MOS Technology, who were in the process of bringing their 6502 microprocessor design to market, and with whom came Chuck Peddle’s KIM-1 design, a small computer kit based on the 6502. At Commodore, Peddle convinced Jack Tramiel that calculators were a dead-end. In September 1976 Peddle got a demonstration of Jobs and Wozniak’s Apple II prototype, when Jobs was offering to sell it to Commodore, but Commodore considered Jobs’ offer too expensive.

Tramiel demanded that Peddle, Bill Seiler, and John Feagans create a computer in time for the June 1977 Consumer Electronics Show, and gave them six months to do it. Tramiel’s son, Leonard, helped design the PETSCII graphic characters and acted as quality control. The result was the first all-in-one home computer, the PET, the first model of which was the PET 2001. Its 6502 processor controlled the screen, keyboard, cassette tape recorders and any peripherals connected to one of the computer’s several expansion ports. The PET 2001 included either 4 kB (2001-4) or 8 kB (2001-8) of 8-bit RAM, and was essentially a single-board computer with discrete logic driving a small built-in monochrome monitor with 40×25 character graphics, enclosed in a sheet metal case that reflected Commodore’s background as a manufacturer of office equipment. Designed on an appliance computer philosophy similar to the original Macintosh the machine also included a built-in Datassette for data storage located on the front of the case, which left little room for the keyboard.

The data transfer rate to cassette tape was 1500 baud, but the data was recorded to tape twice for safety, giving an effective rate of 750 baud. The computer’s main board carried four expansion ports: extra memory, a second cassette tape recorder interface, a parallel port (mainly used for disk drives and printers) and an IEEE-488 port (mainly used for modems).

The PET 2001 was announced at the Winter CES in January 1977 and the first 100 units were shipped later that year in October. However, the PET was back-ordered for months and to ease deliveries, early in 1978 Commodore decided to cancel the 4 kB version (also because the user would be left with barely 3 kB of RAM).

source: wikipedia

Manosoft C64SD v2.0 Infinity available in stock

October 31st, 2013 No comments

Again available for sale the interface C64SD v2.0 Infinity by Manosoft.

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today