.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.
SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.
This release contains the firmware for SIDKick pico with only minor changes:
- The reset behavior has been modified to avoid the problems reported for old ultimax cartridges (e.g. Jupiter Lander).
There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2, and the new SIDKick pico2040DAC.
Please read the troubleshooting section in case you experience problems.
My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.
Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.211 (26)
source: c64-wiki.com github.com/frntc/SIDKick-pico

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Fix race condition in menu startup #206. Thanks lunadog
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.
SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.
- Flashing PRGs from disk drive 8 (<200 blocks)
- Timing diagnostics and adjustment
- Removing of audio bumps/ramps in PWM output
- Optional offsetting of paddle values (in case diagnostic ROMs complain)
There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.
Please read the troubleshooting section in case you experience problems.
My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.
Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.21 (350)
source: c64-wiki.com github.com/frntc/SIDKick-pico restore-store.de
It’s been 4 years since i last updated the firmware of these devices, so it was time to do so.

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Support MACH 5 cartridge. Thanks Lord Kopromaster.
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new firmware update for the ARMSiD has been released by Nobomi.
News features and fixes in FW 2.16:
- Fix for 2 MHz mode C128. Since this firmware ARMSID is functional for all modes and types of communication with C128 (even those incompatible with SID documentation).
- Added to the configuration the possibility to use the EXT IN input (pin 26) as an analog input and connect it to the internal mixer, as on the original chip. You should expect a slight increase in noise background from this input, I recommend using it only when you really need this feature.
- Also added to the configuration the possibility to change the emulation detection threshold of the 6581/8580 according to the input voltage (pin 28), so called autodetection. Originally this limit is set to 10.5V, what is below indicates 8580 emulation, what is above so 6581. With the new setting, this limit can be about 2V, so you can use logic levels of 5V or even just 3V for switching the emulation type (pin 28 is not used for power supply in ARMSID, only for voltage measurement, no power supply on this pin is required for function).
Download: ARMSiD v2.16 [PRG/D64/CONFIG] (390)
source: nobomi.cz github.com/nobomi/Arduino-ARMSID-configurator

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.
SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.
- This release contains the fix for the NTSC-specific bug of firmware version 0.20 (and the fix for the bug I introduced with 0.201 :-)).
There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.
My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.
Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.202 (318)
source: c64-wiki.com github.com/frntc/SIDKick-pico restore-store.de

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.
SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.
- This release contains the fix for the NTSC-specific bug of firmware version 0.20.
There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.
My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.
Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.201 (286)
source: c64-wiki.com github.com/frntc/SIDKick-pico restore-store.de

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate U2+L by Gideon is released.
Changes in 3.11a:
- WiFi support – Now that the WiFi modules for the U2+L are available, you will need this firmware to enable it. In this zip there are two files; the firmware update for the cartridge itself (.u2l) file and the firmware file for the ESP WiFi module (.esp). They have to be applied in this order.
- Ethernet fix – Improves compatibility with some switches and routers. The LAN should now work with these.
- Garbled characters fix. – On some machines, especially on NTSC machines, the 3.11 firmware gave some timing issues. This build should fix that.
- Ulticopy fix – In 3.11 Ulticopy was broken; it should work again – supposedly – not tested.
Due to “life” (e.g. house renovation) there has not been any time for testing this firmware for other hardware platforms. Will come soon.
Download: Ultimate U2+L v3.11a Firmware (390)
source: ultimate64.com github.com facebook

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.
SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.
- FM emulation
- built-in PRG launcher
- Some bugfixes, better stability (e.g. paddle/mouse handling).
There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.
My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.
Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.20 (288)
source: c64-wiki.com github.com/frntc/SIDKick-pico restore-store.de

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Fix loading via EF3 USB (since v1.49) #187 #189. Thanks stefagnani, mvancopp1, jperrin72
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Kung Fu Flash Cartridge by Kim Jørgensen is released.
- Hide hidden and system files/folders (#184). Thanks buzbard.
- Bugfix: Wait for a valid C64 clock before selecting NTSC/PAL handler.
source: github.com/KimJorgensen/KungFuFlash

A new version of the firmware for the Ultimate-64 (U64/U64E) / U2/ U2+ / U2+L by Gideon is released.
Changes in 3.11, compared to 3.10i/j:
- This version adds WiFi support for the Ultimate 64 and Ultimate 64 Elite. Please read the manual on how to set up the ESP32 module. https://1541u-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/wifi.html
- Assembly 64 integration. Many users use the offline version of the great Assembly 64 online database, by running Fredrik’s tool to copy the content into folders onto a USB stick. Now, the Ultimate is the first embedded ever system that integrates access to this online database! You can now simply download and play titles directly from the internet on your Ultimate device. Please read the manual about this here: https://1541u-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/assembly.html
- The Ultimate now supports a basic http daemon; also known as webserver. This allows some simple files to be served from the Ultimate. This server also implements a ReSTful API, which allows an external device to control the Ultimate with standard web URLs. Read up on the API here: https://1541u-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/api_calls.html
- JiffyDOS support for the built-in SoftwareIEC drive. This is a first step to make the internal drive more usable. More effort needs to be done to make the command set more compatible with CMD.
- On the Ultimate 64 it is now possible to isolate the serial bus from the computer, which allows the Ultimate 64 to be used as external drives. Look for “Serial Bus Mode” in the “Ultimate 64 Specific Settings”.
- Various small fixes, such as the telnet session closing upon mount, configuration of the cartrdiges that serve VIC data from external ROM, quite a few fixes in the emulated printer, configurable page margins, … and so on.
source: ultimate64.com github.com facebook

A new version of the firmware for the AVGCART (SD multicart for 8bit Atari) by tmp is released.
The AVGCART is a FPGA based multicart for 8bit Atari computers, extensible with SIO and/or ECI/PBI cables.
- supports CAR (cartridge dump) files up to 1MB and most bankswitching types
- supports XEX (executable) files
- supports ATR (floppy image) files (read/write) – support is limited without an optional SIO or ECI/PBI cable due to Atari cartridge port constraints (e.g. SW that uses RAM under OS does not work)
- supports ATX (protected floppy image) files (read-only, SIO cable required)
- supports CAS (cassette) files (SIO cable required)
- supports AVF (video) files
- supports PDM (audio) files
- fast file search, file shortcuts, randomizer and tons of other features
- when used with optional ECI/PBI cable, it can expand ATARI memory to up to 576kB, it can also provide extra 48kB RAM to stock 16kB 600XL machines (some limitations apply)
- firmware upgradeable via SD card (no additional hw needed)
- SIDE2 emulation (compatible with U1MB and SpartaDOS X)
- ability to stack emulated cart with emulated SpartaDOS X cart, together with SIDE2 emulated HDD
- unlike some other products, most of the functionality is running inside the cart and not on the host machine’s CPU which makes it faster and more versatile (it can do stuff in parallel with host machine without having to gain 6502 control and doesn’t require soldering extra internal upgrades like Ultimate 1MB for some basic functionality like ATR emulation or memory expansion)
- compatible with 600XL, 800XL/XE, 65XE, 130XE, XEGS (cartridge shell is too wide for 1200XL, bare pcb will fit, it is also too tall for 800, can be used with cartridge door opened and door switch triggered)
Changelog (v0029):
- Added type 83 (SIC+ 1MB)
- 1MB extmem support for ATR files (PBI/ECI)
- Fix for X in stacked SDX (don’t disable IDE)
- Some search fixes
- XEX loader fix (Getris)
source: atariage.com

A new version of the firmware for the Atari UnoCart 2600 Cartridge by DirtyHairy is released.
- Fix Survival Island and probably other supercharger games.
source: github.com/DirtyHairy/UnoCart-2600
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