
Posts Tagged ‘8580’

Nano/Micro SwinSID – Firmware update (20120524) by Swinkels

September 26th, 2012 No comments

Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer and other devices.

Firmware update (20120524):

  • This version has only one improvement: fixed audio muting emulation.

Download: Nano/Micro SwinSID - Firmware update (20120524) (2213)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

ACID 64 Player Pro v3.2

September 12th, 2011 No comments

ACID 64 Player Pro is the sequal of Acid 64 Player and is a cycle based Commodore 64 music player designed for playing SID tunes on sound cards/devices that have a real SID chip (6581/6582/8580) on board like the HardSID cards and HardSID 4U USB device.

ACID 64 emulates the MOS 6510 micro processor, the 6526 CIA chip and partially the 6569 VIC chip to run the code of a SID tune and it controls the SID chip on the device for playing the Commodore 64 music.

What’s new in version v3.2:

  • JSidDevice v1.2 support, get the new version at the JSidplay2 site.
  • Increased performance for building folder tree view.
  • Seeking back for some tunes could lead to stopping the voice bars.
  • Small improvements.

Download: ACID 64 Player PRO v3.2 (WIN32) (1652)


ACID 64 Player Pro v3.1

September 2nd, 2011 No comments

ACID 64 Player Pro is the sequal of Acid 64 Player and is a cycle based Commodore 64 music player designed for playing SID tunes on sound cards/devices that have a real SID chip (6581/6582/8580) on board like the HardSID cards and HardSID 4U USB device.

ACID 64 emulates the MOS 6510 micro processor, the 6526 CIA chip and partially the 6569 VIC chip to run the code of a SID tune and it controls the SID chip on the device for playing the Commodore 64 music.

What’s new in version v3.1:

  • Stereo SID (2SID) support for: HardSID 4U, HardSID Quattro, multiple HardSID ISA/PCI cards.
  • JSidDevice v1.1 (beta version is available at JSidplay2 site)
  • Emulation improvements.
  • SID ID configuration is now embedded and can be overwritten as a preference setting.
  • Improved calculation of player speed.
  • Improved SID search for some characters, re-index required.
  • Made application UAC aware for Vista/Win7.
  • Automatic device changes can now be locked via context menu.
  • Many small improvements.

Download: ACID 64 Player PRO v3.1 (WIN32) (1593)


Sidplay64 v0.7 (SP64) by Grg/Shape

August 25th, 2011 No comments

GRG/Shape has released a new version of the SidPlay64 for Commodore 64.

This version include many new features and bug fixes.

SIDPLAY 64 v.07 (25/08/2011):

  • Added: Real PAL/NTSC detector.
  • Added: “D64″ detector for long filenames (1541u + netdrive.)
  • Added: “DIR” sorter for directory displayer.
  • Added: Native dir browser and disk image browser (d64,d71 etc.) for netdrive, 1541u, iec, cmd and ide64.
  • Added: Long filenames support (Vice and Windows file system)
  • BugFixed: RunStop key doesnt stop loading. (Jiffydos will stop)
  • Updated: Keyboard scanner – key delays works much better now.
  • Added: Keyboard scanner – “Instdel key” goes back a dir level.
  • Added: Device selector – device #6 up to #30
  • Updated: Alot of things in background code was optimized to save memory.
  • Updated: Timer IRQ updated, more available cpu time, its now possible to play Jeff’s 12 speed song.
  • Updated: TOD Clock + Shuffle modes moved out of timer irq and into keyboard scanner subroutine.
  • BugFixed: RunStop+Restore will not crash when hardware IRQ interrupt is running (0314-0315).
  • Updated: “Memory Error” detection: Fixed a bug where SP64 code was relocated when loading a file with not enough relocation pages.

Download: Sidplay64 v0.7 (1575)

source: CSDb

Sidplay64 v0.695 Beta by Grg/Shape

August 4th, 2011 No comments

Unofficial version of the Sidplay64 by GRG/Shape.

This version supports directory browsing and image (d64,d81) for the devices SD2IEC/Netdrive/IDE64. This version is still in a beta stage.

Download: Sidplay64 v0.695 Beta (1601)


Swinkels Mega SwinSID prototype on video

July 24th, 2011 No comments

The Mega SwinSID is a new C64 SID replacement by Swinkels based on 32bit STM32 ARM Cortex M3 MCU and 512KB sample memory.

It runs at 80MHz and it uses integrated 12bit DACs for stereo output.


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

iPhone: 8BIT Studio

July 1st, 2011 No comments

8Bit Studio – the only circuit bent 8bit SID synth for your iphone!

Customize your patterns using the built in step sequencer or play live on the retractable keyboard then bend and distort the sound using the touch contacts!


  • 128 Steps of memory.
  • 8 Keyboard patches.
  • 13 Drum sounds.
  • Sampled from the Commodore 64 SID Chip.


Internal Stereo SID board for the C64 and C128

June 10th, 2011 2 comments

This is a compact, feature-filled dual-SID board, designed to provide a proper way to mount a second SID inside your C64 or C128 without resorting to the old piggyback hack.

Variations available to fit most C64 and C128 computers. Second SID can be placed at any 32-byte boundary from $DE00 to $DFE0, and it works in the $D420-$D4E0 range also. C128/C128-D users can also use $D700-$D7E0.

Easy no-solder installation – just move your computer’s SID chip onto the Stereo SID board, plug it into the motherboard SID socket, and connect a few micro-hook clips.


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

Hybrid SID (chipTune) Player by Markus Gritsch

May 31st, 2011 No comments

The Hybrid SID is a portable SID Player with a OLED LCD and a USB connector.

The Hybrid SID plays the most common variety of chiptunes, music written for playback on a SID chip. Probably the biggest collection of SID music is the High Voltage SID Collection, which has 36,000 SID tunes, free to download.

This prototype use a real SID chip (6581/8580) for play music and a CUI32 PIC32MX Development Stick for the CPU (6510) Emulation.

A YouTube video is available here.


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

Nano SwinSID Prototype: Unboxing and first Impressions

April 5th, 2011 2 comments
Nano SwinSID prototype (component side)

Nano SwinSID Prototype by x1541:

This project is based on the microcontroller ATMEGA88PU from Atmel and the emulation code is written by Swinkels.

The prototype of Nano SwindSID is a scaled down version of the Micro SwinSID, so far so good, and here’s my initial impression.

x1541, a user of the has made a very nice work, the pcb has the same size of the original SID chip (6581/8580), the components are arranged very well and the entire space of the pcb was used. I can just say to buy it when the Nano SwinSID kit will be available, your money will be spent well.

Nano SwinSID Features:

  • ISP Connector.
  • Same size as the original SID.
  • 6581/8580 Jumper.
  • Smd ATmega.


Micro SwinSID – Firmware update by Swinkels

February 27th, 2011 No comments

Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer and other devices. Firmware update (27022011):

  • This new firmware brings 6581 filter emulation by connecting B0 AVR pin to ground (on the Photo).
  • Filter distrortions are still not emulated, only filter cutoff is affected.


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

Micro SwinSID – Firmware update & AVR ISP Adapter

January 20th, 2011 2 comments

Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer and other devices.

On the Photo you can see the AVR ISP homebrew Adapter for programming the firmware.

Firmware update (10012011):

  • Much improved ADSR envelope fading based on a real SID counter design.
  • More soft filter.

Hardware tip:

To increase audio quality and volume level replace R4 (2k2) resistor with 1K. This will boost volume by about 50%


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

DualSID by Tomi Malinen Assembling and Testing

November 28th, 2010 3 comments

DualSID Assembling and Testing

DualSID KIT by Tomi Malinen:

DualSID is a device which allows you to plug in two different SID models to your Commodore 64.

You can set the second SID‘s address to five different memory locations. For more information and price visit the Tomi Malinen homepage

Download: DualSID V3 PCB Scan (627)

Dual Sid Homepage Opened

November 16th, 2010 No comments

DualSID is a device which allows you to plug in two different SID models to your Commodore 64. You can set the second SID‘s address to five different memory locations.

Both SIDs can be set to the same memory area which enables stereo sound to your favourite games. DualSID is compatible with most stereo SID software and demos.


  • Second SID can be either 8580 or 6581 with any C64 board assembly.
  • Second SID address is selectable from: $D400, $D420, $D500, $DE00, $DF00
  • Small PCB, only 40mm x 50mm
  • Game compatibility.

For more information and price visit the Tomi Malinen homepage

source: dual sid homepage

Sound comparison: Micro SwinSID vs SID 8580

November 9th, 2010 No comments

These are some Sid examples which i have recorded from a Commodore 64 with the SwinSID installed. You can Download the original Sid track in .sid file format and the SwinSID in .ogg file format (High Quality), so you can compare the musics.

  • The Alibi by Thomas E. Petersen (Laxity) 1989 Maniacs of Noise- SID (6581)
  • The Alibi by Thomas E. Petersen (Laxity) 1989 Maniacs of Noise- SWINSID
  • Albino Human by Alexander Rotzsch (Fanta) 2006 Fanta – SID (8580)
  • Albino Human by Alexander Rotzsch (Fanta) 2006 Fanta – SWINSID

Some Sid tracks play perfectly others need some emulation fixes.