
Posts Tagged ‘sd2iec’

C64SD V2 Infinity + ITS firmware update v0.10.3.9

July 10th, 2014 No comments
ITS TAP Module

A new version of the firmware for the interface C64SD Infinity + ITS Module by Manosoft is released.


  • Implemented functionality that allows to save a placeholder (unique for each .TAP file) pressing the red button on the back of the card. User can set back the read pointer at which TAP data is played back by pressing “Next” button on the card. Useful for multi load .TAP or games asking to reset the counter of the tape and then to rewind the tape that specific point.

Download: C64SD (ITS) Firmware v0.10.3.9 (1613)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

C64SD V2 Infinity + ITS firmware update v0.10.3.8

August 14th, 2013 No comments
ITS TAP Module

A new version of the firmware for the interface C64SD Infinity + ITS Module by Manosoft is released.


  • Added support for the long filenames and the ones containing special characters.

Download: C64SD Firmware v0.10.3.8 (1532)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

C64SD V2 Infinity + ITS firmware update v0.10.3.7

August 5th, 2013 No comments
ITS TAP Module

It was released a new firmware for the C64SD Infinity + ITS Module by Manosoft which fixes some minor compatibility issues present in the previous release with some C64 Filebrowser.

Download: C64SD Firmware v0.10.3.7 (1465)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

ITS Module: TAP player for the C64SD v2.0 (based on sd2iec)

July 11th, 2013 No comments
ITS TAP Module with C64SD v2.0


I have to thank my friend Damiano for sending me the ITS Module with a low serial number, which like the previous one (C64SD v2.0) i really appreciate it.

The ITS module is a interface that enables SD2IEC to play .TAP files version 1 and version 2 to a commodore machine. The ITS module was designed to fit into the pass-through tape connector of C64SD Infinity and to be connected to the C64SD by a four wires cable that allows C64SD to manage it.

SD2IEC firmware has been modified in order to add the commands and the routines needed to control the external ITS module without removing any of the original SD2IEC functionalities


  • Play back any V1 or V2 standard .TAP files in order to load them into a commodore machine belonging to the “classic” or “264” series including: VIC-20, VC20, C64, C16, C116, C128 (all
  • versions) and Plus/4. Note: some models of C128D doesn’t have the tape edge-card connector, of  course ITS is not compatible with these machines.
  • Rebuild the original tape grabbed into all the .TAP version 1 and for most of the version 2
  • Work permanently connected between the tape port of the commodore computers and the corresponding datassette (either 1530 white model flat plug or 1531 black model mini-din plug) acting
  • As a pass-through transparent gateway or activated in order to play back .TAP files: no need to connect and disconnect the module to use your datassette.
  • Play back .TAP content with optimal accuracy and completely in digital format without the hassle of file conversions or level adjustment
  • Simulate tape motor activation logic fully so that the play back of the tape is managed as it would be in a real C2N tape. An override button has been provided able to stop the play back of the “virtual tape” at any time when necessary.
  • Work with either 1530 (White model, flat plug) datassette recorder as well as with 1531 (Black, mini-din plug) datassette
  • Load .TAP with multiple programs recorded one after the other (like the classic tape compilations sold in the 80′s)  

What Can’t You Do:

  • Create a .TAP file representing the content of a Tape (i.e. ITS is not a “tape content grabber”)
  • Fix the content of a TAP file in case it’s broken. Broken .TAP won’t load on your Commodore box. Since there are literally thousands of utilities to create and manipulate .TAP files there is the possibility to come across non-standard or incorrect .TAP files.
  • Play back the content of .TAP of version V0. Use an utility to convert V0 .TAP files to V1 such as TapClean then you will be able to use the converted .TAP file with ITS module.
  • Manage programs saved on tape that are based on the tape-counter management or on the time of wind-rewind of the tape.

The ITS Module can be purchased on the Manosoft site.

ITS Tape Loading video:


SD2Iec Firmware (Latest nightly build)

May 25th, 2012 1 comment

Shadowolf has published a web page where you can download the beta version of  SD2IEC firmware.

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).

source: SD2Iec Firmware (Latest nightly build)

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.10.3

February 27th, 2012 No comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2012-02-26 – release 0.10.3

  • Bugfix: Un-break I2C display communication.


source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec bootLoader v0.3

January 22nd, 2012 No comments

This is an AVR MMC/SD boot loader compatible with HolgerBootloader2. Based on a heavily modified version of ChaN’s FatFs library.

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2012-01-22 – release 0.3

  • Further size optimizations.
  • Enable FAT12 on uIEC3.


source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.10.2

December 19th, 2011 No comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2011-12-18 – release 0.10.2

  • Bugfix: End of generated raw directory was incorrect.
  • Bugfix: Various compilation fixes when fastloaders are disabled.
  • ULoad M3 automatically exits when ATN becomes active.
  • Minor code space improvements.
  • New fastloader: ELoad Version 1 (EasyProg)


source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec bootLoader v0.2

September 12th, 2011 No comments

This is an AVR MMC/SD boot loader compatible with HolgerBootloader2. Based on a heavily modified version of ChaN’s FatFs library.

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2011-09-12 – release 0.2

  • Added petSD configuration.

Download: SD2Iec bootLoader v0.2 (1660)

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

FB (FileBrowser) v1.0 for SD2IEC

August 11th, 2011 No comments

FB (FileBrowser) v1.0 for SD2IEC by Sailor of TRIAD.

DownloadFB (FileBrowser) v1.0 (1603)


Unboxing KIT Pocket 1541 Plus Limited Edition 2011

August 3rd, 2011 4 comments
 Pocket 1541 Plus + PocketCard 64


The interface 1541 Pocket Plus is a evolution of the Pocket 1541 released a few years ago. The 1541 Pocket Plus emulates the Commodore 1541 floppy drive with an SD (Secure Digital). The firmware like many Floppy Drive Emulation Interfaces for the C64 is based on the Open Source project SD2IEC and its operation is very simple and transparent, the interface is powered directly from the C64.

What can I do with it? It’s easy to say, with a normal SD (Secure Digital) you can store your favorites games and programs and you can load from the C64 everything directly from your memory card (SD), no more disk drives or datassette.

The differences from previous version, there are many, i’m going to list only the most important.

  • 5VDC Powered from the Cartridge port of the Commodore 64.
  • New CPU ATMega 1284PU (128k) clocked at 8MHz.
  • External 48-pin Expansion slot.
  • Internal expansion slot for future implementations.
  • PocketCard with Bank Switching and 4Mbit flash memory (interchangeable)
  • PocketCard PC 64 software can allows you to create Flash files for the 29F040.
  • External Kernal with addon PocketCard PC 64 (requires PocketPLA 64).
  • PocketPLA 64.

My first impression: I must say that has made a very good impression, the KIT Pocket 1541 Plus consists of several components built in an absolutely accurate and professional. The use of the addon PocketCard 64 at first time may be a bit complex for a beginner, but following the manual (you can find on the seller’s site) the configuration becomes easy and fun.

The Kernal cartridge mode is a very nice features, it overrides the PROM 901227. This feature requires the installation of the PocketPLA 64 and is only compatible with the Commodore 64 first edition (brown) with a PLA 906114.

In the sad case that the PocketPLA 64 can not be installed on your Commodore 64, the PocketCard 64 can be used to speed up the file loading with a TurboDisk Cartridge. The PocketCard 64 supports all types of cartridges (Ultimax or Standard) including games or utility. You can use the software PocketCard-64 to generate the file for the 29F040 flash with your compilations of Programs/Games or Kernal.

I suggest to buying this kit to all Retro Fans of the Commodore including people who want to ‘hack’ and not just play ;-D


Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.10.1

December 26th, 2010 No comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2010-12-25 – release 0.10.1

  • Bugfix: Remove remains of previous commands while parsing B-*
  • Bugfix: Fix response of UI command for unknown suffix chars.
  • Small improvement of JiffyDOS transfer speeds.

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.10.0 Final Released

November 7th, 2010 No comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2010-11-07 – release 0.10.0

  • Deprecation notice: E-R and E-W commands will be removed in the next release.
  • Improved reliability of Nippon loader.

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.10.0Pre5 Released

October 31st, 2010 2 comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2010-10-31 – release 0.10.0pre5

  • Bugfix: Avoid duplicate file name when DEL/DIR matches.
  • Bugfix: Reduce chance of data corruption in Wheels.
  • Bugfix: Slightly relax IEC timing while waiting for command.
  • Added AR6 1581 fastloader+saver (PAL).

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Iec Firmware v0.10.0Pre4 Released

October 26th, 2010 2 comments

SD2IEC is a hardware mass storage device using an SD/MMC card and interfacing with the IEC bus. It is based on the ATmega644 or ATmega1284p microcontroller from the Atmel AVR microcontroller family.

The most prominent use of SD2IEC is emulation/replacement of a Commodore-1541 disk drive for a C64. Hardware and the microcontroller’s firmware is available as open source (GPL).


2010-10-26 – release 0.10.0pre4

  • Bugfix: Wheels with SuperCPU timing issue corrected.
  • Bugfix: Rare problem with ~ in FAT file names fixed.
  • Added compile-time option to capture fastloader code.
  • Added Wheels 4.4 fast loaders.
  • Added another variation of the Epyx Fastload cart.
  • Added Nippon fast loader.

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today