Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows (DirectX 11+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
source: hoxs64.net

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows (DirectX 11+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
Changelog (v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.3):
- Fix broken command line relative path handling.
- Improved performance of quickspeed from the 100Hz mode.
- Remove possibly uncommon VIC bug such that a sprite with x-position 0×163 gets drawn at 0×164. Some but not all real C64s have this bug.
- Use the new DirectX flip model if using Windows 10.
- Fix null pointer access start up crash on Windows 7.
- Automatically position the ImgUI popup when out of bounds.
- Automatic mini-dump file creation with the application folder for application crashes.
source: hoxs64.net

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows (DirectX 11+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
Changelog (v1.0.23.1 -> v1.1.0.1):
- Fix missing XInput1_4.dll error on Windows 7.
- New DirectX 11.1 graphics implementation to replace the old DirectX 9 implementation. Requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 runtime installation.
- Fix CPU DMA timing bug with SHA SHX SHY.
- CIA shift register timing fixes to accommodate Vice testprogs:
- cia-sdr-icr-new.prg
- cia-sdr-icr-old.prg
- cia-sdr-load.prg
- New ImgGui based file selector for full screen mode with option to opt out of windowed mode use.
- Added 100Hz full screen frame rate doubler option to help prevent IPS LCD pixel burn in when using G-Sync.
- Improved G-Sync performance with the host CPU aggressive mode.
- Fix joystick settings dialog configuration fault.
- Added aspect ratio resizing option to windowed mode.
- Added 6th key to the joystick assignment key map.
- Fix configuration save / load of joystick fire 2.
source: hoxs64.net

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
Changelog (v1.0.23):
- Allow PC joystick to control up to 5 C64 keys.
- Monitor refresh option added to emulation video settings.
source: hoxs64.net

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
Changelog (v1.0.21.2):
- Changed command line option -autoload “hostfilename.d64″ “:c64filename” such that c64filename will have the case flipped.
- Added command line option “@” to index a directory with no file type filter.
source: hoxs64.net

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
Changelog (v1.0.21.1):
- The debugger now displays and parses all numbers using the current selected radix (hex or dec) while permitting the use of “$” and “.” as radix overrides.
- Fixed broken loading of a cartridge with in a save state file.
- Bug fix for randomly distributing keyboard and joystick input into the video frame.
- Changed ANE to use 0xEF as the magic constant as recommended by Groepaz.
source: hoxs64.net

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
Changelog (v1.0.21.0):
- Fix ANE opcode for Turrican 3
- Added debugger step over JSR and step out with stack instructions functionality.
- Fixed incorrect memory map while using the debugger that allowed the VIC to read from IO space. This caused Emufuxx0r to fail while using the debugger.
source: hoxs64.net
Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
- Added point and click raster position breakpoints. Breakpoints can be disabled with out being deleted.
- Added command window with assemble, disassemble and C64 memory map selection.
- Added disassemble window address finder.
- Added disassemble window mouse wheel scrolling (WinXP+).
- Randomisation of drive weak bits. Minor drive timing improvement.
- The application is marked as “DPI Aware”. All Windows GUI elements are DPI aware and will render smooth clear text when used with Windows 7′s “make text bigger” option. Only the windowed mode C64 bitmapped rendering remains non DPI aware as with previous versions.
- Added a work in progress breakpoint listview with context menu options “Show Address” and “Delete All Breakpoints”
- Illegal opcode tweak for demo ‘Errata’ by Emulamer.
- CRASHFIX: Fixed stack corruption crash when reading G64 files with custom speed zones.
- CRASHFIX: Fixed application lock up bug while drag scrolling the disassembly window.
source: hoxs64.net
VirtualC64 emulates a Commodore 64 personal computer on your Intel Macintosh OSx > 10.6.
I wrote the software with two major goals in mind. First, I wanted to create an emulator that can be used as a demonstrator program in a first year or second year course on computer engineering.
To achieve this goal, I have integrated various debugging capabilities that let you peek inside the CPU, RAM, ROM, or one of the custom chips. Second, I tried to make the emulator as user friendly as it can get.
In short: VirtualC64 tries to combine the ongoing fascination of the ancient Commodore computers with the great user experience of today’s Macs.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Lions native fullscreen mode now works as expected (no more ugly borders)
- Removed old fullscreen mode which frequently crashed on lion machines.
Download: VirtualC64 v0.9.6.1 (1449)
source: dirkwhoffmann.de
Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
- Enabled editing of the CPU registers and the disassembly mnemonics. The mnemonic edit box accepts either 6502 assembly or space delimited numbers.
- Fixed pixel glitch while stepping in the debugger.
- Added up/left soft cursor keys.
- Tweak for demo ‘Bad Copy’ by Emulamer.
Download: Hoxs64 64 bit (1353)
Download: Hoxs64 32 bit (1344)
Download: Hoxs64 Ansi Win98/2K (1333)
source: hoxs64.net
VirtualC64 emulates a Commodore 64 personal computer on your Intel Macintosh OSx > 10.6.
I wrote the software with two major goals in mind. First, I wanted to create an emulator that can be used as a demonstrator program in a first year or second year course on computer engineering.
To achieve this goal, I have integrated various debugging capabilities that let you peek inside the CPU, RAM, ROM, or one of the custom chips. Second, I tried to make the emulator as user friendly as it can get.
In short: VirtualC64 tries to combine the ongoing fascination of the ancient Commodore computers with the great user experience of today’s Macs.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Enhanced sound emulation (ReSID library has been integrated)
- Fixed joystick issues on lion machines.
Download: VirtualC64 v0.9.6 (1400)
source: dirkwhoffmann.de
A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4.
The changes in this version are:
- Printer job window (for now #4 only)
- Turn off variable length buffering properly when recording media (fixes occasional clicks)
- Not scanning joysticks when unavailable (Message Queue driver slowdown)
- Column width and line feed bug for MPS803 emulation fixed.
- Regression bug in the printer cycle counter ironed out.
- Awkward TED drawing bug patched.
Download: Yape Plus/4 Emulator v1.0.2 (Win32) (1421)
Download: Yape Plus/4 Emulator v1.0.2 (Win64) (1319)
source: yape.homeserver.hu
VirtualC64 emulates a Commodore 64 personal computer on your Intel Macintosh OSx > 10.6.
I wrote the software with two major goals in mind. First, I wanted to create an emulator that can be used as a demonstrator program in a first year or second year course on computer engineering.
To achieve this goal, I have integrated various debugging capabilities that let you peek inside the CPU, RAM, ROM, or one of the custom chips. Second, I tried to make the emulator as user friendly as it can get.
In short: VirtualC64 tries to combine the ongoing fascination of the ancient Commodore computers with the great user experience of today’s Macs.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed another bug that caused the emulator to crash on some lion machines.
Download: VirtualC64 v0.9.5.2 (1447)
source: dirkwhoffmann.de
VirtualC64 emulates a Commodore 64 personal computer on your Intel Macintosh OSx > 10.6.
I wrote the software with two major goals in mind. First, I wanted to create an emulator that can be used as a demonstrator program in a first year or second year course on computer engineering.
To achieve this goal, I have integrated various debugging capabilities that let you peek inside the CPU, RAM, ROM, or one of the custom chips. Second, I tried to make the emulator as user friendly as it can get.
In short: VirtualC64 tries to combine the ongoing fascination of the ancient Commodore computers with the great user experience of today’s Macs.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed a bug that caused the emulator to crash on startup on some machines.
- VirtualC64 supports OS X Lion.
- Preference panels are now tight to their individual virtual machines.
- CIA debug panel has been redesigned.
- Deprecated CoreAudio API calls have been removed.
- Fixed a bug in the BCD to binary conversion routine.
- Fixed a bug that caused the TOD to wake up too early after reading the tenth of a second register.
- Thumbnail images are now rendered properly when switching from PAL to NTSC and vice versa (issue #107)
- Fixed a bug that caused keyboard events to be rejected when the main window got focus (issue #110)
- Fixed a bug that caused a discolored line to appear at the right border of the screen texture.
- Yet another startup animation.
Download: VirtualC64 v0.9.5.1 (1449)
source: dirkwhoffmann.de
Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)
The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.
- Fixed broken 320×200 and 320×240 modes.
- Added option for disabling DWM (Aero) for full screen mode.
source: hoxs64.net
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