A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 / U2/U2+ by Gideon is released.
Difference with previous release V1.26 / V3.6a:
- Debug stream over Ethernet, which logs CPU / VIC access real time, also possible to log C64 CPU and 1541 CPU alongside. U64 only.
- ACIA (MOS 6551) emulation.
- Modem Layer emulation (6551 <-> LAN), supporting both outbound and inbound connections.
- REU load / save commands from UCI, using the preload settings.
- File append mode for Software IEC.
- Support for SuperGames cartridge.
Bug fixes:
- Issue #121: 1541C ROM seemed faulty. Track 0 sensor reconnected.
- Issue #119: Fixed network host name illegal chars.
- Issue #127: Fix for Epyx Fastload at boot U64 (consider DMA to stop discharging the cap.)
- Fix for KCS cart at boot of U64.
- Fixed DMA load delay, to let 1541 initialize before running PRG.
- Fixed 1541 address decoding (RAMBOard was faulty!)
- Fixed Closing telnet connection caused U64/U2+ to freeze.
- Stability issues fixed in configuration manager.
- Corrected NMI / IRQ routing for internal cart. (U64)
- Timing corrections to make external 1764 REU work. (U64)
- Some U64 factory test improvements. Invisible to you.
Planned work for the upcoming release:
- CPU Speedup.
- Keystrokes to quickly enable / mute audio channels.
- A sample project for the ESP32, which can be used for others to port stuff like modem emulation.
Documentation updated:
source: ultimate64.com github.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 / U2+ by Gideon is released.
Difference with previous release V1.24 / V3.6:
- This is the factory image of the latest production, with support for 1.4 board revision.
- Support for Super Games cartridge.
- Fixed KCS cart at boot time.
- Swapped audio channels, thanks Siegried.
- Improved cartridge timing which corrects the ARMSID detection.
source: ultimate64.com github.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 / U2+ / U2 by Gideon is released.
Difference with previous release V1.21 / V1.22 (Initial Elite release)
Changes / Improvements to the U64 FPGA:
- Added Drive B activity to the possible Case LED outputs.
- Increased the number of UltiSIDs from two to eight.
- Fixed Jailbar issue on HDMI output.
- Fixed a Ledstrip issue that slipped into one of the previous versions.
- Improved EMC performance.
- Added Paddle Swap for the U64 Elite.
- Increased application CPU performance.
Changes to the Ultimate 64 application:
- Added support for 8-SID configuations.
- Split the U64 configuration settings for better overview.
- Added possibility to load / save and reset configuration settings.
- Added the possibility to have temporary configuration settings.
- Added choice of which UltiSID causes the LED strip to light up.
- Added a Visual SID addressing editor.
- Added detection and real time configuration of FPGASID.
- Added detection and real time configuration of SwinSid Ultimate.
- Added detection and real time configuration of ARMSID.
- Fixed screen title when connecting to the machine through Telnet.
- Added joyswap to the configuration menu.
- Option to use Final Cart V1/V2 re-enabled.
- Upgraded the OS to a newer version.
Unreleased work:
- Flashing the ESP32 WiFi module from the file browser menu.
- “Drive C” – software 1581 emulation by Scott Hutter .
Planned work for the upcoming release:
- Keystrokes to quickly enable / mute audio channels
- Connection between the ESP32 and the C64
- A sample project for the ESP32, which can be used for others to port stuff like modem emulation.
Thanks go to Chris, Marty and Wilfred for providing various SID replacements to test with. Thanks to MarkusC64 for reviewing the FPGASID configuration code and providing useful feedback.

Ultimate 2+ Differences with previous release V3.4c
General Usability and Compatibility:
- Added possibility to load / save and reset configuration settings.
- Added the possibility to have temporary configuration settings.
- Improvements to the 6502 CPU for improved 1541 compatibility.
Improvements to SID player:
- Built-in SID player now supports MUS files as well (including stereo tunes) Music files can be found here: http://www.c64music.co.uk/
- Added support for toggling screen on/off in Sidplayer with S key.
- Added support for song length in SID header.
- Fixed correct SID model selection for SIDFX boards .
Various other bug fixes:
- Copying a file from a container now restores extension.
- Fixed issue of copying file from .t64 files.
- Added ‘Enter’ option for .t64 files.
- User Interface improvements / fixes.
- Fixed telnet connection – removing header upon connect (fixes random copy actions)
1541 Ultimate-II Differences with previous release V3.4c.
General Usability and Compatibility:
- Added possibility to load / save and reset configuration settings.
- Added the possibility to have temporary configuration settings.
Improvements to the 6502 CPU for improved 1541 compatibility:
- Improvements to SID player:
- Built-in SID player now supports MUS files as well (including stereo tunes) Music files can be found here: http://www.c64music.co.uk/
- Added support for toggling screen on/off in Sidplayer with S key.
- Added support for song length in SID header.
- Fixed correct SID model selection for SIDFX boards.
Various other bug fixes:
- Copying a file from a container now restores extension.
- Fixed issue of copying file from .t64 files.
- Added ‘Enter’ option for .t64 files.
- User Interface improvements / fixes.
- Fixed telnet connection – removing header upon connect (fixes random copy actions)
- Changed default hostname to match target.
Dropped features:
- Support for the ISO9660 filesystem.
- The audio variant no longer supports recording TAP files. The dual drive version does.
source: ultimate64.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 / U2+ / U2 by Gideon is released.
U64 – Differences with previous official release V1.0B:
- Based on Ultimate-II+ firmware Version 3.4
- NTSC mode has been added. The switch can be found in the U64 Specific Settings menu
- Added rudimentary support for USB Floppy disks (not completely done yet; as removal of floppy is not yet detected)
- USB problems with low/full speed devices fixed; no more bus hang-ups in these cases. (No full HID support just yet..)
- VIC collision problem fixed.
- Improved 1541 compatibility; weak bit areas and floppy speed zones are now properly supported.
- LED Strip support.
- Various improvements ‘under the hood’

U2+ – Differences with previous official release V3.3a:
- Added rudimentary support for USB Floppy disks (not completely done yet; as removal of floppy is not yet detected)
- USB problems with low/full speed devices fixed; no more bus hang-ups in these cases. (No full HID support just yet..)
- Improved 1541 compatibility; weak bit areas and floppy speed zones are now properly supported.
- Various improvements ‘under the hood’
U2 – Differences with previous official release V3.2:
- The USB2LAN problem is now fixed. This bug took me over 50 hours to find and fix.
- Improved 1541 compatibility; weak bit areas and floppy speed zones are now properly supported.
- All other under the hood fixes that were done for U2+ and U64 that apply for U2 are backported to the U2 as well.
source: ultimate64.com

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 / Ultimate 1541 II / Ultimate 1541 II+ by Gideon and some enhancements by Markus is released.
Changelog of Ultimate-64 / 1541 Ultimate 2+ by Gideon
- NEW: Audio Mixer
- 1541 Ultimate II+ only:
- 1541 Ultimate II and II+ only:
- Can now be used in Ultimate 64
- Ultimate 64 only:
- SpeedDOS Parallel Cable (needs e.g. DolpinDOS roms)
- Interface type: Ultimate Menu picture overlay (HDMI-only)
- USB keyboard support. Like earlier firmware, press scroll/lock to enter/exit the Ultimate menu.
- Replacement of Charrom and BASIC.
- Display *.64 files as a directory via FTP:
- Every chosen FTP username enables this feature (*.d64 are shown as directory AND as *.d64 files)
- The username “d64″ deactivates the listing of *.d64 files (*.d64 are only shown as directory)
- The username “d642″ disables this feature completely, (*.d64 are only shown as files)
.. and there are many improvements not present in the changelog.
Note for the Ultimate 64:
You will need a kernel, basic and character rom after the upgrade. These roms are not included in the update. These roms are distributed with vice-emu, but you can also find them on zimmermans.net.
For instance, you could use these roms: 901225-01.bin (char), 901226.bin (basic) and 901227-03.bin (kernal). Roms with the .rom extension should also work.
Changelog of Ultimate-64 / 1541 Ultimate 2 / 1541 Ultimate 2+ by Markus
Changes in this release (compared to 3.3):
- You can now flash more alternative kernals and floppy roms (1541 Ultimate II+: 2, Ultimate 64: 3).
- Kernals and floppy roms can be loaded without flashing
- Pressing the following keys while turning on the Ultimate 64 will change the video mode to
- D => DVI
- H => HDMI
- R => RGB
- C => Composite/S-Video
- Fix writing to kernal via TCP Port 64 on Ultimate 64
- Fix Fast Reset on “Original” Kernal on Ultimate 64
source: ultimate64.com github.com/markusC64

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II+ – 1541 Ultimate II and the new C64 Motherboard Ultimate 64 is released.
Changes in this release (compared to 3.2a):
- Fast Reset for C64.
- Improved d64 filesystem.
- Poweroff function for the U64.
- FTP Bugfix.
- Bugfix in Paste function of the file browser.
How to update?
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II:
- Navigate to the unzipped file ‘3.2a_180411+_v1.audio.u2u‘ or ‘3.2a_180411+_v1.dualdrive.u2u‘ and select “Run Update”
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II+:
- Navigate to the ‘3.2a_180411._v1.u2p‘ file, and select “Run Update”.
- For the Ultimate 64:
- Navigate to the ‘3.2a_180411._v1.u64‘ file, and select “Run Update”.
Please note that the Ultimate 64 Firmware is build using a blob containing version 1.02 of the FPGA.
Download: 1541 Ultimate-II / Ultimate-II+ / U64 v3.2a v1 (1049)
source: facebook.com github.com

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II+and 1541 Ultimate II is released.
Release notes Ultimate-II & II+ v3.2a:
- Improved DHCP.
- SIDFX support in SID player.
- FC3 and FC3+ Support improved.
- Saving to TAP files repaired.
- Many Ultimate 64 related changes.
Note: On the 1541 Ultimate II (non plus), there is an issue with using DHCP for the Ethernet Adapter. May may want to avoid using DHCP on the 1541 Ultimate II (non plus).
How to update?
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II:
- Navigate to the unzipped file ‘3.2a_180322.audio.u2u‘ or ‘3.2a_180322.dualdrive.u2u‘ and select “Run Update”
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II+:
- Navigate to the 3.2a_180322.u2p file, and select “Run Update”.
Download: 1541 Ultimate-II / Ultimate-II+ v3.2a (1123)
source: facebook.com 1541ultimate.net github.com

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II+and 1541 Ultimate II is released.
Release notes Ultimate-II & II+ v3.2:
- Completely rewritten SID player, by Wilfred Bos.
- Enhanced version of FC3, by Daniël Mantione.
- Added Tape Index function, as suggested by Tom Roger Skauen.
- Added UCI interface to access the network (TCP/IP and UDP/IP) through Ultimate Command Interface (documentation pending)
- Many additions and bug fixes by Henning and Markus, including Home Directory, REU load on startup, EasyFlash write support (manual save), and more.
- Some enhancements in FTP server.
- Additional bug-fixes.
How to update?
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II:
- Navigate to the unzipped file ‘update_audio_3.2.u2u‘ or ‘update_dual_drive_3.2.u2u‘ and select “Run Update”
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II+:
- Navigate to the update_3.2.u2p file, and select “Run Update”.
Download: 1541 Ultimate-II / Ultimate-II+ v3.2 Firmware (1077)
source: facebook.com 1541ultimate.net

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II+and 1541 Ultimate II is released.
Release notes Ultimate-II+ v3.1a rev 495:
- USB fixes:
- No more blocking timeouts, that may hang indefinitely
- Fix for a bug accessing USB2LAN adapters
- Other:
- U2 audio output fixed; as it was harsh and ugly.
- Small bug fixes.
How to update?
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II:
- Navigate to the unzipped file ‘update_audio_495.u2u’ or ‘update_dual_drive_495.u2u’ and select “Run Update”
- For the 1541 Ultimate-II+:
- Navigate to the update_495.u2p file, and select “Run Update”.
source: facebook.com 1541ultimate.net

A new version of the firmware for the interface Ultimate II+ is released. This version runs ONLY on the Ultimate II+ cartridge.
Release notes Ultimate-II+ v3.1 rev 474:
- USB fixes:
- support for sticks that do not reliably reply to the ‘inquiry’ command
- Byte alignment issue fixed when writing. This caused corrupted G64s to be written sometimes
- Support for composite devices added
- Added support for USB keyboards, to navigate the Ultimate browser menu
- Incorporated patches from Markus & Henning, including, but not limited to:
- Audio squeal fix, speaker volume addition
- Ultimate DOS V1.1 with added commands
- Added Home Directory support
- Added support for GeoRAM
- IEC fixes:
- IEC now operates properly on the bus, when it is alone (disabled 1541 drives)
- IEC filename fixes; saving a file to IEC adds the right extension and also removes the extension when loading directory
- IEC should now work with JiffyDOS (not yet supporting the JiffyDOS protocol)
- UltiCopy is working again!
- Small fix in TCP support (TCP hangup on retransmission)
- Other small fixes:
- Save disk twice bug fixed
- Fixed load errors on tape adapter cable with some USB 3.0 cables
- Keyboard “racekeys” fixed
- Reduced Link Up time for the Ethernet port
- Ultimax mode ROMs now allow video data in ROM
How to update?
- Browse to the U2P firmware file on the USB storage and run it from the context menu.
Download: Ultimate-II+ Firmware v3.1 rev 474 (1418)
source: facebook.com 1541ultimate.net
The ‘Ultimate II+’ is a storage solution for your Commodore C64/C128(D) home computer or in stand-alone mode for C16/Plus4/VIC-20 and so on.
This cartridge implements a ‘real’ 1541 Diskdrive for Commodore computers and with a simple press on one of the buttons, a menu will pop-up on the Commodore screen, allowing the user to view the USB storage content, and ‘mount’ .d64 or .g64 images into the Floppy Drive.
These are the most important differences from the previous version of the cartridge (1541 Ultimate-II)
- No more MicroSD! (… that needs to be pushed in with something sharp, could fall into the case, … etc)
- More USB ports (… one to compensate for the lost SD, and just one bonus: 3 in total)
- IEC connector moved (… further back to facilitate use on some C128 models)
- Integrated Ethernet (… no more need for an external USB2LAN adapter, and a smaller step to CS8900A compatibility)
- Dual Flash (… no more worry that a software bug or upgrade failure leads to a bricked device)
- Integrated Speaker (… who connects a speaker set to the audio jack for hearing drive sounds??)
- External power supply connector with auto-switch over circuit (… for stand alone mode, and to lower the demand on the power supply of the C64)
- Improved Audio (… audio codec, 24 bit/96 kHz*, for sampled sounds and SID emulation)
- Improved Tape connector (… no more custom board and able that snaps in on the bottom, but standard USB 3.0 cable)
- Improved power supply circuits (… for some reason they seemed to break down relatively often)
- Slightly bigger and faster FPGA, as to control the new features.
source: 1541ultimate.net facebook.com

A new version of the firmware for the interface Ultimate II+ is released. This version runs ONLY on the Ultimate II+ cartridge.
Ultimate-II+ fixes: 3.0c rev 423:
- Fixed speaker disable
- Fixed G64 loading
- Fixed IEC for use with JiffyDOS and single byte fetches
- Increased output volume on codec output
- Auto audio / REU select for MOD player (yet to do for SID player)
How to update?
- Browse to the U2P firmware file on the USB storage and run it from the context menu.
Download: Ultimate-II+ Firmware v3.0c rev 423 (1227)
source: facebook.com 1541ultimate.net

…from the author website:
Since the end of 2015, it became clear that the “good old” 1541 Ultimate-II was at the end of its life cycle. Xilinx, the manufacturer of the most important chip of the cartridge, had started to increase the prices of the chip. Also the memory chip started to be harder to get and at higher cost. When the news came that the company that made the black plastic cases for the 1541 Ultimate-II had lost the injection mold tool, it became evident that the 1541 Ultimate-II would be no more.
I have given it some thought. What would be the best way to continue with this project? When the feelings of being upset about the lost injection tool had subsided, I realized that this may be the perfect moment for an upgrade. This is when set backs change into opportunity.
Since then, a lot of work, and I really mean A LOT OF WORK has been done to create a successor: the “Ultimate-II+”. Why not “III”, you may ask or think. Well, the foremost reason is the software. The install base of the “1541 Ultimate-II” is rather large (>3000 units), and I do not want to let my customers down that have just purchased a unit. This means that in case of new hardware, the same software should run on both the new board, as well as on the older board. So, the new board will offer similar functionality. You could see it just as an upgrade, not an entirely new product.

Although the “Ultimate-II+” is similar, there are also differences:
- No more MicroSD! (… that needs to be pushed in with something sharp, could fall into the case, … etc)
- More USB ports (… one to compensate for the lost SD, and just one bonus: 3 in total)
- IEC connector moved (… further back to facilitate use on some C128 models)
- Integrated Ethernet (… no more need for an external USB2LAN adapter, and a smaller step to CS8900A compatibility)
- Dual Flash (… no more worry that a software bug or upgrade failure leads to a bricked device)
- Integrated Speaker (… who connects a speaker set to the audio jack for hearing drive sounds??)
- External power supply connector with auto-switch over circuit (… for stand alone mode, and to lower the demand on the power supply of the C64)
- Improved Audio (… audio codec, 24 bit/96 kHz*, for sampled sounds and SID emulation)
- Improved Tape connector (… no more custom board and able that snaps in on the bottom, but standard USB 3.0 cable)
- Improved power supply circuits (… for some reason they seemed to break down relatively often)
- Slightly bigger and faster FPGA, as to control the new features
source: 1541ultimate.net

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II is released. This version runs only on the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge (new fpga).
Release notes 3.0 beta 7:
r297 | gideonz | 2016-04-15 21:27:25 +0200 (Fri, 15 Apr 2016)
- Prepared for release 3.0b7
- Processor flag error fixed.
- Some 6502 opcode testing done. Fixed ADC in decimal mode.
Some fixes:
- ISSUE 189: Mount disk is now performed when C64/drive is not frozen
- ISSUE 191: Loading a file from within T64 (and D64) could fail at times due to special chars. Fixed
- ISSUE 193: Tape grab to TAP file fixed (at least that the option to run it will work)
- ISSUE 204: TCP slowdown fixed; bug in USB driver
- ISSUE 207: Typo fixed that caused “Save to disk” to fail with a 0 byte file
- OTHER: SID file with faulty header now no longer causes Flash corruption
- OTHER: Tape play / record functions updated
r276 | soci | 2016-01-17 07:35:38 +0100 (Sun, 17 Jan 2016)
- Fix wrong DDRA readback (typo)
- The TASM-RR cartridge is not REU compatible
- Fix for PB6/7 keyboard freeze bug
Download: 1541 Ultimate II Firmware v3.0 Beta 7 (1340)
source: 1541ultimate.net

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II is released. This version runs only on the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge (new fpga).
Release notes 3.0 beta 5:
- BUGFIX: Processor’s Data Cache stored result of IO read, causing wrong values to be read from the cache
- C64 Keyboard scan made a bit slower (not tested)
- Fixed configuration drop down
- Fixed clock settings
- Mount disk made first option in D64 file type
- Updated Final 3 cart.
Release notes 3.0 beta 4 (first version released on Facebook):
- The FPGA platform has gotten an upgrade. There is now a faster RISC processor on board (~10 times faster), and I have re-written the USB host controller, which has become ~50 times faster. The external memory of the FPGA also runs faster, and delivers now also approx. 7 times more bandwidth. With this faster platform, it has become possible to run a multithreaded OS.
- There is now support for USB2LAN adapters, and 3.0beta4 runs two services: a (raw-)telnet (VT100) server that brings up the menu, and an FTP daemon for basic file transfer.
- There is now support for reading the directories of D71 and D81 files in the browser.
- There is a ‘CD’ command in the software IEC, and other improvements have been made to the soft IEC driver.
- There is now a copy command in the file browser, that works with C=C/C=V (or CTRL-C / CTRL-V). It is not that fast, but for small files it works. You can also copy files from inside a D64/T64 to another location in the file system. The other way around is still under development, but will soon be possible as well.
- UltiCopy is disabled for now, because it still needs to be ported to the multi-threaded operating system.
Download: 1541 Ultimate II Firmware v3.0 Beta 5 (1339)
source: 1541ultimate.net
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