Risultati della ricerca

Keyword: ‘commodore’

PreserveC64DB v1.00 di M4Z

Questa e’ un’applicazione per migliorare/organizzare la ricerca di files per Commodore 64. Scritto in PHP con database MySQL.


  • [ Search.....] Filename, Sysline, Label & BAM and organize data via the [edit] function.
  • [ Matcher....] Scan your archive for missing releases.
  • [ Import.....] Import your collections of Commodore data.
  • [ compare....] Compare uniqeness of a new collection against the database.
  • [ Publishers.] Add information about publishers to catalog your archive.
  • [ Collections] Fast view of your imported collections.
  • [ Statistics.] See detailed and statistical information of your collections.
  • [ Missing....] View or add missing release information.
  • [ Help.......] Help file.

Supported file types:

  • Fully : D64, D71, D81, LNX, PRG, Pxx, T64, SPY, LBR.
  • Partly: G64, TAP, X64, ARK, ARC & CRT.

source: noname.c64.org

AceDOS v1.0 di MirkoSoft per Commodore 128

AceDOS per Commodore 128 supporta le unità: 64HDD (Professional), IEC-ATA e 1541Ultimate SD-DCA (SD – direct card access).

AceDOS puo’ essere utilizzato anche con le unità standard, ma alcune funzioni verranno disabilitate.

source: mirkosoft homepage

(English) Brain Innovations new Hardware for Commodore

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

Nuovi Giochi e Utility per il Commodore VIC-20

Nuovi Giochi e Utility per Commodore VIC-20.

  • Go Left. The object of the game is to go left. A player may fail by not going left. Points are scored by correctly going left. Follow the on-screen directions. (This game appears on the white side of the Denial Collection 3)
  • Font 1. A replacement font for the VIC 20.
  • The Dungeon of Doom – RPG Creator. Funny, colourful, and comprehensive RPG creator, including dungeon and character generators – both with excellent graphics!

source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #39

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #39


  • Editorial.
  • Readers Comments.
  • Commodore USA, LLC.
  • NEWS
  • - New Version: D64Lister 1.7.
  • - CCS64 Updated.
  • - BASIC Game Competition.
  • - Amiga Zorro RAMBoard.
  • - Digital Talk 90.
  • - TAP Clean.
  • - Clear Competition Pro.
  • - Commodore Plus/4 Spreadsheet.
  • - Datatool.
  • - Return Issue 2.
  • - VIC20 Twitter Client.
  • - New Version of SD2IEC Released.
  • - PET Alive!
  • - Commodore Free.
  • - John Fielden.
  • - Peter Badrick.
  • - Chris Syntichakis.
  • - Commodore Free (2)
  • - Shaun Bebbington.
  • - Charles J. Gutman.

source: commodorefree.com

Rilasciata la nuova versione del programma C64-Archiv v3.1

28 April 2010 3 commenti

Principali Funzionalita’:

  • Memorizza i giochi del Commodore 64 con un semplice wizard.
  • Gestisce facilmente i programmi del C64 con la creazione di categorie.
  • Avvia i programmi del C64 con diversi emulatori.
  • Fornisce istruzioni dettalgiate per gli emulatori VICE e CCS64.
  • Gestisce e Memorizza i files con le estensioni. D64,. D71,. P00,. PRG e. T64.
  • Gestisce e Memorizza i files con le estensioni: .tap .vsf (VICE-snapshot-file) e .c64 (CCS-session-file)
  • Gestisce e Memorizza i files con le estensioni: .zip, .7z e .cab.
  • Supporto multi linguaggio.

Version 3.1 – What’s new?

  • NEW: Views “Last started “, “Top 100″ (= Most recently used)
  • NEW: Improved Gamebase list with up to 30 columns.
  • NEW: Customizing views.
  • NEW: Profiles for the emulator Emu64.
  • NEW: .CRT, .TXT, .NFO and .DIZ-files can be stored.
  • NEW: French translation (Thanks to Max from MCC64.be).
  • BUG FIXED: Wrong copy from parameters.
  • FIXED: Various minor bugs.

source: Mikes Pages

geoLink V1.00

Geolink è una nuova applicazione GEOS per il Commodore 64 scritta da ShadowM e utilizza lo stack TCP/IP (IP65) per connettersi alla rete.

source: lyonlabs.org

Philips Monitor VS0080 / MSX2

18 April 2010 8 commenti
Philips Monitor VS0080 / MSX2


Il monitor presentava alcuni guasti: l’interuttore di accensione e ingresso video Composito. Ambedue i problemi sono stati risolti.

Il Monitor a RGB VS0080 e’ praticamente identico al Commodore 1084 Monitor ma di colore Nero e senza Ingressi RGB TTL.

Download: PHILIPS VS0060 0080 Service Manual (26)

C64 Game: Spike from TRSI

TRSI ha rilasciato un nuovo gioco per Commodore 64. Il gioco che si chiama Spike e’ una conversione di un titolo della console Vectrex del 1983.

source: noname.c64.org

40-column ASCII text viewer for VIC-20 by Michael Kircher

40-column ASCII text viewer with scrolling screen for VIC-20.

Requirements: VIC-20 with +8K RAM expansion, or more; disc drive.

source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)

VIC-20 Trackmo: Going lowres from TRSI

This is a Trackmo with several Effects, Graphics and Tunes, placed 6th at Breakpoint 2010 Wild Compo.

Requirements: VIC20 + 16K RAM + Diskdrive.

source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)

Visual Studio 6502 Language Extension

10 April 2010 3 commenti

This is a 6502 Language Extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. Scritto da Pantaloon di Fairlight.

source: noname.c64.org

Breakpoint 2010 Competition Results

C64 Demo:

  • 1 Snapshot by Glance.
  • 2 Black Spark 90% by Black Sun.
  • 3 Agiel by Inversion.
  • 4 Zak Is Back by Onslaught.

C64 4K Intro:

  • 1 Dramatic Pixels by Pers’ Wastaiset Produktiot.
  • 2 Rushed Orb by Resource.
  • 3 Nine by Chorus.
  • 4 Man with a Hat in Bingen by Karoshier.
  • 5 RasterDoubler in 110 Bytes by Abyss Connection, Tristar.

Prosegui la lettura…

TAPClean v0.24c (OSx/Dos/Linux)

Il programma TAPClean e’ un’utility per i files Commodore in formato TAP / DC2N DMP (Immagini TAPE).

Questa utility potrebbe tornare utile se si vuole riparare o rimasterizzare questo tipo di files.

source: sourceforge.net

Made in Italy: Interfaccia C64SD di Manosoft

ManoSoft presenta la sua interfaccia di emulazione Floppy Drive 1541 per Commodore 64.

Questa interfaccia e’ basata sul firmware SD2IEC di Shadowolf. il Firmware e’ disponibile sotto licenza Open Source (GPL).

Qui la recensione di questa particolare interfaccia.

source: youtube.com