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Keyword: ‘ghtfall’

Atari 8-Bit Game: Line Runner by GR8 Software

Line Runner è una conversione per Atari 8-Bit del popolare gioco per Android e iPhone programmato e distribuito da Rober Szeleney (Djinnworks).

Line Runner è disponibile per Atari 800XL, 65XE, 130XE, 1200XL, sia PAL che NTSC ed è disponibile anche una versione cartuccia ad un prezzo molto interessante.

Download: Line Runner by GR8 Software (986)

source: gr8.atari.pl

Categorie:Atari, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Wheelin’ Wallie HS / Donkey Kong (Atarisoft) +5H …

C64 Game: Attacker +4H / Gertie Goose + / Stop Stones +5H …

C64 Utility: EasyCLI v0.06

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

Flashback 2012: C64 – Official demo party results

Questi sono i risultati ufficiali (solo i primi 3 posti) del Demo party Flashback 2012 che si e’ concluso l’11/06/2012. Per maggiori informazioni o aggiornamenti visita il sito CSDB nella sezione Flashback 2012.

C64 Demo:

  • Are we there yet? by Genesis Project
  • Better by Onslaught
  • Hokutopus Force by Hokuto Force

C64 Music:

  • Tasmanian Jazzcat by Wiklund
  • Delusion by Adam
  • Coca Koala by Stinsen

C64 Graphics:

  • Sir Marmot Wombadger by iLKke
  • Reflected by Joe
  • Shut Up Woman Get on My Horse by Chicken Brittle

Productions released outside compos:

  • Hertzblut by Arsenic (Music Collection)
  • Vandalism News #59 by Vandalism News Staff/Wrath Designs/Onslaught (Diskmag)

Download: Flashback 2012 full Party stuff (1049)

source: noname.c64.org/csdb/

C64 DiskMagazine: Vandalism News #59

E’ stata rilasciata la 59° edizione del Diskmagazine Vandalism di Onslaught / Wrath Designs / Vandalism.

Download: Vandalism News #59 (979)

source: noname.c64.org/csdb

EasyFlash 3 CPLD Firmware v1.0.0

E’ stato rilasciato il nuovo firmware per la cartuccia EasyFlash 3 di Skoe. Le istruzioni per l’aggiornamento le potete trovare qui.


Version 1.0.0 – 06.06.2012

  • USB and I/O2 RAM are also active in KERNAL mode
  • Allows USB-related features in a special KERNAL currently being developed.
  • KERNAL implementation uses a cleaner timing now.
  • CPLD Version register added ($de08). It will be displayed in the next menu version, not release yet.
  • Improved C128 support.
  • 2 MHz mode works in EasyFlash mode (needed for PoP)
  • Added a way to leave to C64 mode or to C128 mode.
  • Will need a menu update, not release yet.
  • Still NO external KERNAL on C128! Many optimizations to get all this crap into the CPLD.

Some of the features will need a software update which is not release yet. Do not try to start an external KERNAL on the C128, it will crash.

Download: EasyFlash 3 CPLD Firmware v1.0.0 (1405)

source: forum64.de

C64 Utility: EasyCLI v0.05

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

Ym2149 Tracker 12.023 Beta

Peter Jørgensen ha rilasciato una nuova versione del tracker YM-2149, il software che gira sotto ambiente M$ Windows emula il chip audio YM-2149 che viene utilizzato dai computer della serie Atari ST/E/Falcon.

New Function in Beta 12.021:

  • Auto portamento.
  • Buzzer Vibrato.
  • Buzzer portamento.
  • Unified frequent list.
  • Turn Tone/Wave on-off in vibrato, bend and arpeggio.
  • Vibrato Depth.
  • Invert Vibrato for synth wave.

Beta 120.23 – note from the author:

i found 3 bugs in the tone-bend routine. and i have also change 2 of the functions in the program.

Before note-lock was affecting both S1 and S2 now you can set it to s1,s2 or both. I have also change bend-mode ramp-off to only turn off the source that is being bent. So if you bend only S1 then it is only S1 that is turn off after the bend is finish

Download: Ym2149 Tracker 12.023 Beta (1042)

source: bitmania.de

Bidding ended to US $75.600,00 for a Original Apple 1 Motherboard

source: ebay.com

C64 Game: Soulless +3D / EasyFlash Compilation #4 / Robin …

E’ stato rilasciato del nuovo Software per Commodore 64 dai seguenti gruppi: Onslaught, Lifeless Incorporated and Nostalgia.


source: csdb.dk

Javatari v1.08 (Atari 2600 emulator)

Javatari e’ un’emulatore di Atari 2600 scritto in Java che non richiede librerie esterne per poter funzionare.


  • Unique Client-Server multiplayer mode. Runs great in low-latency networks such as LANs.
  • Cheat and turn off Collisions. Finally discover the ending of River Raid!
  • Complete Save State/Load State functions.
  • Scanlines and TV screen emulation modes.
  • Real Atari console user interface.

Download: Javatari JAR (Needs Java 6) (897)

source: javatari.org

C64 Game: Rocket Man +2 +Pic / Robot +3D / Pegman +2 …

HxC Floppy Emulator: aggiornamento Software

L’interfaccia ‘HxC Floppy Drive Emulator‘ è un sistema hardware e software creato da jfdn aka Jeff.

L’obiettivo di questo progetto è quello di sostituire l’unità floppy disk con un dispositivo elettronico che emula il floppy drive (lista dell’hardware supportato).

Esistono due interfaccie di emulazione:

  • Una versione USB che permette di collegare l’interfaccia floppy disk drive del computer a un PC tramite un cavo USB.
  • Una versione SDCARD che permette di emulare i floppy disk tramite le immagini memorizzate su una SDCARD.

Note di rilascio del software HxCFloppyEmulator v1.6.11.16:

  • Akai S950 DD & Akai S950 HD interface mode support added (need firmware v1.6.4.4 or more)
  • … full release notes here

Download: HxCFloppyEmulator software v1.6.11.16 (986)

source: hxc2001.free.fr

CBM FileBrowser v1.3 by NBLA000

NBLA000 ha aggiornato il programma CBM FileBrowser includendo il supporto per il Commodore C16/C116/Plus4.

Il CBM FileBrowser e’ un semplice e funzionale file browser per i Computer della serie Commodore e vengono supportati diversi devices nativi e non, ad esempio: MMC2IEC, SD2IEC, uIEC, C64-SD e molti altri ancora.

Computer attualmente supportati:

  • C64.
  • C64DTV.
  • Vic-20 unexpanded.
  • Vic-20 +3K RAM.
  • Vic-20 +8K RAM or plus (for FE3 use this version)
  • Vic-20 with Mega-Cart.
  • C16 / C116 / Plus4.
  • C128 in 64 mode.


  • v.0.1 – 01-Sep-2009 (Start of project, C64/C64DTV only)
  • v.0.2 – 21-Oct-2009 (First working version for Vic-20 +8K RAM)
  • v.0.3 – 06-Jan-2010 (Added memory config auto-detection for Vic-20 selected program)
  • v.0.4 – 19-Jan-2010 (Added support for Vic-20 with Mega-Cart and manual start mode)
  • v.0.5 – 10-Feb-2010 (Added support for Vic-20 unexpanded and Vic-20 +3K RAM)
  • v.1.0 – 05-Mar-2010 (First public version, minor issues fixed, C64 and Vic-20 supported)
  • v.1.1 – 22-Jun-2010 (Added support for D41 and DNP file images, sd2iec firmware v.0.9.0 or higher required)
  • v.1.2 – 09-Oct-2010 (Added SJLOAD speed-up option to the manual mode of the Mega-cart version)
  • v.1.3 – 31-May-2012 (Added support for C16/C116/Plus4, Sort directories, cosmetic changes)

Download: CBM FileBrowser v1.3 by NBLA000 (1300)

source: vic20.it/cbmfilebrowser