A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
The AVGCART is a FPGA based multicart for 8bit Atari computers, extensible with SIO and/or ECI/PBI cables.
- supports CAR (cartridge dump) files up to 1MB and most bankswitching types
- supports XEX (executable) files
- supports ATR (floppy image) files (read/write) – support is limited without an optional SIO or ECI/PBI cable due to Atari cartridge port constraints (e.g. SW that uses RAM under OS does not work)
- supports ATX (protected floppy image) files (read-only, SIO cable required)
- supports CAS (cassette) files (SIO cable required)
- supports AVF (video) files
- supports PDM (audio) files
- fast file search, file shortcuts, randomizer and tons of other features
- when used with optional ECI/PBI cable, it can expand ATARI memory to up to 576kB, it can also provide extra 48kB RAM to stock 16kB 600XL machines (some limitations apply)
- firmware upgradeable via SD card (no additional hw needed)
- SIDE2 emulation (compatible with U1MB and SpartaDOS X)
- ability to stack emulated cart with emulated SpartaDOS X cart, together with SIDE2 emulated HDD
- unlike some other products, most of the functionality is running inside the cart and not on the host machine’s CPU which makes it faster and more versatile (it can do stuff in parallel with host machine without having to gain 6502 control and doesn’t require soldering extra internal upgrades like Ultimate 1MB for some basic functionality like ATR emulation or memory expansion)
- compatible with 600XL, 800XL/XE, 65XE, 130XE, XEGS (cartridge shell is too wide for 1200XL, bare pcb will fit, it is also too tall for 800, can be used with cartridge door opened and door switch triggered)
Changelog (v0027):
- When used on 16kB 600XL with EXTMEM enabled, it tries to expand it to 64kB base RAM (if enough cart ram is free)
- Changed key autorepeat delay/rate
- Some fixes related to EXTMEM
- EXTMEM tweak (not all SRAM chips are made equal)
source: atariage.com

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released
Changelog (v0024):
- added ability to select (TAB) CAR files
- selected files (ATR, CAS, CAR) don’t have to be in the same directory anymore, selection is cleared only after returning to the selector
- ENTER on ATR/CAS/CAR file will replace the selection so SPACE was added to run with selected files, ignoring current file under cursor
- search now allows navigation during searching and editing search string
- CTRL-L disables item shortcuts and allows starting search by typing instead of ‘/’
- ESC stops search, exiting search requires 2x ESC (to prevent accidental exit when search stops at the same time user tries to stop it)
- disable cart was changed to SHIFT-ESC
- short filenames should finally (hopefully) have proper case
- filenames longer than screen width should be (finally) properly sorted
- type 57 (2kB) fixed
- right cart button will disable cart for carts <= 16kB (to make some CS turbo carts work)
New keys:
- SPACE – run selected files (ignores item under cursor)
- CTRL-L – toggle key shortcuts
Changed keys:
- ESC -> SHIFT-ESC (disable cart and reboot)
Changelog (v0023):
- [ECI] Auto-enable cart menu after reset (CTRL-SHIFT-E to enable, CTRL-E to disable)
- [ECI] Patched OS for ATR emulation is forced as ROM, not just loaded into RAM under ROM, increases compatibility
- [ECI+SIO] When emulating ATR, HSIO patched OS with inverted OPTION (BASIC off) is forced
Changelog (v0022):
- [ECI] EXTMEM support up to 512kB (CTRL-SHIFT-M to enable, CTRL-M to disable)
source: atariage.com

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
Changelog (v0021):
- XEX loader now doesn’t occupy $0800 page
- ATR/ATX emulation fixes (Bruce Lee, Ultima, Flight Sim II)
- Allow IDE emulation together with ATR emulation (SIO)
- Show COM/EXE files in browser
- Increased limit of virtual drives to 8 (SIO)
- Autorun key changed from ‘A’ to ‘N’ due to issues with PS/2 adapters
- Added saving facility (used by FloB)
- Stacking SpartaDOSX with another CAR (CTRL-SHIFT-RETURN)
source: atariage.com

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
Changelog (v0020):
- Support for optional SIO cable (ATR, ATX, CAS)
- Copy/delete file, template dir
- Autorun redone, added setting shortcuts
- OSXEX renamed to OSXEX2 due to incompatible change (use the one from the update zip)
- Support for playing PDM files (thanks to Xuel)
- Scrolling long filenames (INV)
- Run random file (CTRL-R)
- See manual at https://atari8bit.net/de-re-avgcart/
source: atariage.com

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
Changelog (v0019):
- Various speed-ups (SD card and FS handling rewritten.
source: atariage.com

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
Changelog (v0018):
- Run AUTORUN.(CAR|XEX|AVF) on power-on if present in /_AVGCART/ directory.
- Added type 44 (OSS 8 KB cartridge)
- Added type 53 (Low bank 8 KB cartridge)
- Added types 54, 55, 56 (SIC!)
- Fix bank reenabling for some OSS carts.
- Fix cursor position after running file from search results.
- ESC exits search results instead of disabling cart.
- Cart initialization speedup to remove the need to manually reset the machine upon power-on on certain configurations (e.g. QMEG OS)
source: atariage.com

Some things for Atari 8bit:
- P-COVOX is a very simple device, 4channel, discrete component digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that fits under PIA chip. It isn’t as Hi-Fi as modern sound cards, but it`s perceptiom may be a lot better than a POKEY – especially playing MODs or NEO files
- Simple Stereo V2 – New version of the Simple Stereo now all in one. I replace my old version of Simple Stereo + U-Switch, the features are the same.
- 64k RAM Module (Replaces base ram of 64KB in all 8bit ATARI, upgrades ram in 600XL to 64KB, PCB thickness is 0,8mm)
The 64k RAM module also replaces Multiplexers, DRAM, Delay Line C060472 and so on in XL series, the Delay Line is no longer available as spare parts.
source: lotharek.pl
Atari 800 XL (VBXE-RGB/U1MB/Stereo Pokey/Side2) my Favourite Games
My Atari 800 XL Hardware Configuration:
- VBXE (RGB output)
- Ultimate 1Mb
- Stereo Pokey
- Side2 Cartridge
You can buy this additional hardware from this site: lotharek.pl
Favourite Games:
- Bosconian
- Time Pilot
- Scramble
- Popeye
- Bomb Jack
- Ms Pacman
- Pacman
- Pitfall II
- Donkey Kong
- Mario Bros
- International Karate Enhanced Edition
- H.E.R.O.
Download: my Favourite Atari Games (829)
First of all i have to thank Filippo Santellocco (Philsan) for this unexpected gift that i really appreciate.
AVGCART – SD multicart for 8bit Atari features:
- Supports CAR files up to 1MB (most bankswitching types are implemented)
- Supports XEX files.
- Supports ATR files (read/write) – support is limited due to cartridge port constraints.
- SIDE emulation (works with U1MB and SpartaDOS X)
- Firmware is upgradeable via SD card.
Keyboard reference:
- arrows to navigate the list, with CTRL jump to beginning/end of page/list
- BACKSPACE for parent dir
- ENTER and letters choose item
- TAB to select multiple ATR files (right cart button to cycle them afterwards)
- ESC disables cart and resets Atari
- / for recursive search, use ESC to return to full navigation
- SHIFT-S enables SIDE CCTL registers and resets
Use left cart button to return to file selector (after reset), right cart button resets current cart’s bank (also cycles ATR files)
Titles of the songs in the video:
- AC/DC – Back in Black
- Narada Michael Walden – Tonight I’m Alright
- Kungs & Cookin’ On 3 Burners – This Girl
- Sucker Punch (Dubstep Remix)
The songs are complete from beginning to end but for reasons of length of the video i have cut the songs.
The video can be only downloaded, because Youtube and Facebook have blocked the video streaming for copyrighted content, really ridiculous as the audio tracks are not complete and certainly not faithful to the original.
My personal note; the only two home computers that i follow with passion are Commodore & Atari.
…have a good listening
Download: AVG Cartridge PDM Player Atari Video (1116)
source: atariage.com

Atari SAP Music Archive (ASMA) is a Atari XL-XE music collection. It is one of the largest and most accurate computer music collections known.
ASMA archive now uses an online repository, where it is constantly updated.
source: ASMA Repository
FAIL is a viewer of pictures in native formats of Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Atari Falcon and Atari Portfolio computers.
Currently the project includes:
- Fail2png – portable command-line converter to PNG files.
- FAILWin – viewer for Windows.
- Thumbnail providers for Windows Explorer and GNOME (Linux)
- Plugin for XnView.
- (de)coder for ImageMagick.
- Plugin for Imagine.
- HTML 5 based viewer.
- New formats: Interlace Character Editor font (ICE), GEM Bit Image (IMG), Multi Palette Picture (MPP).
This is the last release of FAIL. But don’t worry! We are just renaming our project to Retro Computer Image Library (RECOIL), because we are going to support formats from 8-bit and 16-bit machines other than Atari. Stay tuned!
Download: FAIL (First Atari Image Library) v2.0.2 (1707)
source: fail.sourceforge.net
This is the official demo party results from the Atari Głuchołazy 2013. See also the Atari Głuchołazy 2013 homepage for more informations.
Graphics Compo:
- 1. Fred by Piesiu
- 2. Glazy2013 by Rocky
- 3. Pszczelak by Rocky
- 4. Wampirek by Rocky
- 5. Ogrodnik by Nosty
Music Compo:
- 1. Chip Spring Tune by LiSU
- 2. Far Away by stRing
Code Compo:
- 1. Wielbłądy 2 by Lamers
- 2. Lashes of flashes by TDC
source: atari.org.pl/party13/
FAIL is a viewer of pictures in native formats of Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Atari Falcon and Atari Portfolio computers.
Currently the project includes:
- Fail2png – portable command-line converter to PNG files.
- FAILWin – viewer for Windows.
- Thumbnail providers for Windows Explorer and GNOME (Linux)
- Plugin for XnView.
- (de)coder for ImageMagick.
- Plugin for Imagine.
- HTML 5 based viewer.
- Added Atari 8-bit formats: IP2, IMN, ICN, DIN, IRG, IR2, VZI. Added “DEGAS Elite” icon (ICN). Fixed decoding of IPC. Thumbnail provider implemented for Windows 2000/XP. Fullscreen mode in HTML 5.
Download: FAIL (First Atari Image Library) v2.0.1 (1678)
source: fail.sourceforge.net
The aim of the A8CAS project is to create software to read, save and archive tapes for Atari 8-bit computers.
Early Atari computers could store their programs on Compact Cassettes. Lots of commercial software was also sold on tapes. Some of the tapes employed different tricks to prevent creating illegal copies. A8CAS aims to correctly read and write all such tapes.
A8CAS is inspired by existing utilities, Ernest R. Schreurs’ WAV2CAS and CAS2WAV. Schreurs’ tools however did not support tapes with non-standard data (copy prevention mechanisms), and reading tapes from audio files was very unreliable. A8CAS addresses both of those issues. A8CAS now provides a superset of WAV2CAS’ features.
A8CAS consists of:
A shared library, liba8cas, that contains all routines needed to read and write cassettes (support for CAS, HEX, FSK and sound files WAV, OGG, FLAC etc. is implemented). The library can be used in emulators and drivers for SIO interfaces such as SIO2PC; a set of command-line tools, a8cas-tools, that contains a8cas-convert, a utility similar to WAV2CAS/CAS2WAV. The tools use the A8CAS library; a patch for the Atari800 emulator, that allows to load and save tape files (CAS, HEX, WAV, OGG, …) using liba8cas.
- Added the A8CAS_flush() function to API, which ends any chunk being written and writes data from buffers to disk.
- Fixed the inability to adjust stop bit length tolerance during recognition of data blocks. It was hardcoded at 0.25, now it uses the value of the A8CAS_PARAM_BLOCK_HEADER_DEVIATION parameter.
- Fixed crashes when setting A8CAS_PARAM_BLOCK_HEADER_LENGTH lower than 20.
- Fixed a bug in a8cas-convert. When user provided an invalid value to a command-line parameter, the program silently ignored the parameter instead of warning the user
Download: A8CAS new Tools & Libs (1787)
source: a8cas.sourceforge.net
AspeQt is a cross-platform, free and open source Atari 8-bit serial peripheral emulator. The name is an acronym for Atari serial peripheral emulator for Qt, Qt being the cross-platform application development framework used by AspeQt.
AspeQt emulates various Atari 8-bit peripherals like disk drives and printers via an SIO-2-PC cable. If you are familiar with software like Sio2Pc, APE, Atari810, AtariSIO etc., you probably won’t have any problems getting used to AspeQt.
Even though AspeQt is not fully mature yet, it is easy to use and, despite its shortcomings, has many features that you may find useful, the highlights being:
- Up to 15 disk drive emulation.
- Up to 6x SIO speed (125,000bps)
- Support for ATR, XFD, PRO and ATX (preliminary) disk images.
- Mount folders as emulated disks.
- Disk image explorer.
- Directly boot Atari executables.
- Text only printer emulation with PC print, save, and ATASCII font support.
- Cassette image playback.
- Multilingual GUI (English, Polish, Slovak, German, Turkish and Russian)
- AspeQt client module (AspeCl) for Atari, communicates with the server and performs a variety of remote operations.
- Updated Turkish translations.
- Updated the AspeQt documentation.
- Added Folder Image boot support for MyDos, MyPicoDos and SpartaDos. AspeQt now offers an option to switch between those 4 different DOSes automatically. The user no longer needs to supply the required DOS files or the file containing the boot sectors ($boot.bin) as AspeQt includes them and switches from one DOS to another through the UI. The context menu (right clicking on a mounted folder image on D1:) will present a window with DOS selections. By choosing a DOS and clicking Apply on that window will switch DOSes and the next reboot of the Atari will boot selected DOS from the Folder Image. For details of the switching mechanism, the limitations of, and more, please see AspeQt documentation.
- Changed the color and boldness of the Folder Image names to visually differentiate them from other file images.
source: aspeqt.sourceforge.net
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