Photo Gallery of my Retro Collection
Photo Gallery update of my Retro Collection / Retro Trash.
Many things in the photos are not visible because are in hidden places or deliberately hidden.
I seem to have accumulated a lot of things in these long years and this is a good time to meditate what to do and what not to do, absolutely do not sell anything or donating, but also not continue to accumulate, in fact from a few months i’m moving just on repairs and modding and i must say that i feel much better.
Photo Gallery:
Customize the keyboard of the Commodore 64
Nightfall Retro Collection Virtual Tour
Photo Gallery update of my Retro Collection / Retro Trash
Clicking on the photo will download the highest resolution version available (10708 x 5137).
Updates of the Nightfall Retro Collection:
You can see my Retro collection with a Virtual Tour, we hope one day to be able to expose my things to the public.
Many thanks to Andrea Schillani and Freddy Anselmo for the photos and graphic support.
Found some stickers,advertisements and my B-Book from the old Scene
Found some stickers,advertisements and my Black Book from the old Scene.
- Italian Bad Boys Advertisement.
- Supplex Section Italy BBS Advertisement (sticker).
- Nightfall Logo and some Commodore Stickers.
- Nightfall Pizza Party Advertisement / Ram Jam – The Charts / Commodore Sticker.
- Private Black Book.
Retro Innovations ROM-el Atmel 49F001AN Adapter
To program the ROM-el chip by Retro Innovations you need a Adapter. The ROM-el chip uses a Atmel flashrom AT49F001AN (128K x 8) and we must build an adapter that converts the pins of the 2364 PROM Commodore 64 Kernel, which is used in ROM-el chip, to the original state of the chip AT49F001.
After this work, you can use the Willem programmer to program the FlashROM with one or more C64 kernel.
Nightfall – EasyFlash One file Demo compilation #1
This is a demo compilation for the Easyflash cartridge.
I have picked up the best demo’s from csdb site and i have made a compilation in .crt format.
NightfallCrew Poster
I have created a funny Poster with some things from my Museum.
Amiga Crusaders Eurochart issue #13 and #14
With great pleasure I found two photo of xad (me) and The Ripper on the Amiga magazine: Eurochart by Crusaders.
- The Ripper of Nightfall on Crusaders Eurochart #13
- Xad of Nightfall on Crusaders Eurochart #14
Update Hidden Power BBS: FlashTerm client
Hidden Power BBS now use FlashTerm client for telnet via web.
Testing for Hidden Power BBS (2 Nodes Telnet) *updated*
Hi all!, after 13 years we are back Online via Telnet.
The Hidden Power BBS is working with all the statistics (bullettins) and calls (callerslog) of a time, and nothing was removed, all accounts (login / password / nup / telnet login) are the same as 13 years ago.
If you want to try, Click the Magic Link on the upper right corner (you need Java Macromedia Flash for the FlashTerm Telnet Client).
- Amiga 1200.
- 64mb FastRam.
- 2mb ChipRam.
- 60gb 2.5″ IDE HD (DH0: FFS / DH1: SFS).
- Phase5 Blizzard 1230 IV (68030 / 50mhz)
- Kick 3.1 (blizzKicked ;-D).
- IDE-Fix Express Splitter / Express Adapter.
- Indivision AGA 1200 (FlickerFixer).
The PASSWORD of Telnet D00r (fake Unix login) is: area51 / nup: oldskool
Gameboy Color Trainer source example
This is a very old trainer menu for Gameboy/Color made by me for Nightfall & Eurasia, i have decided to release the source.
Source comments are in Italian Language. The archive contain: source,data (rnc packed),compiler/linker (windows 2000/xp) and a .bat (batch file) for build the release.
Year 1992 – nIGHTFALL Photo (some members)
xAD / nIGHTFALL on Facebulk.. Facebook
Vintage Computer Collection. *Updated*
This is a small part of my vintage computer collections.
A Description of the photo’s:
Photo #1: 1541 Jiffy, 1541 II Jiffy, 1581 Jiffy, C64 with a First generation motherboard + MultiKernel (Atmel Flash), Nes Pal/Ntsc, a Lame Windows PC, Debian Laptop.
Photo #2: Commodore 1084S, C64, some Original box of Commodore.
Photo #3: 1541 Original Box, Commodore Dtv PAL, Plus4, C16, C64, Spectrum Joystick Interface,Zx81, Spectrum, Vic20, C64G, C64 II, C16 Cartridges and on the wall a C64 Motherboard ;-DD
Photo #4: Zoom of C128 and C64 II logo.
Photo #5: C128 and a first version of C64 II (new case but with old Motherboard / Keyboard)
Photo #6: Amiga 600 + 1MB + CompactFlash HD.
Photo #7: Commodore 1084S, Amiga 3000 (old memories)
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