
Posts Tagged ‘manosoft’

Cute 32 – CBM Universal Tape Emulator by Manosoft

Cute 32 CBM Universal Tape Emulator by Manosoft

Cute 32 – CBM Universal Tape Emulator by Manosoft

Has been passed a while since Manosoft (known for the C64SD, Princess and Princess Ultra) announced the arrival of the CUTE 32,
but now this jewel Made in Italy is finally available.

The group Manosoft consists of two people; Hawui1 (Andrea) takes care of the software part and Manosoft (Damiano) takes care of the hardware part.

The CUTE 32 is a CBM Universal Tape Emulator which means that it works with most Commodore machines.

  • Commodore 64
  • Commodore VIC-20
  • Commodore Plus4
  • Commodore C16/C116
  • Commodore PET

The heart of CUTE 32 is enclosed in a FABULOUS small-scale reproduction of a Commodore Datassette 1530 (C2N).

The finishing and the quality of the material used for the external box is something of spectacular both to the touch and aesthetically.

The ease of use is Manosoft style, which is all very intuitive; WIFI connection, File Management and options on the CUTE 32 Display and finally with the Windows application.

The main features are many and i try to summarize them very briefly, at the bottom of the page i leave you the official Link of the WEB page
where you can find the complete list of technical characteristics.

Main Technical Features:

  • Remote Control Console program that allows you to use all the functions of the CUTE32 from a PC via Wi-Fi.
  • CUTE32 has a display and a keyboard and can be used in all its functions even without a PC.
  • Ability to control multiple cards simultaneously from a remote device via the console.
  • Firmware update directly from CUTE 32 if connected via WIFI or via a file downloadable from the website
  • Real Time clock with automatic update.
  • Fully digital, logarithmic volume adjustment of the buzzer.
  • Player compatible with TAP V0, V1 and V2 – DMP V0 and V1 – HTAP V0. All positioning functions are active on any file format.
  • Progress bar that allows you to understand where you are in the virtual tape.
  • PCB designed to reduce noise and RF interference, optimized impedance to minimize signal deformations.
  • Very high quality case printed with the latest 3D technologies (even better quality than a printed container) and designed with CAD / CAM
  • Visual Azimuth check functionality directly on the display with two levels of precision that allows accurate adjustment of the Azimuth of the recorder before grabbing.
  • .. and much more.

What is supplied with the CUTE 32:

  • 1 8-pole miniDin cable for connection to the Commodore 16/116/ Plus4.
  • 1 Tape adapter for connection to the Commodore 64 / VIC20 / PET.
  • 1 Micro USB cable for external power supply.
  • 1 A care leaflet for the precautions for use in Italian / English.
  • 1 User manual in Italian / English.
  • 1 Metal pin for Factory Reset.
  • 1 Sticker to replace the graphics of the CUTE 32 with one similar to the original of the Commodore Datassette 1530 (C2N).

I thanks Manosoft, it was really a pleasure and an honor to try the CUTE 32.

I tried the CUTE 32 with a U64 (Ultimate 64) and a Commodore PET and everything works perfectly.




C64SD V3 Princess FLC available on stock

October 30th, 2015 1 comment

Available on stock the new version of the V3 C64SD Princess by Manosoft. For more information please visit the Manosoft website.


Princess C64SD v3.0 by Manosoft

August 19th, 2014 No comments

Hi all, like one year ago Manosoft amazes us again, this time he did a great job of merging the ITS TAP Player module with the C64SD and from this merger comes the Princess, an interface with both previously released interfaces.
The Princess interface is elegant as only Manosoft can do, the box color has changed and is a white sand that matches perfectly with the whole 8-bit Commodore Home Computer series.

In addition to the color were also added new controls and visual led. Below the instructions of each command on the front/back side of the Princess interface.

Front side:

  • [1] Play/Stop switch for TAP file.
  • [2] Reset button.
  • [3] Disc Change button. (down/autoswap.lst)
  • [4] LED:
    • Yellow – Virtual Motor of the Tape.
    • White – Reading.
    • Red – General Error.
    • Green – Power.
  • [5] Floppy Drive Connector (IEC) Computer side.
  • [6] Connector Cassette side Computer
  • [7] Auxiliary Power 9v.


Back side:

  • [1] SD Card slot.
  • [2] Red Button – Setpoint tap file / (up/autoswap.lst)
  • [3] Dip Switch for selecting the Floppy drive Device (SD2IEC).
  • [4] Audio volume (monitor function) TAP Player.
  • [5] Mini DIN 8-pin connector to be connected to the tape port of the Commodore 264 series.
  • [6] Auxiliary Power 9v.
  • [7] Pass-through Floppy Drive Connector (IEC)
  • [8] Pass-through Tape connector to use with a Datasette 1530 or 1531 with a another adapter.



Like the previous C64SD v2.0 interface, the Princess has a pass-through connector for the cassette recorder and one for the Floppy Disk Drive.

I don’t forget to speak about the nice addition, a small Piezo Speaker to hear the sound of the bytes that are loaded with the TAP Player and also a nice “beep” that warn if the interface on power up working correctly.

Damiano alias “Manosoft” is a good manufacturer of 8 Bit peripherals and also a great friend. I take the opportunity of this article to greet Damiano and congratulate for this new interface for the 8-bit Commodore Home Computer series.

Soon will be available on the Manosoft website two new software packages (C64 and AIO)

“AIO” is an innovative system that will allow the creation of the SD Card of 4GB or higher in a few minutes from an image file created ad hoc.

On the Commodore 64 side was also written a new program called “MENU” with some utilities like the initialization of the SD Card for the Princess C64SD v3.0 interface.

The development of the TAP Player firmware with the SD2IEC protocol has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of Hawui1 promoter and developer of the ITS Module and some other things.

The Princess C64SD v3.0 interface will be available for sale in the next months on the Manosoft site.

Princess C64SD v3.0 Video Preview:

C64SD V2 Infinity + ITS firmware update v0.10.3.9

July 10th, 2014 No comments
ITS TAP Module

A new version of the firmware for the interface C64SD Infinity + ITS Module by Manosoft is released.


  • Implemented functionality that allows to save a placeholder (unique for each .TAP file) pressing the red button on the back of the card. User can set back the read pointer at which TAP data is played back by pressing “Next” button on the card. Useful for multi load .TAP or games asking to reset the counter of the tape and then to rewind the tape that specific point.

Download: C64SD (ITS) Firmware v0.10.3.9 (1613)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

Manosoft C64SD v2.0 Infinity available in stock

October 31st, 2013 No comments

Again available for sale the interface C64SD v2.0 Infinity by Manosoft.

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

C64SD V2 Infinity + ITS firmware update v0.10.3.8

August 14th, 2013 No comments
ITS TAP Module

A new version of the firmware for the interface C64SD Infinity + ITS Module by Manosoft is released.


  • Added support for the long filenames and the ones containing special characters.

Download: C64SD Firmware v0.10.3.8 (1532)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

C64SD V2 Infinity + ITS firmware update v0.10.3.7

August 5th, 2013 No comments
ITS TAP Module

It was released a new firmware for the C64SD Infinity + ITS Module by Manosoft which fixes some minor compatibility issues present in the previous release with some C64 Filebrowser.

Download: C64SD Firmware v0.10.3.7 (1465)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

ITS Module: TAP player for the C64SD v2.0 (based on sd2iec)

July 11th, 2013 No comments
ITS TAP Module with C64SD v2.0


I have to thank my friend Damiano for sending me the ITS Module with a low serial number, which like the previous one (C64SD v2.0) i really appreciate it.

The ITS module is a interface that enables SD2IEC to play .TAP files version 1 and version 2 to a commodore machine. The ITS module was designed to fit into the pass-through tape connector of C64SD Infinity and to be connected to the C64SD by a four wires cable that allows C64SD to manage it.

SD2IEC firmware has been modified in order to add the commands and the routines needed to control the external ITS module without removing any of the original SD2IEC functionalities


  • Play back any V1 or V2 standard .TAP files in order to load them into a commodore machine belonging to the “classic” or “264” series including: VIC-20, VC20, C64, C16, C116, C128 (all
  • versions) and Plus/4. Note: some models of C128D doesn’t have the tape edge-card connector, of  course ITS is not compatible with these machines.
  • Rebuild the original tape grabbed into all the .TAP version 1 and for most of the version 2
  • Work permanently connected between the tape port of the commodore computers and the corresponding datassette (either 1530 white model flat plug or 1531 black model mini-din plug) acting
  • As a pass-through transparent gateway or activated in order to play back .TAP files: no need to connect and disconnect the module to use your datassette.
  • Play back .TAP content with optimal accuracy and completely in digital format without the hassle of file conversions or level adjustment
  • Simulate tape motor activation logic fully so that the play back of the tape is managed as it would be in a real C2N tape. An override button has been provided able to stop the play back of the “virtual tape” at any time when necessary.
  • Work with either 1530 (White model, flat plug) datassette recorder as well as with 1531 (Black, mini-din plug) datassette
  • Load .TAP with multiple programs recorded one after the other (like the classic tape compilations sold in the 80′s)  

What Can’t You Do:

  • Create a .TAP file representing the content of a Tape (i.e. ITS is not a “tape content grabber”)
  • Fix the content of a TAP file in case it’s broken. Broken .TAP won’t load on your Commodore box. Since there are literally thousands of utilities to create and manipulate .TAP files there is the possibility to come across non-standard or incorrect .TAP files.
  • Play back the content of .TAP of version V0. Use an utility to convert V0 .TAP files to V1 such as TapClean then you will be able to use the converted .TAP file with ITS module.
  • Manage programs saved on tape that are based on the tape-counter management or on the time of wind-rewind of the tape.

The ITS Module can be purchased on the Manosoft site.

ITS Tape Loading video:


A day with Damiano (Manosoft) father of the interface C64SD

February 23rd, 2013 2 comments

I’m happy to share the photos of the day spent with Damiano (Manosoft) that besides being a good friend is also the father of the interface C64SD Infinity for Commodore 64/C16/VIC20.

We spent a pleasant day of old memories, we are watched and commented some demos for the Commodore 64 and we have completed the repair of the keyboard of his Commodore SX-64.

Thanks Damiano for making me visit and for giving me a lot of things that are now part of my collection.

Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

Manosoft C64SD / PLA / Easyflash Xmas discounts, save your money!

December 10th, 2012 No comments

For the Christmas Time Manosoft offers a discount of 20% on all products (C64SD, C64 Pla, Easyflash).

The prices on the Manosoft site have already been updated and include the discount.


Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

A new Promotional Spot of Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0 Blue version

October 16th, 2012 No comments

This is a new promotional spot released a few hours ago for the interface C64SD Infinity v2.0 Blue version by Manosoft

Watch the Promotional Spot:


Categories: Event(s), News & Rumors, Today

Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0 Blue version soon on Stock

September 14th, 2012 No comments
Manosoft C64SD v2.0 Blue version


This is the preview of the Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0 Blue version. This version will be soon available for sale.

Here the full review of the Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0.


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

Preview: Unboxing Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0

May 19th, 2011 No comments
C64SD Infinity v2.0


Preview of the new Manosoft C64SD Infinity v2.0.

This project is interesting not only because it’s another mass-storage solution but because it combines already existing solutions to a new and fresh product. Damiano has always followed all the Commdore related websites and forums especially concerning the MMC and SD2IEC projects.

That’s when he got the idea to build a solution for which one doesn’t need soldering, wire cutting or the IEC cable. C64SD utilizes the Datasette pass-through connector to power the SD2IEC circuit. An IEC pass-through connector connects right into the IEC port.

The whole module stand vertical along the back of the C64/128 (or VIC20). The module is fitted with two rather large buttons, one reset and one diskswap/multi-function button.

Remember: with a external power supply the C64SD works fine with Commodore 16/Plus4.

C64SD Infinity new Features:

  • TAPE pass-through connector.
  • Reset on User Port.
  • CPU Type ATMEL ATmega 1284P(128k)
  • SD Filesystem for firmware upgrade FAT16/32
  • Standard Commodore 128 IEC Cable.

The interface can be purchased on the Manosoft site.


Unboxing C64/SX PLA replacement by Manosoft

November 24th, 2010 3 comments
Manosoft PLA Replacement


Manosoft the author of the famous interface C64SD in these days is selling a replacement part for our Commodore 64 (first model) and SX64, we are talking about the PLA chip (906114-01), the component for excellence of failure of many Commodore 64.

The chip PLA (906114-01) is no longer sold as spare part, but the file for build a ‘homebrew’ PLA clone is available online. The Manosoft PLA is designed specifically to meet all people.

I and Manosoft after a careful reading of C64 forums we concluded that we must utilize a 27C512 PROM 90ns from ST (instead of an EPROM). This means you get a good compatibility (like 99%) with all Software and Hardware available for the Commodore 64.


Manosoft C64SD v2 Advanced

September 4th, 2010 2 comments

Manosoft has released a new version of his C64SD.

The Italian developer Damiano Colombari based the C64SD design on the already existing SD2IEC solution.

The major differences from the previous one are the aluminum box and a female IEC connector for connect external Floppy Drive or other devices.

Click here for the Video Demostration.

source: c64wiki sd2iec c64wiki sd2iec firmware

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today