The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.20 – 30/7/2022
- Combo buttons to go up of one directory.
The new feature working when you are in FILE BROWSING display mode and by holding down the button MODE and at the same time press the button of the ENCODER you can go up of one directory.
This mode is very useful if you have a list of many files or directory and would like to easily go up of one directory, currently you should scroll at the beginning or at the end of the list and then click on the double dot to go back, really boring.
- Modified the way for the horizontal scroll of the sid filenames list.
I was not very convinced by the system that i have made for scroll the filenames horizontally, so i changed the mode, in my opinion much nicer.
By holding down the MODE key when you are in FILE BROWSING display mode you can move the entire screen with the filenames list left and right using the same encoder that is used to scroll the filenames list up and down.
Moreover the horizontal screen position is maintained also after the switching of the display mode or if you go up of one or more directory.

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Stoker Preview 2 +1D
- Times of Lore +5DI [HF]
- Skate Rock +2DGHM
- Doctor Who Quiz [german]
- Zoomies!
- Zoomies! +3H
- Zoomies! +2
- The Crypt, Castle Master 2
- Zoomies! +3 [HF]
- Zoomies! +
- Slip Off +H
- Gold Quest 6 – Extended Version
- Hot Wingbatz
- Shoot the Rapids +2DH [HF]
- Don’t Punish Me! V1.1
- Don’t Punish Me! V1.1 &DS
- Chubby Gristle +1DG [HF]
- Operation Neptune Preview +2
- Petaxian Preview 2 +3D
- Cacorm +3
- Poing Ultra
- Poing Ultra +2D
- Infinirail
- Skyhigh the Prequel – Muck in the Stratosphere
- Skiddy
- Snake Break
- Little Nippers 4K +1HD
- Mimizuku Saga 4k
- Bring Back More Bones 4k
- Catch 22
- Circles
- Be a Bear 4k
- Little Nippers 4K
- Old Mine Hoist +1HD
- Infinirail +
- Jump Course +
- Old Mine Hoist
- Circles +
- Bring Back More Bones 4k +
- Be a Bear 4k +1D
- Skiddy 4k +D
- Skyhigh the Prequel – Muck in the Stratosphere +2D
- Space Invaders V1.2 + [HF]
- Marble Boy +2D
- BrumBrum +1HD
- Be a Bear 4K +2 [HF]
- Mimizuku Saga 4K +2D
- Snake Break +2HD
- Germany 1985 2.0 [HF]
- Sir Arthur Preview +2
- Delve!: The Goblin’s Grotto +1D
- Delve!: The Goblin’s Grotto
- Sir Arthur Preview
- POKE 4K +1HD
- DICE8 Game – Revision 2
- Nurikabe +D
- Heli ’83 Director’s Cut +5D
- Head Hunter +1CD
- POKE 4K +1D [HF]
- Morubotto +1D
- Head Hunter +2D
- Hard Foam +D
- BrumBrum +1HD
- Skyhigh the Prequel – Muck in the Stratosphere +2DF
- Robocop 2 [EasyFlash]
- Attack of the Mutant Cabbages +1D
- P-47 Thunderbolt +4DFGI [HF]
- Jolly Jumper
- Dicing With Death 4K +2D
- Brownfinger +1H
- Brownfinger
- Jolly Jumper +1H
- Brownfinger +
- Jolly Jumper +
- Tupouni 2 [czech]
- Tupouni [czech]
- Dicing With Death V1.01
- BrumBrum V1.01 +1HD
- Dicing With Death 4K V1.01 +2D
- BrumBrum V1.01 +3DH
- Movie Quiz Preview 2 +
- Dicing With Death V1.2
- Dicing With Death 4K V1.2 +3D
- Mean Streets +6DW [tapecart]
- POKE 4K V1.2
- Pong Clone
- POKE 4K V1.2 +1HD
- Creatures +10DFH [tapecart]
- Creatures 2 +10DFH [tapecart]
- Quod Init Exit IIm +8D [rev20220526]
- Lykia – The Lost Island (free version)
- Quod Init Exit IIo Preview 2 +5
- Mayhem in Monsterland +10DF [tapecart]
Download: All Games in One Archive (3366)
source: csdb.dk

This is the official demo party results from Gubbdata 2022. See also the CSDB GUBBDATA 2022 section for more informations.
C64 Demo:
- 1 – The World Is Not Enough – We Need More Scrollers by Bonzai
- 2 – 30 Years by Booze Design
- 3 – Sidelined 2 by Censor Design
- 4 – Lifecycle by Offence, Prosonix
- 5 – Breadbinked by Atlantis, Pretzel Logic
- 6 – Coppernicus by Triad
- 7 – Urbaniac by Mahna Mahna
- 8 – Megademo 7 by Hack n’ Trade
- 9 – Vovve by Rebels
- 10 – Uffelicious by Ancients, Camelot, Pretzel Logic, The Supply Team
- 11 – KaosLike by Hokuto Force
- 12 – Back From The Dead by Babygang
- 13 – Bananasours by Dinasours
- 14 – Fria bad BBS by Judas
- 15 – GubbLIIITCH [46 bytes] by MultiStyle Labs
C64 Music:
- 1 – Pilgrimage to Paradise by Flex
- 2 – Bruce Printscreen by Fegolhuzz
- 3 – Sommargubbe by Lft
- 4 – Hardwood by Stinsen
- 5 – Hot Earwax by MCH
- 6 – Gunnar Ö by Mutetus
- 7 – Liquid Sun by Vincenzo
- Farewell Nova Berg by Xiny6581
- 9 – A Strange Dream by Hein
- 10 – Grass Between Toes by psych858o
- 11 – Singularity by Proton
- 12 – Rising Planet by JCH
- 13 – Lai by The Syndrom
- 14 – The Battle by Nordischsound
- 15 – Italic Disco by Goto80
- 16 – Life! by Moraff
- 18 – Solving 20 Knots by ZZAP69
- 19 – GUBBJÄVEL!!! by DeMOSic
- 20 – Enter VX0 by ZZAP69
C64 Graphics:
- 1 – The Wanderer by Mikael
- 2 – SkyFall by Facet
- 3 – Fear Treatment by The Sarge
- 4 – Lovegun by Sulevi
- Tom Loves GB by The Sarge
- 6 – Uqbarensis by Twoflower
- 7 – Weather Balloons by mwambi
- 8 – Voidsurfer by Archmage
- 9 – Two Minds Frozen by Prowler
- 10 – Friday the 1st by Razorback
- 11 – Jack by Honcho
- 12 – Last Caller by grip
- 13 – Driller Date by christwoballs
- 14 – Mating call by Rail Slave
- 15 – Asteria by Sarahboev
- 16 – In a Lake by Katon
- 17 – Adelle by Katoyama
- 18 – 30 Years Excess by Almighty God
- 19 – GrotesQ by Quiara
- 20 – Das Geweih Wurde Verpfändet by Stabile Altbauten
- 21 – C64 Stripes by Katoyama
- 22 – There Will Never Be A Rainbow by Swistak
WiLD Demo:
- 1 – Sir Arthur Preview by PET SCIIENTISTS
- 4 – Retro SID-Cover Essentials by Finnish Gold, Onslaught
- 5 – Hollandaisesås by Judas
- 2 – Hakan (Eddie Meduza) by Ron/Wolk/makkan (Music)
- 3 – Dra skinnet bakåt by TDM/Icon/Twoflower (Music)
- 4 – Reaktorn läck i Barsebäck by theK (Music)
- 5 – Va’ den grön får du en ny by TDM/Icon/Twoflower (Music)
Mixed Graphics:
- 1 – Salem’s Lot by Triad
- 2 – Octopetscii by Pretzel Logic
- 3 – Midnight Goblins by Atlantis
- 4 – 6502/680×0 Rules! by Triad
- 5 – Drink Responsibly by Worrior1
- 6 – Snack Time by Lft
- 7 – Lockdown Party 2022 by Nah-Kolor
- 8 – Fishmoose by Judas
- 9 – NewMan by Atlantis
- 10 – Abiogenesis by 4gentE
- 11 – Executive by Frida Katarina
- 12 – Brallytrattz by Trazan
- 13 – Genesis Project by Noirot
Mixed Music:
- 1 – (Use Your) Imagination [2sid] by Atlantis
- 2 – Rollin’ with Tha Mouse [fm-yam] by Atlantis, Genesis Project, MultiStyle Labs, Xentax
- 3 – Greatness is a Vision [fm-yam] by Genesis Project, Xentax
Mixed Demo:
- 1 – I the Lamer by Fairlight
Productions released outside compos:
- Digi Organizer v.3 FM by Genesis Project/Xentax (Tool)
- Fart (Graphics)
- GoatTracker V2.76 – Silver Fork V1.0 (Other Platform Tool)
- Gubbatuned by Software of Sweden (Music Collection)
- IceBro Lite V1.0 (Other Platform Tool)
- Money for Nothing (595 Dollars Remix) (Music)
- Sir Arthur Preview +2 by Triad (Crack)
Download: Gubbdata 2022 Full Party stuff (819)
source: gubbdata.se

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Support Pagefox cartridge. Thanks Axel-Schweiss and Cpt.Hardy
- Device number can be set to 8-15. Thanks Gabeki17
- Improve disk emulation to support Rack’em. Thanks CommFor
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) is a freeware hobby project which organises Commodore 64 music (also known as SID music) into an archive for both musicians and fans alike.
The work on the collection is done completely in the Team and contributors’ spare time and is proudly one of the largest and most accurate computer music collections known.
This update features (all approximates):
- 709 new SIDs
- 24 fixed/better rips
- 1 repeats/bad rips eliminated
- 132 SID credit fixes
- 32 SID model/clock infos
- 5 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified
- 1 tunes from /GAMES/ identified
- 21 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories
- 4 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories
After this update, the collection should contain 55,775 SID files!
source: www.hvsc.c64.org

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Rodmän Jr+ +2
- Ad Verbum
- Rodmän Jr+ +5
- Krakout [1351 mouse]
- VG Data Maker
- Ascend +3
- Apple Cider Spider
- Alice in Wonderland
- Alcazar
- Daleks
- Ascend +4HD
- Asterofield II +2
- Torreoscura +DS
- Escape From Mystery Mansion
- Bootskell +3HD
- Aerial +2HD
- We Are Stardust
- The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters +2
- The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters
- Bloodless on the Orient Express
- Short of Sushi
- Topografie Wereld +DT
- H.E.R.O. +1DGHM V1.1 101%
- Don’t Punish me
- Don’t Punish Me +D
- Topografie Europa +DT
- Topografie Nederland [dutch]
- Orbital Rescue +
- Tutankham Returns +6D
- New Rally-X 64 Preview +4
- Pacman +2D
- McMurphy’s Mansion &DSMap
- Munchkin 64
- Munchkin 64 +1D
- Munchkin 64 +4D
- The Empire Strikes Back +4
- The Empire Strikes Back +4H [EasyFlash Release]
- The Empire Strikes Back +6H [EasyFlash Release]
- Star Wars Compilation [EasyFlash Release]
- Dead or Alive +6D
- 8bit-Slicks (2022-05-08)
- Daleks Preview +2D
- Brick Blasta +
- Don’t Punish Me! +DS [german]
- Don’t Punish Me! [german]
- Venture +D
- Galaga V1.06 +1D
- Phoenix Recovered V1.1 +5HD
- Daleks Attack +3
- Dalle Al Dalek +2
- Dynamite Dux +8DHI
- New Rally-X 64 Preview 2 +3
- Hampstead [spanish]
- Robotron 2064 Preview
- Cosmic Guerilla Preview
- Vigilante +6DHI
- Minijump
- Shadow of the Beast + [EasyFlash]
- Amaurote Isometric 128 [C128]
- Rowman +2H
- Tenebra Extended +5PD
- Stoker Preview 2 +D
- Tenebra Extended +1P
- Cruiser-X 79 Preview 3 +4D
- Ball & Chain +HD
- Ball & Chain +1HD
- Fallen Angel +5DGHI
- Tenebra Extended
- Pipes Peak +3D
- Spare Change
- Bank Street Writer
- The Last Gladiator
- Bank Street Mailer
- Bank Street Filer
Download: All Games in One Archive (3274)
source: csdb.dk

Click on the image for the actual size.
Many thanks to Fabs/Hokuto Force, Onslaught for a new Logo for Nightfall Crew. The photo was made using a U64 with RGB video output and a Sony monitor.
Download the Nightfall Logo in PRG format from here

This is the official demo party results from Moonshine Dragons 2022. See also the CSDB Moonshine Dragons 2022 for more informations.
C64 Demo:
- 1 – Amanita (80%) by Samar Productions
- 2 – E2IRA by Arise
- 3 – I Adore My 64= by Lethargy
- 4 – Place on Earth by BOOM!
- 5 – Pro Patria by Dream
- 6 – Basic Invitation by BOOM!
C64 4K Intro:
- 1 – Scotch by Lethargy
- 2 – Pursuit by Arise
- 3 – Twist & Shout by Faith Design
C64 Music:
- 1 – Something to Sing by Shogoon
- 2 – MultiStyleHills, 90210 by Linus
- 3 – Brooke Lynne by Jammer
- 4 – kHz by psych858o
- 5 – Do Drum Machines Dream? by Hate Bush
- 6 – Deaf Apollo by Warp 8
- 7 – Peter Goes North by MCH
C64 Graphics:
- 1 – Mask 3 by Katon
- 2 – HammerLords by Carrion
- 3 – Check Out My Balls by Carrion
- 4 – Darkness Nature by Almighty God
- 5 – Aquaplanet by Facet
- 6 – Dedicated to Hend by Leon
- 7 – Rotting by Wacek
WiLD Demo:
- 1 – Cowboy’s Dream by Elysium, Wrath Designs
- 2 – Amaurote Isometric 128 by Elysium
Download: Moonshine Dragons 2022 Party stuff (768)
source: moonshinedragons.party

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Improve search text editor and allow joystick input. Thanks mwedmark.
- Improve disk emulation with support for block read/write and custom vectors. Thanks CommFor.
- It is now possible to enter a search string using the joystick. Press fire and up to start the editor and edit the text with the following joystick controls:
- Up/down: Select a character
- Left/right: Change cursor position
- Fire and left: Delete
- Fire and down: Clear search
- Fire and right: Space
- Fire and Up: Insert
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.
v1.19 – 22/5/2022
- Added the horizontal scroll of the sid filenames list.
- The maximum allowed length of the sid file including extension is 48 characters, the small oled can display a maximum of 20 characters, so this feature is useful with very long file names. The function is activated with the MODE key when you are in browsing files mode, once the 48 characters are reached, the scroll resets and repositions the display of the file from the beginning until the next pressing of the MODE key.
- Added a new parameter to the configuration file (config.ini).
- Choose the default SID Socket on bootup. This configuration is not mandatory.
Below is an excerpt from the “config.ini” file.
# Choose the default SID Socket on bootup (1:Socket #1 – 2:Socket #2) – default: 1
- Wrong emulation for the NOP opcode. %-)
- I noticed this problem with a SID made by Hermit of Samar Productions, SIDRIP Alliance, Singular that uses a SID Player written by him. SID Tune: MSK Cover-XF End (https://csdb.dk/release/?id=214247) This SID Player uses several illegal opcodes and i immediately thought of an emulation problem of these illegal opcodes, instead it was the NOP opcode that had problems. I point out that i listen at random 7XX favorite songs at least 1 hour a day and i never noticed any problems. :-D Anyway, Fixed.
- Max entries per directory.

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Fix timing problems on some C64s (since v1.38). Thanks chris
Disk emulation is now active by default when launching PRGs. If this is not desired or if the PRG requires EF3 USB support then the old load option is still available in the file options menu (shift+return or long press fire).
A lot of changes has been made to optimize the C64/KFF communication. Please let me know if you detect any broken functionality in this release
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Improve disk write support.
- Optimize SD card access.
- Small performance optimizations.
Disk emulation is now active by default when launching PRGs. If this is not desired or if the PRG requires EF3 USB support then the old load option is still available in the file options menu (shift+return or long press fire).
A lot of changes has been made to optimize the C64/KFF communication. Please let me know if you detect any broken functionality in this release
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash
The PCB of our SID Player rev v2.0 is finally here.
Missing only the assembly and testing.
The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab).
Based on the Project and Hardware Schematic by Markus Gritsch released in the years 2011-2015 on the forum dangerousprototypes. Thanks Markus.

This is the official demo party results from Revision 2022 Online. See also the CSDB Revision 2022 Online section for more informations.
C64 4K Intro:
- 6 – BITSY-BIGLY by Onslaught
- 9 – 4k Love Not War by Excess
C64 Game:
- 1 – The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters by Vintage Computing Carinthia.
- 8 – Easter Bunny by Katon (Graphics).
- 9 – Hotheat by Sulevi (Graphics).
- 10 – Spacerace by Clownboss (Graphics).
- 11 – House by Slaxx (Graphics).
- 12 – The Dance by Copyfault/Electric (Graphics).
- 14 – Kiev 2033 by Almighty God/q0w (Graphics).
- 15 – Launch Fever by DanDee (Graphics).
Mixed Graphics:
- 1 – 40 Years of Love by Atlantis.
- 4 – Gridrunner by Extend.
- 7 – PETrowave by Pretzel Logic.
- 9 – Kill That Spider by Atlantis.
- 11 – Pull My Strings by Onslaught.
- 12 – Orca Tribe by Soundcat.
- 15 – Happy Birthday! by Aki.
- 20 – Osterhase by Logiker.
- 21 – Haus (1919-1933) by MXM.
Mixed Music:
- 1 – Latest Revision by MultiStyle Labs.
- 3 – Sucisap by Artline Designs.
- 4 – Lockdown Pop II by Fairlight.
- 5 – Burn Now Like the Sun [fm-yam] by Atlantis, MultiStyle Labs.
- 8 – Recycled Bin by Lethargy, Singular.
- 9 – Mechaboy by PVM.
- 13 – Quarantine by Finnish Gold.
- 15 – Prayer for Chiptunes by Defilus.
Mixed Demo:
- 3 – Salvaged by Proxima.
- 5 – Anniversary by Finnish Gold.
- 8 – Anthology 1988-2022 by Babygang.
- 10 – Joetro by Bonzai, Wrath Designs.
- 14 – SNG Invitetro by Maze, Tweak.
Productions released outside compos:
- Canned Goat Cheese by Hokuto Force (Music)
- Elaine by Pretzel Logic (Music)
- Step Acide by Artline Designs (Music)
- Vandalism News #72 by Vandalism News Staff/Offence/Onslaught (Diskmag)
Releases containing information on this event:
- ReACtion – Revision Satellite Party 2022 Invitation for Revision 2022 Satellite Party by AC
Download: Revision 2022 Online Party stuff (774)
source: 2022.revision-party.net

Click on the image for the actual size.
Many thanks to Fabs/Hokuto Force, Onslaught for the Logo. The photo was made using a U64 with RGB video output and a Sony monitor.
Download the Nightfall Logo in PRG format from here
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