Program that detects type of your hardware in Commodore 128.
Also added recognizing CMD Hardware FD/HD/RAMLink/RAMDrive/JiffyDOS/SuperCPU/RR-Net and a better detection of MMU and RAM size (SuperRAM), not works correctly in VICE.
The program is optimized for 80 columns mode.
source: mirkosoft homepage
Some new Games & Utility for Commodore VIC-20.
- Sprite Invaders by Robert Hurst. A clone of a classic arcade hit. Written in ca65 assembler using the VIC Software Sprite Stack, required 8k RAM expansion and a joystick.
- Theater of War by Ghislain. A WW2 Tactical Strategy game where you play the role of a German general on the Eastern Front in Russia.
source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)
Wood, the Portuguese developer who ported the Speccie game ‘Uwol: Quest for Money’ to the C64 is almost done with his conversion of the rather obscure title, Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle.
In this game you control Nanako, the game consists of 25 levels, you have to climb one level to another level in the castle and offcourse, there are some baddies.
Let me spare you the details of the background story, but Nanako … looks like a very original platform game.
Saimo (Simone Bevilacqua) has updated his game Quod Init Exit, which is Latin for “whatever gets in, gets out”.
In the game you are a little pig, and you need to eat all the food you can find. The game has excellent HIRES graphics and is fun to play.
- Fixed the flicker of some pixels, which was visible only on real machines and accurate emulators.
- Added level part to score shown in in-game screen (courtesy of Endurion’s feedback Wink)
- Compressed the program for faster loading.
- Made various other minor changes.
The CodeNet Client it can be used to transfer PRG files directly into the memory of the C64 and also allows some other actions like filling memory and ofcourse starting a program with RUN or a jump to a defined memory address.
The CodeNet protocol is a very simple protocol to send data and executables to a C64 computer via ethernet. A CodeNet server is normally listening on UDP port 6462.
v0.3 (6.11.10):
- Added: Better network error handling.
This is the unofficial official demo party results from X-2010 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB X2010 section for more informations. C64 Demo Competition:
C64 Graphics Competition:
C64 Music Competition:
Download X-2010 Party stuff: X-2010 (1115) (13 Mb) *updated*
Contiki is a small, open source, highly portable, multitasking computer operating system developed for use on a number of memory-constrained networked systems ranging from 8-bit computers to embedded systems on microcontrollers, including sensor network motes.
The name Contiki comes from Thor Heyerdahl’s famous Kon-Tiki raft.
The Contiki 2.x contains only very little assembler coding and even less target-specific assembler coding. This allowed for easy porting to targets beside the C64 namely the C128 and Apple II. Porting to other cc65 targets wasn’t done due to missing Ethernet hardware.
Contiki 2.4 is the first 2.x release to contain the following programs:
- Dhcp client.
- Web server.
- Web browser.
- Wget.
- Smtp client.
- IRC client.
- Twitter client.
Beside lots of other improvement especially the following issues were fixed:
- Malfunctioning DNS lookup.
- Missing PETSCII conversion for the smtp credentials.
- Incorrect fixing of all disk I/O to drive 8.
source: wikipedia
Snake Oil Software presents Snake on a Plane for Commodore 64. It’s inspired by a fake game cover for an Atari 2600 game based on the film Snakes on a Plane.
iAN CooG Site has been update with a new version of the Generic C64 prg Unpacker v2.23 (Source included).
v2.23 – 2010.06.12 – 2010.07.30
- Found a Time cruncher hack expecting registers set by JSR $FD15 ($31/$30/$ff), now it’s handled correctly in pass 1.
- In verbose mode, now also number of iterations and total cycles taken by the simulated CPU are printed, just to see which is the slowest&fastest unpacker.
- Raised max iterations to support VERY intensive unpackers like ALZ64, worst testcase I found needs 27097007 (0x019D77AF) iterations to finish unpacking. This cruncher isn’t really meant for crunching programs ranging from $0801 to $ff00 due to its slowness, but still has to be supported even when abused =) New max value is set to 0×02000000, should be more than enough for anything that actually reaches end of unpacking, and won’t cause too much delay with programs that can’t be really unpacked or with endless loops.
Read more…
C64-Archiv descriptions:
- Scans and stores your C64 – (games) – collection with only a few clicks.
- Easily manages your C64-programs by creating your own categories and selections.
- Starts the C64-programs in different emulators.
- Delivers instructions for the emulators VICE, CCS64, HOXS64 and EMU64.
- Works with tools e.g. 64Copy, D64Lister or DirMaster.
- Stores the C64-programs from files with the extensions .D64, .D71, .P00, .PRG, .T64 and .CRT.
- Stores files by name with the extensions: .TAP, .VSF (VICE-snapshot-file) and .C64 (CCS64-session-file).
- Stores text and information files with the extensions: .TXT, .NFO and .DIZ
- Stores PDF files.
- Searches archiv files with the extensions: .ZIP, .7Z and .CAB
- GameBase frontend with the possibility to download games.
- GameBase view with up to 30 columns.
- Supports multi-language (currently: Englisch, French, Italian and German)
Version v3.2 – What’s new?
- NEW: PDF-files can be stored.
- NEW: Search window in the Gamebase list.
- NEW: Italian translation (Thanks to xAD/nIGHTFALL)
- NEW: The creation of profiles for tools was simplified.
- FIXED: Improved display of the filesizeBUG fixed: Search window not closed at exit.
- BUG fixed: Error with long filenames.
source: Mikes Pages
The developer, IlTimido released a new C64 frontend for Windows called C64 Memories. This frontend focusses on manageability of the big TOSEC collections.
C64 Memories features:
- Full support for Tosec naming convention: displayed data about games are taken directly from the filename.
- Supports nearly all C64 images: .D64 .T64 .TAP .PRG .P00 .D71 .D80 .D81 .D82 .G64 .G41 .X64
- Comes with a C64 emulator: C64 Memories uses a slighlty modified version of Vice2.2 emulator.
- Directories display: the list of the content of a .D64 or .T64 file is displayed in automatic by C64 Memories.
- Favorites folder: you can add your favorite games in the favorites folder (and every disk/tape of a sequence is added in automatic).
- Search filters: you can filter results for the first letters, substrings and you can show only the first disk/tape of a sequence.
- Snapshots galleries: your can take screenshots from inside the games and the pictures will be displayed in automatic in C64 Memories.
- Notes: you can add custom notes for every single game.
- Ratings: you can rate every single game.
- Search providers: you can easily find additional informations (review, screenshots, remake, music) over the Internet for every single game just by pressing a button!
source: c64memories
New 8 Bit Software – Scavenger, Penultimate Fantasy and DungeonExplorer for Commodore 64.
TRSI released a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is a conversion of the Vectrex classic Spike.
Some new Games & Utility for Commodore VIC-20.
- AntiISDA Warrior. The game concept for AntiISDA Warrior was first developed on the Oric Atmos. The similarity to the game Space Invaders is not only coincidental, but here only the shots are movable, and not the enemies or the initial place for fire.
- Berzerk MMX. A clone of the classic Stern arcade hit, Berzerk. Written in ca65 assembler.
- CBM FileBrowser. A file browser for sd2iec firmware based drives (uIEC/SD2IEC/MMC2IEC) and standard CBM drives too.
source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum)
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