Ultimate-II+: New firmware update v3.1 rev 474
A new version of the firmware for the interface Ultimate II+ is released. This version runs ONLY on the Ultimate II+ cartridge.
Release notes Ultimate-II+ v3.1 rev 474:
- USB fixes:
- support for sticks that do not reliably reply to the ‘inquiry’ command
- Byte alignment issue fixed when writing. This caused corrupted G64s to be written sometimes
- Support for composite devices added
- Added support for USB keyboards, to navigate the Ultimate browser menu
- Incorporated patches from Markus & Henning, including, but not limited to:
- Audio squeal fix, speaker volume addition
- Ultimate DOS V1.1 with added commands
- Added Home Directory support
- Added support for GeoRAM
- IEC fixes:
- IEC now operates properly on the bus, when it is alone (disabled 1541 drives)
- IEC filename fixes; saving a file to IEC adds the right extension and also removes the extension when loading directory
- IEC should now work with JiffyDOS (not yet supporting the JiffyDOS protocol)
- UltiCopy is working again!
- Small fix in TCP support (TCP hangup on retransmission)
- Other small fixes:
- Save disk twice bug fixed
- Fixed load errors on tape adapter cable with some USB 3.0 cables
- Keyboard “racekeys” fixed
- Reduced Link Up time for the Ethernet port
- Ultimax mode ROMs now allow video data in ROM
How to update?
- Browse to the U2P firmware file on the USB storage and run it from the context menu.
Download: Ultimate-II+ Firmware v3.1 rev 474 (1399)
source: facebook.com 1541ultimate.net
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