Amiga Utility written by Rikki Ratboy for Nightfall
- IntroAdd, which was written for Censor, just adds an intro(or whatever) onto a gamefile (or your favourite SNES demo? hehe) In this current version it’s only capable of handling 32kb intros. Planning to implement
a switch for 4kb/8kb/16kb/32kb intro sizes.
- Findspace, this little utility find space in your Snes GAMES for place your little INTRO/TRAINER.
(Available Amiga executables / Documentation and sources ‘C’)
Download SMCAdder v1.2 & FindSpace v1.1 (19.84 kB)
The download zip contain:
[nFL]-Bust a Move 4 +1
[nFL]-Die Maus +2
[nFL]-Dropzone +3
[nFL]-Gameboy Galler 3 JAP +1
[nFL]-Gameboy Gallery 3 +1
[nFL]-Hexcite +1
[nFL]-Moonpatrol & Spy Huner +3
[nFL]-Ohasta Y^R +2
[nFL]-Prince of Persia +2
[nFL]-Roadsters 98 +1
[nFL]-Rox +1
[nFL]-Rtype Collection +1
[nFL]-Spawn +4
[nFL]-Spy vs Spy +2
[nFL]-Super Mario Deluxe +3
[nFL]-Vrally Color +3
I have found a very old archive with some .. but not all, Gameboy Color Trainer by our group.
download: nIGHTFALL^Eurasia Gameboy Color Trainers (4.4 MB)
More info about the Bit Rate Reduction “BRR” here.
Brr Encode/Decode v0.95 (Amiga Version)
This program allows you to convert audio samples IFF – RAW, if you have OS 3.1 recognizes “datatype” to BRR mode. BRR mode is a sort of compressed sample used by SNES.
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This is a full archives of Snes Trainer/Pal Fix/SlowRom Fix and so on from Nightfall.
The Archives are in .lha and include .nfo/file_id.diz and bbs adversiments , they come directly from my old bbs.
Download: [nFL]-Trainer_Pal-Fix_SlowRom-Fix_and-more (3120)
This is a old compilation from Nightfall of ripped music of snes Games (SPC700 format) include SPC Music Player and a documentation for play them. The Archives are in .lha and include .nfo/file_id.diz and bbs adversiments, they come directly from my old bbs.
Download Ripped Snes Music (SPC format) (1.4 MB)
This is a very old C64 compilation (1987) of Digitized Music from xAD / Fox and Leo. We have used our software/hardware to create these digi-music.
This is a old Gameboy Charts from Wayne Kerr, charts include a lot of oldskool groups, like: Capital,Eurasia & Nightfall,Paradox and so on.
Download Gameboy Charts Issue #1 to #6 (53.81 kB)
This is a Movie of a very old VHS Tape (15 years old) from Nova Acies. You can find a lot of Italian Groups in this Movie, like: Nightfall,Nova Acies,TCB,Zero Defect,IBB and peoples like xAD, Leo Sexad, Fox, Slash, Little Lamer, Vic, Dr.g, Fashion Light, ACBS, Pows, Artic, Nemesis, Executor, Skynet, Selz, Jacky Tory, Pbx/Mci…. and so on..
Movie Snapshot:
Many thanks to a member of our group, which has captured the Movie from the VHS tape and has made it really beautiful.
->>>>>>>>>>>>>> N i G H T F A L L
* converted in PNG (Original format are in IFF/iLBM HAM).
INFO: I don’t know if someone out there got some problems on copying NEOGEO-CD games, however i noticed that some of the best CD are copy-protected because after some minutes the game display an ILLEGAL COPY message or a DISK I/O ERROR message. I cracked the main programs of two of the best games so you can play the game without any interruption. While copy processing just substitute the original main files with the one’s found on this archive! That’s all! Please let me know if someone likes this release.
Download SAMURAI SHOWDOWN 3 & FATAL FURY 3 / Snk Crack (384.99 kB)
Download KING OF FIGHTERS '95 & REAL BOUT / Snk Crack (372.98 kB)
Famicom Picture Converter v0.1B – Written by xAD’n'THoR (c) By NiGHTFALL 1992
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