
Posts Tagged ‘easyflash’

EasyFlash 3 CPLD Firmware v1.0.0

June 11th, 2012 No comments

It was released a new firmware for the EasyFlash Cartridge 3 by Skoe. The upgrade instructions can be found here.


Version 1.0.0 – 06.06.2012

  • USB and I/O2 RAM are also active in KERNAL mode
  • Allows USB-related features in a special KERNAL currently being developed.
  • KERNAL implementation uses a cleaner timing now.
  • CPLD Version register added ($de08). It will be displayed in the next menu version, not release yet.
  • Improved C128 support.
  • 2 MHz mode works in EasyFlash mode (needed for PoP)
  • Added a way to leave to C64 mode or to C128 mode.
  • Will need a menu update, not release yet.
  • Still NO external KERNAL on C128! Many optimizations to get all this crap into the CPLD.

Some of the features will need a software update which is not release yet. Do not try to start an external KERNAL on the C128, it will crash.

Download: EasyFlash 3 CPLD Firmware v1.0.0 (1488)


EasyFlash 3 USB Utilities v1.7

February 25th, 2012 No comments

This is a all-in-1 utility for the EasyFlash 3 cartridge and its USB connection to the PC. The utility is precompiled for M$ Windows and Linux, Source are available.


  • PC has installed Easyflash 3 USB driver. If not please get it from:
  • PC and EF3 are connected using the USB cable.
  • EF3 has jumpers set to “DATA” (down) mode.

Changelog from v1.4:

  • Created a single “ef3usb.prg” and “ef3usb.exe” utility which includes all previous utilities in one single package.
  • Speeded up the Turbo Reader a bit with reverse sector loading.
  • Added 40 track support to D64 read and write (turbo version only!)
  • Added turbo format command – 35 and 40 sectors. Curtesy of tlr’s “Format II” utility.
  • “dir” and “copy” commands now also display the disk name and ID.
  • “execute” command now also accepts .P00 files.
  • “xfer” command added. This command will transfer (copy) files from the C64 to the PC! You can write these files in .PRG or .P00 format.

Download: EasyFlash 3 USB Utilities v1.7 (1498)


EasyFlash 3 USB Utilities v1.4 (all-in-1)

February 5th, 2012 No comments

This is a all-in-1 utility for the EasyFlash 3 cartridge and its USB connection to the PC. The utility is precompiled for M$ Windows system.


  • PC has installed Easyflash 3 USB driver. If not please get it from:
  • PC and EF3 are connected using the USB cable.
  • EF3 has jumpers set to “DATA” (down) mode.

Download: EasyFlash 3 USB Utilities v1.4 (all-in-1) (1411)


Released EasyProg v1.6.3 for the EasyFlash Cartridge

January 15th, 2012 No comments

EasyProg is a program for the C64/C128. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) and also Kernal (EasyFlash 3) onto an EasyFlash cartridge.

Version 1.6.3 – 07.01.2012

  • New Feature: Erase KERNAL/AR/SS5
  • Torture Test fixed.
  • When a slot is erased, the slot name is erased too (same for KERNALs)
  • Slot number is a part of the address if there is more then one slot,  e.g. 01:23:0:1200 for slot 1, bank $23, ROML, offset $1200.

Version 1.6.2 – 22.12.2011

  • EasySplit files work again.
  • Bing! when EasyProg askes for the cartridge name.

Version 1.6.1 – 21.12.2011

  • Initialize the cartridge name when a new CRT file is flashed.

Version 1.6.0 – 18.12.2011

  • Optimized for speed (EF1 and EF3)
  • Support for EF3 features like KERNALs, Action Replay, Retro Replay,  Nordic Power and Super Snapshot 5.
  • EAPI fixed for EF3, solves problems with save games.
  • EF3 directory can be edited.

 Download: EasyProg v1.6.3 (1477)

Skoe has also released a new version of the EF3-Menu v1.0.4

Download: EF3-Menu v1.0.4 (1394)

source: easyflash homepage skoe download page

EasyFlash 3 Cartridge by Skoe is available on Retro-Donald shop

December 31st, 2011 No comments

The cartridge EasyFlash III by Skoe is available on Retro-Donald shop. Like the previous version the VHDL code is open source.

This version introduces several new features, like:

  • Kernal emulation (no need hardware changes).
  • If you choose to use the Kernal emulation the RAM will be available.
  • You can choose 8 Kernal’s.
  • You can choose 7 EasyFlash’s.
  • USB connector for firmware updates.
  • Emulation of FinalCartridge III, ActionReplay…


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

C64 Game: Turbo Charge +5HD for EasyFlash cartridge

September 3rd, 2011 No comments

John64 has released a trained version of Turbo Charge (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.

Download: Turbo Charge +5HD (CRT) (1807)

Download: Turbo Charge +5HD (D81) (1734)

Download: Turbo Charge +5HD (D64) (1713)

source: CSDb

C64 Game: Space Taxi & Jumpman +2HD for EasyFlash cartridge

July 24th, 2011 No comments

John64 has released a trained version of Space Taxi & Jumpman (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.

Download: Space Taxi & Jumpman (crt) (2039)

Download: Space Taxi & Jumpman (d64) (1913)


Released EasyProg v1.5.2 for EasyFlash Cartridge

July 21st, 2011 No comments

EasyProg is a program for the C64/C128. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) onto an EasyFlash.

Version 1.5.2 – 20.07.2011:

  • Fix an issue with Am29F040 sector erase which e.g. caused some games not to be able to save their game states.
  • Allow operations when no known flash chips where found, this makes it possible to use this version of EasyProg for the AlienFlash too.

Download: EasyProg v1.5.2 (1487)

source: easyflash homepage

C64 Game: Airborne Ranger +8DIR for EasyFlash cartridge

Nostalgia has released a trained version of Airborne Ranger by Microprose (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.


C64 Game: Last Ninja 3 +1HD for EasyFlash cartridge

John64 has released a trained version of Last Ninja 3 (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.


Released EasyProg v1.5.1 for EasyFlash Cartridge

April 28th, 2011 No comments

EasyProg is a program for the C64/C128. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) onto an EasyFlash.

Version 1.5.1 – 27.04.2011:

  • Driver for AMD Am29F040 also supports ST M29F040.
  • Changed color scheme to make it more readable.

source: easyflash homepage

Unboxing Commodore EasyFlash Cartridge

March 31st, 2011 No comments
Skoe EasyFlash Cartridge


Personal note (PLA Compatibility): I have tested the EasyFlash cartridge with a Commodore 64 with installed a PLA replacement by Manosoft and it works Perfectly!

I bought mine fully assembled from Mike Betz via Lemon64 Forums.

EasyFlash is a cartridge for the C64 expansion port. In contrast to traditional cartridges, this one can be programmed directly from the C64.

You can easily create various classic computer game cartridges, program collections or even a diagnostic cartridge to track down issues with your hardware with it. All what you need to do this is a C64, an EasyFlash, the software available here and an image of the cartridge (*.crt). As these CRT files may be quite large, a large disk drive like the FD-2000 or an sd2iec may be useful.

EasyFlash is not a freezer cartridge like the Final Cartridge III or the Retro Replay. And it’s no replacement for a 1541 disk drive like the sd2iec.


C64 Game (easyFlash): Myth +1D

February 19th, 2011 No comments

Skoe has released a trained, patched and digiboosted version of Myth (Commodore 64) for the Easyflash cartridge.


Released EasyProg v1.5.0 for EasyFlash Cartridge

February 5th, 2011 3 comments

EasyProg is a program for the C64/C128. It is used to write (“burn”) cartridge image files (*.crt) onto an EasyFlash.

Version 1.5.0 – 02.02.2011:

  • Fast loader for 1541, 1581, sd2iec and uIEC and compatible drives.
  • Some speed optimizations.
  • EAPI code for all EasyFlash variants integrated.
  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Detailed error reports, e.g. when flash memory is write protected.

source: easyflash homepage

Tiny Eprommer Software for Easyflash

December 31st, 2010 No comments

This is a tiny eprommer software. You need a external interface connected via commodore 64 userport for burn eprom. The programmed chip will be used later with the Easyflash cartridge.
