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Keyword: ‘commodore’

Commodore 64 Orange Fkey/6569 R1 Ceramic


  • Country: UK
  • Most Common: Europe
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Year: 1983

The design was basically the same as the VIC-20 design: Black keys and orange function keys (from F1-F8), and it was said that a few computers have the more angular keys of its predecessor. Earlier models even had some differences, such as the 5-pin video out.

wiki: C64-Wiki

Commodore Floppy Drive 1551 (c16/Plus4)


  • Country: US
  • Most Common: Europe
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Year: 1983

The Commodore 1551 (originally introduced as the SFS 481) was a floppy disk drive for the Commodore Plus/4 home computer. It resembled a charcoal-colored Commodore 1541 and plugged into the cartridge port, providing faster access than the C64/1541 combination.

Commodore reportedly planned an interface to allow use of the 1551 with the C64, but it was never released.

wiki: 1551-Wiki

7up Sprite Editor v2.01 by kerm1t

Kerm1t released a new sprite editor called 7up Sprite Editor v2.0. This sprite editor can be used on a Windows computer to generate sprites for the Commodore Different 16 color palette. Copy and Paste. More than 8 sprites and HiRes palette

Latest Change:

  • 2009-01-02, bugfix: switch between mc|hires
  • 2008-12-21, bugfix: saving >= 10frame gif, loading non-transp.gif
  • 2008-12-21, V2.0 release
  • 2008-10-19, scroller-intro
  • 2008-04-20, changed asm-tmpl (header was corrupt)
  • 2008-04-19, 1.01 fixes saving bug
  • 2008-04-18, 2nd release
  • 2008-02-24, initial release (pre-alpha)

V2.01 fixes:

  • switching between mc|hires.
  • saving >= 10frame gif.
  • loading non-transp.gif.

download: noname.c64.org

Marshall Alexander PaperToys

26 December 2008 1 commento

Growing up in the seventies and eighties, my childhood memories basically consist of videogames, bright plastic toys and TV cartoons.

Any time that was left I spent drawing and programming games for my Commodore 64. At a later age a few of my childhood dreams became a reality when I temporarily moved to Melbourne, where I worked as a videogame programmer, did oil-painting in a studio and had my work displayed in one of the local galleries.

After a course in Graphic Design I made a career-switch and became a graphic designer/illustrator. Currently back in The Netherlands I work at a small design company and spend my spare time illustrating my childhood memories and designing papertoys.

I specialize in one-piece papertoys that consist of a single flat piece of paper, which by intricate folding is transformed into a 3-dimensional model.

source: marshallalexander.net

Categorie:News & Rumors, Today

Commodore Disk Drive VIC-1541

14 December 2008 Nessun commento

Note: Motherboard is the same of Commodore VIC-1540 (Rev A/B PCB 1540007 (C) 1981 made in Japan) with a old HIGH Rom MOS “901229-01″ instead of “325303-01″.

Description: The Commodore 1541 (aka CBM 1541, and originally called VIC-1541), made by Commodore International, was the best-known floppy disk drive for the Commodore 64 home computer. The 1541 was a single-sided 170 kilobyte drive for 5¼” disks. The 1541 followed the previous Commodore 1540 (meant for the VIC-20).

source: wikipedia

Commodore Disk Drive 1571


The Commodore 1571 was Commodore’s high-end 5¼ floppy disk drive. With its double-sided drive mechanism, it had the ability to utilize double-sided, double-density (DS/DD) floppy disks natively. This was in contrast to its predecessors, the 1541 and 1570, which could read or write such disks only if the user manually flipped them over to access the second side. (from Wikipedia)

wiki: 1571-Wiki

Commodore 64 Aldi

27 November 2008 Nessun commento


  • Country: US
  • Most Common: Germany
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Year: 1987

Externally, the C64 Aldi had same case colour as a standard C64 but the keyboard was light grey, like the future C64G and C64C.

Internally, the motherboard was redesigned to minimize production costs, most of the TTL chips were removed, replaced with a new MMU chipset. First releases of this board had some compatibility problems with C=64 peripherals – they lacked the 9V user port voltage, but this limitation was repaired in the next revisions.

Although made in USA, the Aldi was sold only in Germany as a game machine through only one distribution channel, a supermarket chain called… Aldi, hence his name, given by the German 64′er magazine.

In 1989, the C=64 Aldi would be replaced by the grey C=64G which would use the same motherboard.

wiki: C64-wikiOLD-Computers.com

Some old prices of Commodore stuff

22 November 2008 1 commento

Old prices of Commodore stuff:

  • 1982: Commodore Vic 20 + Tape + Games L.330.000+VAT
  • 1983: Commodore Vic 20 L.199.000+VAT (discounted)
  • 1983: Commodore 64 L.599.000+VAT (discounted)
  • 1983: Commodore 64 + Tape + 2 Games L.699.000+VAT (discounted)
  • 1983: Commodore 64 L.825.000+VAT
  • 1983: Commodore Datassette L.120.000+VAT
  • 1983: Commodore Floppy Drive 1541 L.680.000+VAT
  • 1983: Commodore Printer MPS-801 L.550.000+VAT

Price are express in Lira (currency of Italy between 1861 and 2002)

Floppy Drive Commodore

22 November 2008 Nessun commento


  • 1541: Alps Electric mechanics (push-down drive door), chip broken (7406), repaired and now works, clean up, original roms.
  • 1541: Newtronics (Mitsumi) mechanics, tested and working, clean up, jiffy roms.
  • 1541C: Newtronics (Mitsumi) mechanics, tested and working, clean up, jiffy roms.
  • 1581: Tested and working, clean up, jiffy roms.
  • 1541-II: Tested and working, clean up, original roms.
  • … to be continued …

wiki: 1541-Wiki

download: jiffy roms

Commodore 796M LED Electronic Calculator

17 November 2008 2 commenti

Item Information:

  • Manufacturer: Commodore (england)
  • Country of Production: Japan
  • Year of Production: 1976

link: vintagecalculators.com

Commodore paddles

15 November 2008 1 commento

La paddle è una periferica per videogiochi, formata da una manopola che controlla in modo continuo una posizione lungo un asse, e da uno o più pulsanti.

Già le prime console e i primi personal computer potevano essere accessoriati con le paddle oltre che con i joystick e alcuni videogiochi erano fatti appositamente per essere giocati con le paddle.

Diversi videogiochi storici degli anni settanta sono controllati con la paddle, e il primo ad usarle fu proprio il celebre PONG. Il nome paddle, che significa letteralmente “pagaia”, deriva appunto da PONG, che è ispirato al tennis tavolo le cui racchette in inglese sono comunemente chiamate paddle. La periferica finì per prendere il nome di ciò che muoveva sullo schermo.

source: wikipedia

Commodore 128D MultiKernel

Ready to play


Commodore 128D:

  • Serial NO. DA 4 141980
  • Funkentstört n. DBP-Vfg 1046/84
  • Made in W.Germany

testo tratto dalla Homepage di Wikipedia:

Il Commodore 128 è un modello di computer della CBM Commodore Business machines commercializzato nel gennaio del 1985, tre anni dopo il suo celebre predecessore, il Commodore 64.

Il C 128 nacque dopo lo sfortunato tentativo del 1984 di rimpiazzare il VIC-20 e il Commodore 64 con le macchine della serie TED (dal nome della particolare componentistica), ossia il Commodore 16 (detto anche C16) e il Plus 4, quest’ultimo destinato all’utenza professionale: queste macchine non erano però compatibili con i due predecessori e non potevano sfruttare la gran massa di programmi e giochi scritti per il C64.

Vista la pessima accoglienza delle due nuove macchine sul mercato e resosi conto dell’errore commesso, il management di Commodore cercò di riparare con il Commodore 128, che era compatibile con il C64 ma implementava alcune delle caratteristiche avanzate delle macchine TED, come il BASIC 3.5 che venne ulteriormente sviluppato e portato alla versione 7.

source: wikipedia

Commodore Rom <-> Eprom Compatibility

This is a old thread on forum64.de , i have translated it for you in english language. An old but very useful faq.

  • C64 with Board Rev. 326298, 250407, 250425… (old C64 case):
  • Rom 901227 (C64 Kernel) replace with 27C64 (8KB) Eprom. You need a special Adaptor 28 Pin Eprom to 24 pin Rom.
  • C64C with Board 250469:
  • Rom 251913 (C64 Basic & C64 Kernel) replace with 27C128 (16KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • 1541 with Board Rev. 154008, 154050, 250442, 250446 (old 1541 case):
  • Rom 901229 (DOS Hi-Rom) replace with 27C64 (8KB) Eprom. You need a special Adaptor 28 Pin Eprom to 24 pin Rom.
  • 1541-C with Board Rev. short motherboard (sometimes old 1541 Board in a new White Case):
  • Rom 251968 (DOS Low-Rom & DOS High-Rom) replace with 27C128 (16KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • 1541-II:
  • Rom 251968 (DOS Low-Rom & DOS High-Rom) replace with 27C128 (16KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • C128:
  • Rom 251913 (C64 Basic & C64 Kernel) replace with 27C128 (16KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • 1570:
  • Rom 315090 (1570 DOS Rom) replace with 27C256 (32KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • 1571:
  • Rom 310654 (1571 DOS Rom) replace with 27C256 (32KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • C128-D Plastic Case:
  • The same of C128 & 1571.
  • C128-DCR Metal Case:
  • Rom 318077 (C64 Basic, C64 Kernel, C128 Editor, Z80 Bios, C128 Kernel) replace with 27C256 (32KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • Rom 318047 (1571DCR DOS Rom) replace with 27C256 (32KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.
  • 1581:
  • Rom 318045 (1581 DOS Rom) replace with 27C256 (32KB) Eprom. Without special Adaptor.

source: forum64.de

download original roms: zimmers.net

DTV (c64) Yellow Box *updated*

21 October 2008 4 commenti

Tieni il puntatore del mouse sulla foto per una breve descrizione.

Questo e’ il mio Commodore Dtv (c64) Modded, mi manca solo una cosa da aggiungere l’interfaccia sd2iec (che si occupa dell’emulazione del Floppy Drive 1541 emulator).

Modifiche che sono state fatte:

  • PS/2 keyboard connector.
  • External IEC connector.
  • 2 joystick ports with switchable reset line for dtvtrans.
  • 5V power regulator.
  • Switch for external/internal battery power.
  • Switch Power On/Off.
  • Shadowolf’s Keyboard Twister.
  • Floppy Drive Reset.
  • Commodore 64 Reset.
  • Spiff Color Fix.
  • FlashRom Fix (write enabled)


Vintage Computer Collection. *Updated*

2 October 2008 3 commenti
This is a small part of my vintage computer collections.

A Description of the photo’s:

Photo #1: 1541 Jiffy, 1541 II Jiffy, 1581 Jiffy, C64 with a First generation motherboard + MultiKernel (Atmel Flash), Nes Pal/Ntsc, a Lame Windows PC, Debian Laptop.

Photo #2: Commodore 1084S, C64, some Original box of Commodore.

Photo #3: 1541 Original Box, Commodore Dtv PAL, Plus4, C16, C64, Spectrum Joystick Interface,Zx81, Spectrum, Vic20, C64G, C64 II, C16 Cartridges and on the wall a C64 Motherboard ;-DD

Photo #4: Zoom of C128 and C64 II logo.

Photo #5: C128 and a first version of C64 II (new case but with old Motherboard / Keyboard)

Photo #6: Amiga 600 + 1MB + CompactFlash HD.

Photo #7: Commodore 1084S, Amiga 3000 (old memories)