
Posts Tagged ‘sidkick-pico’

SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic Firmware update v0.211

March 19th, 2025 No comments

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.

SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.

This release contains the firmware for SIDKick pico with only minor changes:

  • The reset behavior has been modified to avoid the problems reported for old ultimax cartridges (e.g. Jupiter Lander).


There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2, and the new SIDKick pico2040DAC.

Please read the troubleshooting section in case you experience problems.


My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.

Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.211 (13)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic Firmware update v0.21

August 22nd, 2024 No comments

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.

SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.


  • Flashing PRGs from disk drive 8 (<200 blocks)
  • Timing diagnostics and adjustment
  • Removing of audio bumps/ramps in PWM output
  • Optional offsetting of paddle values (in case diagnostic ROMs complain)


There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.

Please read the troubleshooting section in case you experience problems.


My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.

DownloadSIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.21 (350)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic Firmware update v0.202

June 6th, 2024 No comments

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.

SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.


  • This release contains the fix for the NTSC-specific bug of firmware version 0.20 (and the fix for the bug I introduced with 0.201 :-)).


There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.


My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.

Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.202 (317)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic Firmware update v0.201

June 2nd, 2024 No comments

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.

SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.


  • This release contains the fix for the NTSC-specific bug of firmware version 0.20.


There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.


My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.

Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.201 (283)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic Firmware update v0.20

May 18th, 2024 No comments

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.

SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.


  • FM emulation
  • built-in PRG launcher
  • Some bugfixes, better stability (e.g. paddle/mouse handling).


There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2.


My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.

Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.20 (286)


Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today

My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico

January 28th, 2024 No comments

I wanted to try the SIDKick pico also with my SID Player, everything is ok, it works as well as i expected.

The green LED just below the SID Socket indicates that the SIDKick is playing.


SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic

January 27th, 2024 2 comments

SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.

SIDKick pico uses firmware similar to its “big brother” SIDKick. However, the pico variant is based on the Raspberry Pi Pico board that uses the RP2040 microcontroller which is much cheaper and has better availability than the Teensy that is used by the normal SIDKick.

Technical features:

  • Dual 6581 and/or 8580 emulation based on reSID 0.16 (optional: extension for digi-playing techniques).
  • 2nd-SID address at $d400, $d420, $d500, $d420 + $d500 simultaneously, $de00, $df00 ($d500 is not available on the C128), or any address when an external chip select signal is used (e.g. on Ultimate 64 boards).
  • Paddle/Mouse support.
  • Built-in configuration menu (launch with “SYS 54301″/”SYS 54333″, also from C128-mode).
  • Sound output via PWM (mono) through the C64/C128 mainboard, or in stereo using a PCM5102A-DAC-board.
  • Flashing RGB-LED (WS2812) on GPIO 23 (installed on some Pico-clones)

My personal opinion:

My personal opinion as an inveterate purist is that no emulation or implementation will have the sound performance of the native SID (6581/8580).

I can accept as a good implementation the FPGASid and ARMSid where the developers have done a really good job.

SIDKick defends itself well and is low cost, furthermore it’s Open Source, also has a nice feature that i appreciated a lot, it has integrated configuration software that can be run with a simple SYS in both C64 and 128 modes.

So my final opinion is most people will never notice any difference, but i assure you that the differences are there, so i recommend it to everyone unless you are a SID purist.


The audio output and emulation improves if you use the PCM5102A-DAC add-on card, in my test i chose not to use it because i wanted to show you a plug’n'play without too many cables, jacks and patches. Maybe it was better to include this additional module directly on the SIDKick PCB? probably yes.

The KIT was purchased from, fast shipping and impeccable service.

Gallery of the shipping box:


