
Posts Tagged ‘software’

NAV v9.1: A File Browser with mouse support for the C64

January 23rd, 2013 No comments

NAV, is a new file browser for the C64. NAV can use a mouse in Port 1, joystick in Port 2, or the keyboard. NAV can work with up to five drives and has been tested with the following drive types:

1541, 1571, 1581, uIEC, IDE64

Browsing through directories and disks is just point and click! Drives like the uIEC that can store gigabytes of software can be tedious and frustrating to navigate. NAV lets you easily work with D64/D71/D81/DNP/M2I disk images as well as “real” Commodore disks and the IDE64. Up to five drives at a time!

Just click a drive to browse it!Pressing the “@” key brings up a command line that acts just like the good ol’ DOS Wedge. In addition, there are a few additional commands that can be entered on the command line. Just type “@HELP” to get the complete list.

Download: NAV v9.1 (D64) (923)


AspeQt v0.8.6 (Atari serial peripheral emulator for Qt)

January 20th, 2013 No comments

AspeQt is a cross-platform, free and open source Atari 8-bit serial peripheral emulator. The name is an acronym for Atari serial peripheral emulator for Qt, Qt being the cross-platform application development framework used by AspeQt.

AspeQt emulates various Atari 8-bit peripherals like disk drives and printers via an SIO-2-PC cable. If you are familiar with software like Sio2Pc, APE, Atari810, AtariSIO etc., you probably won’t have any problems getting used to AspeQt.

Even though AspeQt is not fully mature yet, it is easy to use and, despite its shortcomings, has many features that you may find useful, the highlights being:

  • Up to 15 disk drive emulation.
  • Up to 6x SIO speed (125,000bps)
  • Support for ATR, XFD, PRO and ATX (preliminary) disk images.
  • Mount folders as emulated disks.
  • Disk image explorer.
  • Directly boot Atari executables.
  • Text only printer emulation with PC print, save, and ATASCII font support.
  • Cassette image playback.
  • Multilingual GUI (English, Polish, Slovak, German, Turkish and Russian)
  • AspeQt client module (AspeCl) for Atari, communicates with the server and performs a variety of remote operations.


  • Updated the English language manual.
  • Minor re-grouping of drive slot buttons.
  • Added directory print capability to image explorer window (Ray Ataergin)
  • Added boot capability from a Folder Image. Simply copy the DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files from a DOS diskette to a PC Folder, mount the PC folder to drive slot#:1 as a Folder Image and boot your Atari. Currently only Atari DOS has a built-in support. MyDos will be supported on the next release. (Ray Ataergin)
  • Dropped ApeTime support from AspeQt. AspeCL is now the only supported Time/Date client
  • Remote Control software for AspeQt (see AspeQt documentation for more info) (Ray Ataergin)
  • Implemented auto-commit remote toggle capability to AspeCL, it was previously documented as “in development feature” (Ray Ataergin)
  • Implemented remote image file creating/mounting capability to AspeCL, it was previously documented as “in development feature” (Ray Ataergin)
  • Implemented remote image file mounting capability to AspeCL, it was previously documented  as “in development feature” (Ray Ataergin)
  • Tested and fixed AspeCL client SpartaDos X date/time handling (this was not previously tested as I did not have SDX back then) (Ray Ataergin)
  • Updated AspeCL client code to accomodate SDX drives 9-15 (Ray Ataergin)
  • Updated AspeCL server code in AspeQt to accomodate SDX drives 9-15 (Ray Ataergin)



SID Duzz’ It v2.1

January 16th, 2013 No comments

SID Duzz it, it’s a SID Music Editor by Geir Tjelta of SHAPE.

Download: SID Duzz\' It v2.1 (949)


HermIRES v1.25 C64 hires-bitmap editor

January 16th, 2013 No comments

HermIRES it’s a cross-platform hires bitmap (Art Studio 1 format) editor for the Commodore 64.

The format has some restrictions, here are the rules:

  • The maximal resolution of the picture is 320×200
  • Only 16 fix C64 colours can be used (no gradient either)
  • In a 8×8 pixel-block only 2 colours can used to be displayable by C64 (this is detected in HermIRES, but .hbm files can be saved with clashes too.)
  • On a real C64 the PAL will blur the screen-content a bit, should check on CRT, or at least VICE emulator’s CRT simulation.



  • Color swapping fast-button – Tilde “`” button (BitBreaker’s idea)
  • Show pen-diameter preview circle if diameter is bigger than the default
  • *dense (pixel-scale) grid toggleable (in bigger magnifications too).
  • *added ‘Deny painting’,'Reuse existing colour’ and ‘Set block colour’ mode to ClashTest – different settings on/off in case clash would happen…
  • *showing zoomed area in the preview, allow going to area in zoomed mode when left-clicking on preview
  • Showing ongoing progresses by text/graphics (loading/converting/drawing…)
  • Selectable CRT emulation for Preview/Grid only… (for faster operation on slow machines)
  • Undo step number displayed (should undo history also be saved?)


  • Control/shift/alt stucked in Win7 with allegro devpak 4.2… -> using allegro devpak 4.4.2 version instead!
  • Reduced overall CPU usage – refined timed and pixelling/detection events
  • iI Windows it was slow (especially in CRT emulation) -> wrote optimized software CRT-emul.pixelling for GridDrawer, not relying on hw-acceleration
  • *pressing F1..F4 fucked up (enlightens) toolbar sometimes – solution: timing stabilizer / thread safety check solved it
  • Preview-zoom title-text was overwritten by Grid-Zoom-text in the smallest resolution mode with 2-digit magnifications
  • *there was ‘allegro error #11′ and ‘segmentation fault’ at lower than required resolution – it was logical mistake in resolution-decider loop
  • Made dithered and big-pendiameter filled rectangle/circle drawing faster (set the steps according to pen-diameter)
  • *allegro filename-extension detection was wrong – if ‘.’ used in filename and no extension given, only the name before was saved to disk! -> used ustrcmp & strcat instead
  • *C64-executable format name-tag (caption) now editable (deleting it disables it)



C64 Game: S-Blox v1.0 / Octron / Super Mario Bros Preview …

January 13th, 2013 No comments

NAV: A File Browser with mouse support for the Commodore 64

January 13th, 2013 No comments

NAV, is a new file browser for the C64. NAV can use a mouse in Port 1, joystick in Port 2, or the keyboard. NAV can work with up to five drives and has been tested with the following drive types:

1541, 1571, 1581, uIEC, IDE64

Browsing through directories and disks is just point and click! Drives like the uIEC that can store gigabytes of software can be tedious and frustrating to navigate. NAV lets you easily work with D64/D71/D81/DNP/M2I disk images as well as “real” Commodore disks and the IDE64. Up to five drives at a time!

Just click a drive to browse it!Pressing the “@” key brings up a command line that acts just like the good ol’ DOS Wedge. In addition, there are a few additional commands that can be entered on the command line. Just type “@HELP” to get the complete list.

Download: NAV (D64) (1032)


Altirra, an Atari 8-bit computer emulator v2.20

January 8th, 2013 1 comment

Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the Windows/DOS platform. Altirra emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari computers. This includes the the 800, 800XL, and 130XE versions.

It has a lot of options, and compatibility is decent especially given the emulator’s early stages. It also supports some copy protected games properly in emulation.

Download: Altirra v2.20 (929)


C64 Game: Tone-Loco + 100% / SRogue v1.0 &D / Gorf …

January 8th, 2013 No comments

HermIRES v1.2 C64 hires-bitmap editor

January 7th, 2013 No comments

HermIRES it’s a cross-platform hires bitmap (Art Studio 1 format) editor for the Commodore 64.

The format has some restrictions, here are the rules:

  • The maximal resolution of the picture is 320×200
  • Only 16 fix C64 colours can be used (no gradient either)
  • In a 8×8 pixel-block only 2 colours can used to be displayable by C64 (this is detected in HermIRES, but .hbm files can be saved with clashes too.)
  • On a real C64 the PAL will blur the screen-content a bit, should check on CRT, or at least VICE emulator’s CRT simulation.



Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.0.8.3

January 6th, 2013 No comments

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)

The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.


  • Bug fix to VIC. Removed faulty VIC ClockNextWakeUpClock runtime (not debugger) mode optimiser code that had caused the Technological Snow demo by Agony Design to fail since v1.0.6.3.
  • EasyFlash v2 title screen glitch now fixed by correcting the “hard reset” code to set the sprite Y expansion flip-flops.



SID Known v1.05 a SID tune identifier tool

January 5th, 2013 No comments

SID Known is a command line tool (M$ Windows) which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files.

This tool can be used if e.g. you want to know which SID tune is used in a specific C64 demo or C64 game, or you have a SID tune found or ripped and you want to know if it is already in your SID collection.

Download: SID Known v1.05 (1263)


Commodore 64 DiskMagazine – Scene World #20

January 5th, 2013 No comments

Scene World is a C64 magazine on disk dedicated to various activities of both C64 scenes.

“Both” means, that we are supplying information and texts of both scenes; NTSC and PAL.

Download: Scene World #20 (D64/D81 + Disk Cover) (899)


Atari Dos: SpartaDOS X v4.46

January 4th, 2013 1 comment

SpartaDOS X (or SpartaDOS 4.0) is a disk operating system for the Atari 8-bit family of computers, that closely resembles MS-DOS. It was developed and sold by ICD, Inc. in 1987-93.

Ten years later SpartaDOS X considered abandonware has been picked up by its enthusiasts, and developed further. These unofficial revisions, incorporating many of the utilities written since 1992, cleaning many identified problems and including numerous improvements, are:

  • v4.31 (2005)
  • v4.39RC (2006)
  • v4.40 (a leaked-out beta, 2006)
  • v4.41 (Feb. 2008)
  • v4.42 (Dec. 2008)
  • v4.43 (Apr.2011)
  • v4.44 (Jun.2011)
  • v4.45 (Nov.2011)
  • v4.46 (Jan.2013)

The new SpartaDOS X 4.46 runs on the following hardware platforms:

  • intSDX128
  • intSDX128 “flash”
  • Maxflash 1Mb
  • Maxflash 8Mb (contains MAN on-line help)
  • Altirra and Atari800 emulators
  • Turbo Freezer 2005 (contains MAN on-line help, use with Freezer ROM only)
  • SIC! Cartridge (256k version contains MAN on-line help)
  • IDE Plus 2.0 (contains MAN on-line help)
  • Ultimate 1MB (contains MAN on-line help)

SDX Toolkit:

  • Set of additional programs, drivers and utilities
  • Set of SDX command descriptions for MAN utility (excerpts from the User’s Manual).

SDX images for SIDE:

  • Customized SDX images with SIDE driver are available at Jonathan Halliday’s website.


source: wikipedia

Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

New Years Disc 7th edition (2013) for Atari XL/XE

January 4th, 2013 No comments

This is the 7th edition of the New Years Disc for Atari. In this issue you can find a lots of interesting things to begin a new year with our beloved Atari.

In this issue you can find:

NYD2013 Disc 1 – multidisc.atr:

  • Hello 2k13 by PPs
  • Frosty animation (Beware it’s mature ware!) by CharlieChaplin
  • Fireworks by CreatureXL, 505 and Flash
  • Xmas 2012 animation by CharlieChaplin
  • Chicks on Chips by JAC!
  • Doomsday demo by Inspiration Soft
  • Happy 2013 by Sikor, Miker & his wife

NYD2013 Disc 2 – Blowjobb part.atr:

  • A bootable disc with a DOS. When it’s ready loaded type in: N* and press RETURN.

NYD2013 Disc 3 – 320k animation.atr:

  • A nice animation from miker. You’ll need at least 320k on your machine!

NYD2013 Disc 4 – multidisc.atr:

  • Happy New Year animation (Needs at lease 128k!) by miker
  • Sprite multiplexer  by playsoft

NYD2013 Disc 5 – ipc viewer.atr:

  • After booting you’ll get into a viewer, where you can load ipc pictures. More about the whole thing can be read in the designated readme file. Synthpopalooza did a great job here. Simply press D and you’ll see, what pictures are on this disc to load them.

NYD2013 Disc 6 – ipc pictures.atr:

  • Another disc with ipc files on it. Load them with the viewer of disc 5.

NYD2013 Disc 7 – multidisc.atr:

  • Rough Rider by XXL & Irrlichtproject
  • Dice 2013 by Sikor & Miker
  • Rolling Stars by MaPa & PG

Download: New Years Disc 7th edition (2013) (1247)


Categories: Atari, News & Rumors, Today

Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.0.8.1

January 3rd, 2013 No comments

Hoxs64 written by David Horrocks is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+)

The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail.


  • Added the EasyFlash 1MB cartridge. A simplified emulation of the AMD Am29F040 EPROM permits writing and passes EasyProg v1.6.3 tests.
  • Fixed freeze and soft reset to spread randomly through the frame to improve the chance of a successful freeze.
  • New cartridge emulation with freeze function. Peter Schepers CRT format is supported. The following cartridge emulations are supported: Action Replay v[6 - 2], Final Cartridge III (v3 only), Retro Replay 64K RAM, Magic Desk, Ocean 1, Fun Play, Super Games, System 3, Dinamic, Zaxxon, Simons Basic, Normal Cartridge. The CRT reader uses the in file reported chip bank numbers and not the order they appear in the file.
  • Fixed misreported raster position in the debugger when starting a new frame.

