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Everdrive N64 – OS Update v1.29 released

21 January 2013 2 commenti

E’ stato rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento del sistema operativo (OS) per la Everdrive N64 Flash Cartridge (Nintendo 64) di Krikzz. Le istruzioni per l’aggiornamento le potete trovare qui.


  • Allows to load/save controller pak to file. Please use any .mpk file and c-down button. It works only if controller pak plugged into joy port1. /ED64/dummy.mpk file can be used for exchange.
  • Ability to force default save type.
  • Ability to force M-PAL TV mode. Not sure if it work properly, cuz i don’t have PAL-M system for tests.
  • Os can run Banjo-Tooie U without manual patching.

Download: Everdrive N64 - OS Update v1.29 (1590)

source: krikzz.com

AspeQt v0.8.6 (Atari serial peripheral emulator for Qt)

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

Atari ++ v1.71 (Atari 8 bit emulator)

18 January 2013 1 commento

L’Atari++ è un emulatore Atari 8 Bit dei seguenti modelli: Atari 400 e 800, l’Atari 400XL, 800XL e 130XE, e la console Atari 5200.

L’emulatore puo’ essre compilato senza troppi problemi su sistemi operativi Linux (Linux, Solaris, Irix).


source: xl-project.com

SID Duzz’ It v2.1

SID Duzz it, e’ un’ottimo SID Music Editor programmato da Geir Tjelta del gruppo SHAPE.

Download: SID Duzz\' It v2.1 (888)

source: csdb.dk

HermIRES v1.25 C64 hires-bitmap editor

HermIRES e’ un hires bitmap (Art Studio 1 format) editor per il Commodore 64.

The format has some restrictions, here are the rules:

  • The maximal resolution of the picture is 320×200
  • Only 16 fix C64 colours can be used (no gradient either)
  • In a 8×8 pixel-block only 2 colours can used to be displayable by C64 (this is detected in HermIRES, but .hbm files can be saved with clashes too.)
  • On a real C64 the PAL will blur the screen-content a bit, should check on CRT, or at least VICE emulator’s CRT simulation.



  • Color swapping fast-button – Tilde “`” button (BitBreaker’s idea)
  • Show pen-diameter preview circle if diameter is bigger than the default
  • *dense (pixel-scale) grid toggleable (in bigger magnifications too).
  • *added ‘Deny painting’,'Reuse existing colour’ and ‘Set block colour’ mode to ClashTest – different settings on/off in case clash would happen…
  • *showing zoomed area in the preview, allow going to area in zoomed mode when left-clicking on preview
  • Showing ongoing progresses by text/graphics (loading/converting/drawing…)
  • Selectable CRT emulation for Preview/Grid only… (for faster operation on slow machines)
  • Undo step number displayed (should undo history also be saved?)


  • Control/shift/alt stucked in Win7 with allegro devpak 4.2… -> using allegro devpak 4.4.2 version instead!
  • Reduced overall CPU usage – refined timed and pixelling/detection events
  • iI Windows it was slow (especially in CRT emulation) -> wrote optimized software CRT-emul.pixelling for GridDrawer, not relying on hw-acceleration
  • *pressing F1..F4 fucked up (enlightens) toolbar sometimes – solution: timing stabilizer / thread safety check solved it
  • Preview-zoom title-text was overwritten by Grid-Zoom-text in the smallest resolution mode with 2-digit magnifications
  • *there was ‘allegro error #11′ and ‘segmentation fault’ at lower than required resolution – it was logical mistake in resolution-decider loop
  • Made dithered and big-pendiameter filled rectangle/circle drawing faster (set the steps according to pen-diameter)
  • *allegro filename-extension detection was wrong – if ‘.’ used in filename and no extension given, only the name before was saved to disk! -> used ustrcmp & strcat instead
  • *C64-executable format name-tag (caption) now editable (deleting it disables it)


source: hermit.netne.net

C64 Game: S-Blox v1.0 / Octron / Super Mario Bros Preview …

NAV: Un File Browser con supporto Mouse per il Commodore 64

NAV, è un nuovo file browser per il Commodore 64 con NAV è possibile utilizzare il mouse in porta 1 e il joystick in porta 2 o la tastiera per navigare.

NAV può funzionare con un massimo di cinque unità floppy esterne ed è stato testato con le seguenti interfaccie:

1541, 1571, 1581, uIEC, IDE64

Download: NAV (D64) (938)

source: commodoreserver.com

Atari SillyVenture 2k12 Calendario per il nuovo anno

Calendario in formato PDF rilasciato da Marcin Dworaczek (Moonie aka / MSB) per il nuovo anno.

Le immagini contenute nel calendario sono state rilasciate nell’ultima edizione del SillyVenture Party (SV2k12), e provengono dai seguenti autori: Piesiu, Ripek, Rocky, Ooz, Ukko, Templeton, Odyn1ec e Bracket.

Download: SillyVenture 2013 calendar (1331)

source: sillyventure.eu

Altirra, Atari 8-bit computer emulator v2.20

8 January 2013 1 commento

Altirra è un emulatore di Atari 8 bit per Windows/DOS. Emula i vari modelli di computer Atari, infatti include il modello 800, 800XL, 130XE.

Ha un sacco di opzioni e funzionalita’ considerando che l’emulatore e’ ancora nelle fasi iniziali di sviluppo. Tutto sommato un bel emulatore per gli amanti del vecchio computer ATARI 8 Bit.

Download: Altirra v2.20 (883)

source: virtualdub.org

C64 Game: Tone-Loco + 100% / SRogue v1.0 &D / Gorf …

Dreamhost: 3+ anni di Sofferenze e Bestemmie

7 January 2013 3 commenti

Dopo 3+ anni di Sofferenze e Bestemmie alcuni giorni fa’ abbiamo abbandonato definitivamente uno dei peggiori hosting condivisi della rete.

Stiamo parlando di Dreamhost.

Il sito Nightfallcrew.com / Retrocomputermania.com / Retrothings.org ora gira su un server dedicato e virtualizzato Proxmox (KVM).

HermIRES v1.2 C64 hires-bitmap editor

HermIRES e’ un hires bitmap (Art Studio 1 format) editor per il Commodore 64.

The format has some restrictions, here are the rules:

  • The maximal resolution of the picture is 320×200
  • Only 16 fix C64 colours can be used (no gradient either)
  • In a 8×8 pixel-block only 2 colours can used to be displayable by C64 (this is detected in HermIRES, but .hbm files can be saved with clashes too.)
  • On a real C64 the PAL will blur the screen-content a bit, should check on CRT, or at least VICE emulator’s CRT simulation.


source: hermit.netne.net

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #66

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #66

Magazine dedicato alla scena Commodore scaricabile gratuitamente.

In this issue you can find:
New Products at amigakit.com
C16 Mega Games Collection
Paku Paku
C64 Introductory Audio Tape
MEM64 Released
Hollywood 5.2 Released
Amiga Puzzle Game: G.E.M.Z
iGame Front End for Windows
Nerd Book
SID Wizard Creation Guides
AROS Vision 1.5.5 Uploaded
Could Elite Make A Comeback?
New Version of SysInfo Available
SteamDraw 2.1 Released
JiffyDOS & uIEC Cheat Sheet
ìThe Amiga Worksî Kickstarter
New Articles on Obligement
Revival Studios News


AmigaOS 4 News: A Frog Game
V.A.M.P. Player 0.86 Available
Sketchblock Version 1.7 Relased
GadToolsBox 3 Open Sourced
Home Taping Is Killing Gaming
Computers For The Masses Not Just The Classes
Review: Mayhem
Review: Dream (Unexpanded VIC20)
Retro Derby (G & G)
Review: Alien Bash 2
Review: Space Lords


source: commodorefree.com

Hoxs64 v1.0.8.3. Nuovo aggiornamento per l’emulatore di C64

Hoxs64 scritto da David Horrocks e’ un’ottimo Emulatore di Commodore 64 per Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+).


  • Bug fix to VIC. Removed faulty VIC ClockNextWakeUpClock runtime (not debugger) mode optimiser code that had caused the Technological Snow demo by Agony Design to fail since v1.0.6.3.
  • EasyFlash v2 title screen glitch now fixed by correcting the “hard reset” code to set the sprite Y expansion flip-flops.


source: hoxs64.net

SID Known v1.05 a SID tune identifier tool

SID Known è un programma a riga di comando (M$ Windows) che serve ad identificare i brani musicali “SID” all’interno dei file con estensione .SID oppure .PRG

Questo strumento può essere utilizzato se ad esempio volete sapere quale brano musicale “SID” viene utilizzato in una demo o nel vostro gioco preferito.

Download: SID Known v1.05 (1224)

source: csdb.dk