Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer and other devices.
Firmware update (20120524):
- This version has only one improvement: fixed audio muting emulation.
Download: Nano/Micro SwinSID - Firmware update (20120524) (2133)
source: forum64.de
The Mega SwinSID is a new C64 SID replacement by Swinkels based on 32bit STM32 ARM Cortex M3 MCU and 512KB sample memory.
It runs at 80MHz and it uses integrated 12bit DACs for stereo output.
source: swinkels.tvtom.pl
Nano SwinSID Prototype by x1541:
This project is based on the microcontroller ATMEGA88PU from Atmel and the emulation code is written by Swinkels.
The prototype of Nano SwindSID is a scaled down version of the Micro SwinSID, so far so good, and here’s my initial impression.
x1541, a user of the forum64.de has made a very nice work, the pcb has the same size of the original SID chip (6581/8580), the components are arranged very well and the entire space of the pcb was used. I can just say to buy it when the Nano SwinSID kit will be available, your money will be spent well.
Nano SwinSID Features:
- ISP Connector.
- Same size as the original SID.
- 6581/8580 Jumper.
- Smd ATmega.
source: forum64.de
x1541, a user of the forum64.de has decided to scale down and update the pcb of the Micro SwinSID.
Download: NanoSwinSID PCB (33.34 Kb)
- ISP Connector.
- Same size as the original SID.
- 6581/8580 Jumper.
- Smd ATmega.
source: forum64.de
Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer and other devices. Firmware update (27022011):
- This new firmware brings 6581 filter emulation by connecting B0 AVR pin to ground (on the Photo).
- Filter distrortions are still not emulated, only filter cutoff is affected.
source: forum64.de
Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer and other devices.
On the Photo you can see the AVR ISP homebrew Adapter for programming the firmware.
Firmware update (10012011):
- Much improved ADSR envelope fading based on a real SID counter design.
- More soft filter.
Hardware tip:
To increase audio quality and volume level replace R4 (2k2) resistor with 1K. This will boost volume by about 50%
source: forum64.de
These are some Sid examples which i have recorded from a Commodore 64 with the SwinSID installed. You can Download the original Sid track in .sid file format and the SwinSID in .ogg file format (High Quality), so you can compare the musics.
- The Alibi by Thomas E. Petersen (Laxity) 1989 Maniacs of Noise- SID (6581)
- The Alibi by Thomas E. Petersen (Laxity) 1989 Maniacs of Noise- SWINSID
- Albino Human by Alexander Rotzsch (Fanta) 2006 Fanta – SID (8580)
- Albino Human by Alexander Rotzsch (Fanta) 2006 Fanta – SWINSID
Some Sid tracks play perfectly others need some emulation fixes.
Micro SwinSID KIT by Peter Sieg:
Certainly you can’t expect perfect emulation, but we are very close, the audio is much more clean than the original SID chip, if the project continues on this road we will arrive very soon on the perfect emulation.
Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer.
This project is based on the microcontroller ATMEGA88PU from Atmel and the emulation code is written by Swinkels. The first version of the pcb (prototype) was made by Crisp.
For more information and price visit the forum64.de.
Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer.
This project is based on the microcontroller ATMEGA88PU from Atmel and the emulation code is written by Swinkels. The first version of the pcb (prototype) was made by Crisp.
On the left you can see the tiny PCB of the Micro SwinSID made by a user of the forum64.de.
*This PCB is compatible with Commodore 64 and 64C but you need to Remove the resistor R3 if you install the Micro SwinSID on Commodore 64/SX64 where the SID 6581 is used.
For more information and price visit the forum64.de.
Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is a hardware replacement for legendary SID sound chip which was placed in every Commodore C64 computer.
This hardware extension is designed as a module installed directly into the SID socket. It emulates the sound of the SID chip, but it is a lot more powerful and allows you experience the new dimension of C64 music.
The hardware desing of SID and Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) modules is different in almost every way. Micro SwinSID (SwinSID88) is equipped with general purpose microprocessor (ATMega88PA or PU) with internal RAM and ROM.
A programmable device like this has a big advantage – there is a possibility to upgrade firmware and to add new features or fixes without any hardware modification.
Download: Micro SwinSID PCB and Schematics v1.1
Download firmware: Firmware (30/04/2010) / Firmware (19/10/2010)
source: forum64.de swinkels homepage
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