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Keyword: ‘ghtfall’

ASAP v3.1.5 – Another Slight Atari Player

August 18th, 2013 No comments

ASAP is a player of 8-bit Atari music for modern computers and mobile devices. It emulates the POKEY sound chip and the 6502 processor.

The project was initially based on the routines from the Atari800 emulator, but the current version has a completely new original emulation core.

Changelog ASAP 3.1.5 (2013-08-17):

  • Android: fixed playback on Android 4.1+, disconnecting headset pauses playback, updates position and avoids “process not responding” during seek, starts in root directory if there’s no memory card.
  • GStreamer plugin gets autoplugged (read: SAPs play in GStreamer-based players).
  • WASAP plays music to its very end.
  • Fixed crash on malformed RMT files.
  • Restored Audacious 2.x compatibility.
  • DEB packages.
  • foobar2000 `*.fb2k-component` package.

Download: ASAP v3.1.5 (1360)


HxC Floppy Emulator: Firmware Slim Version v2.1.2.24

August 15th, 2013 No comments

The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.

The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).

There are two differents emulators:

  • A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
  • A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.

Firmware Slim SD HxCFloppyEmulator v2.1.2.24:

  • SD Access enhanced : Better handling, track buffer size increased.
  • Floppy interface mode enhanced : New Pin02/Pin34 Custom settings.
  • SDCard file system support enhanced : Now support FAT 12, FAT 16 & FAT 32 formatted SDCard ! Any SDCard size are now supported !
  • Direct access mode : New function to get and set easily the current index number in “file selector” & indexed mode.
  • Lots of internal code optimizations/improvements and corrections…
  • Write Support completely redesigned / reworked :
  • Low level track format support added !:
    • The host computer/machine can now do low level format of the disk images ! By this way the floppy disk image can be formatted with the right disk layout from the machine. All the tracks parameters used by the machine (sector size, interleave/skew, gap, format value, index mark…) will be written to the virtual disk tracks ! By this way the user have just to copy some blank HFE images to the SDCard, and format them with the host machine as with a real floppy disk to make them usable. Some blank disk images with various density will be available for download on the HxC2001 website.
    • SD/DD/HD sector write support : all sector sizes are now supported ! : 128B, 256B, 512B, 1024B, 2048B, 4096B, 8192B…
    • Unaligned track/sector write is now possible : Sectors of host formatted images and images imported from stream files (Kryoflux…) can now be written !



Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

FPGA Arcade new Homepage

August 15th, 2013 No comments

For retro computing fans, arcade enthusiasts and fpga developers, newbies and experts. The replay will let you relive and revive classics or develop new tech.


Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

HxC Floppy Emulator: Firmware v1.8.2.24

August 14th, 2013 No comments

The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.

The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).

There are two differents emulators:

  • A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
  • A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.


Firmware SD HxCFloppyEmulator v1.8.2.24:

  • Write Support completely redesigned / reworked :
    • Low level track format support added!
    • The host computer/machine can now do low level format of the disk images !
    • By this way the floppy disk image can be formatted with the right disk layout from the machine.
    • All the tracks parameters used by the machine (sector size, interleave/skew, gap, format value, index mark…)
    • will be written to the virtual disk tracks !
    • By this way the user have just to copy some blank HFE images to the SDCard, and format them with the host machine
    • as with a real floppy disk to make them usable.
    • Some blank disk images with various density will available for download on the HxC2001 website.
    • SD/DD/HD sector write support : all sector sizes are now supported ! : 128B, 256B, 512B, 1024B, 2048B, 4096B, 8192B…

    Read more…

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

1541 Ultimate II: New firmware v2.6h

August 10th, 2013 No comments

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II is released. This version runs only on the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge (new fpga).

Version 2.6h includes some new features and fixes:

  • Timing fixed for C64C
  • Newer version of built-in MOD player.
  • Bug fixes regarding USB stick removal.
  • Enhancements under the hood for networking support. Network support will be enabled later, is not part of this version!

Release notes:

  • Version 2.6h contains some small fixes on top of 2.6d.  This build is a DUAL DRIVE version with NO SID emulation.

Download: 1541 Ultimate II Firmware v2.6h (1410)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

HxC Floppy Emulator: Software v2.0.16.0

August 7th, 2013 No comments

The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.

The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).

There are two differents emulators:

  • A USB version which allows to connect the floppy disk drive interface of the computer to a PC via a USB cable.
  • A SDCARD version which allows to emulate floppy disks which images are stored in a SDCARD.

Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v2.0.16.0:

  • FAT12 Loader/generator : Files size, disk size & disk free size displayed, lots of sanity checks added.
  • TRS80 Writer : Bad free() removed.
  • General : Software passed with valgrind : Some memory leaks and possible issues corrected.



BFP (Baroque Floppy People) 2013: Official demo party results

August 4th, 2013 No comments

This is the official demo party results from BFP (Baroque Floppy People) Top 3 Entries only. See also the BFP homepage for more informations.

C64 Demo:

  • 1. Wonderland XII by Censor Design
  • 2. Scrollwars by Fairlight, Offence, Prosonix
  • 3. 20 Years Is Nothing by Hack n’ Trade

C64 Music:

  • 1. Da Cheese Cut by Scarzix
  • 2. Alice in Wonderland by Magnar Harestad
  • 3. Frozen Yoghurt by Qdor

C64 Graphics:

  • 1. The West Is Not Too Wild by Yazoo
  • 2. Fearless by Sphinx
  • 3. Skål by AcidT*rroreast

Download: BFP (Baroque Floppy People) full Party stuff (1014)

source: BFP Homepage

C64 Game: Mysterix +1ED / Sheepoid DX +7HD / Scramble 1k +3 …

August 3rd, 2013 No comments

Atari Głuchołazy 2013 (2K13) party results

August 1st, 2013 No comments

This is the official demo party results from the Atari Głuchołazy 2013. See also the Atari Głuchołazy 2013 homepage for more informations.

Graphics Compo:

  • 1. Fred by Piesiu
  • 2. Glazy2013 by Rocky
  • 3. Pszczelak by Rocky
  • 4. Wampirek by Rocky
  • 5. Ogrodnik by Nosty

Music Compo:

  • 1. Chip Spring Tune by LiSU
  • 2. Far Away by stRing

Code Compo:

  • 1. Wielbłądy 2 by Lamers
  • 2. Lashes of flashes by TDC



Apple ][ Europlus (Apple II Europlus) Restoration and Repair

July 31st, 2013 1 comment

This gallery shows some stages of cleaning the computer Apple ][ Europlus, Apple Disk ][.

I have also made minor repairs which i describe below:

  • Replaced the Lamp of the power-on.
  • Removing the RIFA filter capacitor (the capacitor was exploded)
  • Fixed the center hub of the Apple Disk ][.

Apple ][ Europlus (Apple II Europlus)

July 31st, 2013 No comments
Apple ][ EuroPlus with a Apple Monitor III


The gallery of the Apple /// Monitor can be viewed by clicking here

from Wikipedia:

The Apple II series (trademarked with square brackets as “Apple ][") is a set of 8-bit home computers, one of the first highly successful mass-produced microcomputer products, designed primarily by Steve Wozniak, manufactured by Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) and introduced in 1977 with the original Apple II. In terms of ease of use, features and expandability the Apple II was a major technological advancement over its predecessor, the Apple I, a limited-production bare circuit board computer for electronics hobbyists that pioneered many features that made the Apple II a commercial success. Introduced at the West Coast Computer Faire on April 16, 1977, the Apple II was among the first successful personal computers; it launched the Apple company into a successful business (and allowed several related companies to start). Throughout the years, a number of models were sold, with the most popular model remaining relatively little changed into the 1990s. It was first sold on June 10, 1977. By the end of production in 1993, somewhere between five and six million Apple II series computers (including about 1.25 million Apple IIGS models) had been produced.

The Apple II Plus, introduced in June 1979,included the Applesoft BASIC programming language in ROM. This Microsoft-authored dialect of BASIC, which was previously available as an upgrade, supported floating-point arithmetic, and became the standard BASIC dialect on the Apple II series (though it ran at a noticeably slower speed than Steve Wozniak's Integer BASIC).

Except for improved graphics and disk-booting support in the ROM, and the removal of the 2k 6502 assembler/disassembler to make room for the floating point BASIC, the II+ was otherwise identical to the original II. RAM prices fell during 1980–81 and all II+ machines came from the factory with a full 48k of memory already installed. The language card in Slot 0 added another 16k, but it had to be bank switched since the remaining CPU address space was occupied by the ROMs and I/O area. For this reason, the extra RAM in the language card was bank-switched over the machine’s built-in ROM, allowing code loaded into the additional memory to be used as if it actually were ROM. Users could thus load Integer BASIC into the language card from disk and switch between the Integer and Applesoft dialects of BASIC with DOS 3.3′s INT and FP commands just as if they had the BASIC ROM expansion card. The language card was also required to use the UCSD Pascal and FORTRAN 77 compilers, which were released by Apple at about the same time. These ran under the UCSD p-System operating system, which had its own disk format and emitted code for a “virtual machine” rather than the actual 6502 processor. The UCSD P-system had a curious approach to memory management, which became even more curious on the Apple III.

A TEMPEST-approved version of the Apple II Plus was created in 1980 by the Georgia Tech Research Institute for U.S. Army FORSCOM, and used as a component in the earliest versions of the Microfix system. Fielded in 1982, the Microfix system was the first tactical system using video disk (Laserdisk) map technology providing zoom and scroll over map imagery coupled with a point database of intelligence data such as order of battle, airfields, roadways, and bridges.

After the success of the first Apple II in the United States, Apple expanded its market to include Europe, Australia and the Far East in 1978, with the Apple II Europlus (Europe, Australia) and the Apple II J-Plus (Japan). In these models, Apple made the necessary hardware, software and firmware changes in order to comply to standards outside of the U.S. The power supply was modified to accept the local voltage, and in the European and Australian model the video output signal was changed from color NTSC to monochrome PAL – an extra video card was needed for color PAL graphics, since the simple tricks Wozniak had used to generate a pseudo-NTSC signal with minimal hardware did not carry over to the more complex PAL system. In the Japanese version of the international Apple, the keyboard layout was changed to allow for Katakana writing (full Kanji support was clearly beyond the capabilities of the machine), but in most other countries the international Apple was sold with an unmodified American keyboard; thus the German model still lacked the umlauts, for example. For the most part, the Apple II Europlus and J-Plus were identical to the Apple II Plus. Production of the Europlus ended in 1983.

source: wikipedia

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #70 and #71

July 29th, 2013 No comments

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #70 and #71

Free to download Commodore magazine dedicated to Commodore Computers.

In the issue #70 you can find:
Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #5
Readers Comments
Commodore: The Amiga Years
Lotek64 Issue 44 Released
Commodore Gaming Party 2007 Video
Asteroids +4 Emulator
SX-64 Commercial Update
More CommVEx 2012 Videos
JPEG2000 Plugin Released
Amiga 1200 Badges
Review: Stair Runner for the PET
Interview with Jeremy Smith
Review: Ladybug for the PET


SEUCK 2013 Competition Entries
Tetwels Released For The VIC 20
Ladybug Released For The PET
CommVEx 2012 Videos Being Posted
C64 BASIC Sprites YouTube Video
New V.A.M.P. 0.94 available
Happy Easter
Club Info 129 Released
In the issue #71 you can find:
Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #6
AmigaOS 4: Assist 1.0
StormC 5 Editor Released
Berzerk Redux Final C64
Finding Elvis (Journey To The
Center Of The Earth)
Multicolor2Char v0.2
Petro Tyschtschenko Interview
Hermit’s 1 Rasterline Tracker
Amiga Forever & C64 Forever 2013
NetSurf 3.0 For The Amiga
CommVEx 2012 Videos
Android C64 Emulator
Amiga Forever Essentials


More CommVEx 2012 Videos
Flimsoft News
“Network Of Light” from THYX
Thatcher’s Legacy and the UK Games Industry in the 1980s
Review: C64 Walkabout
Review: Sir Ababol / Nanako
“Nightmare Park”
Interview With Lenard Roach



Categories: Magazine, News & Rumors, Today

Applied Technology MicroBee PC 85 (Model II) + ROM Eprom Dump

July 24th, 2013 No comments
Applied Technology MicroBee PC 85 (Model II)


from Wikipedia:

MicroBee (Micro Bee) was a series of home computers by Applied Technology, later known as MicroBee Systems.

The original MicroBee computer was designed in Australia by a team including Owen Hill and Matthew Starr. It was based on features available on the DG-Z80 and DG-640 S-100 cards developed by David Griffiths, TCT-PCG S-100 card developed by TCT Micro Design and MW6545 S-100 card developed by Dr John Wilmshurst. It was originally packaged as a two board unit, with the lower “main board” containing the keyboard, Zilog Z80 microprocessor, Synertek 6545 CRT controller, 2 kB of “screen” RAM, 2 kB of character ROM (128 characters) and 2 kB of Programmable Character Graphics (PCG) RAM (128 characters). Each byte in the screen RAM addressed a character in either the character ROM or PCG RAM. A second board, termed the “core board”, contained the memory, and on later models also included a floppy disk controller.

The computer was conceived as a kit, with assembly instructions included in Your Computer magazine, in June 1982. After a successful bid for the New South Wales Department of Education computer tender, the computer was repackaged in a two-tone beige and black case, and sold pre-built. The 16 kB ROM held the MicroWorld BASIC interpreter written by Matthew Starr and DGOS (David Griffiths Operating System) compatible System Monitor. In addition to the 16 kB ROM, there is additional ROM socket for optional programs such as WORDBEE (Word processor) or EDASM (a Z80 Editor/Assembler that was written by Ron Harris).

Original MicroBees ran at a clock speed of 2 MHz, with a video dot clock of 12 MHz, which was sufficient to display 64 × 16 characters (512 × 256 pixels) on a modified television or composite monitor. The original machines were supplied with 16 or 32 kB of static RAM, and stored programs on cassette, using 1200 Baud encoding.

Download: MicroBee PC 85 ROM Eprom Dump (1477)

source: wikipedia

Nordlicht 2013: Official demo party results

July 22nd, 2013 No comments

This is the official demo party results from Nordlicht 2013 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the Nordlicht 2013 homepage for more informations.


  • Pimmelsafari by Metalvotze (Game)
  • Return of the Jedi (Game)
  • Hubbard Selector by Peiselulli (Music Collection)

Mixed Graphics:

  • Night Walk by Arsenic, Oxyron
  • Mind Collapse by Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated
  • Never Trust a c64 by Rabenauge

Mixed Music:

  • Lauter by dEViLOCk
  • N0rdl1cht 2013 by fieserWolf
  • Two Reds For One Blues by Mayday!

Mixed Demo:

  • Natura Morta by Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated
  • Zeropage Gravity by Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated
  • Call of the Past by Arsenic

Productions released outside compos:

  • D71 Ultimate V0.2 (Tool)
  • Demo of the Year 2013 by Phantasy/Hitmen/Laxity/Alpha Flight/Fossil/Oxyron/Chorus/Camelot/Censor Design (Demo)

Download: Nordlicht 2013 full Party stuff (1025)


Philips Videopac G7000 (PAL) RGB Video Mod

July 20th, 2013 7 comments
Philips Videopac G7000 with RGB Output


I have found this RGB mod for the Philips Videopac G7000 console fom the gamesx site and i have decided to build the circuit to see if it works.

This mod is not easy to do, especially if one has no experience in electronics, however the result at the end is spectacular.

RGB DAC Schematics (click to zoom):

Download: Philips VideoPac G7000 Schematics (1846)
