“Yes VIC can” is a demo for VIC20, this demo has got the 5th place (out of eight) at the Revision Party 2011. This demo show a new graphics mode “VIC Hires”.
Requirements: VIC-20 (PAL) with 16K RAM expansion (24K for Basic Extension, 32K for SJLOAD).
source: sleepingelephant.com
Break-Out! is a clone of the Atari home video game classic for VIC 20 written by Robert Hurst . The game is written in machine language and requires a expansion of 8 Kb RAM.
source: Denial (The Commodore VIC-20 forum) robert.hurst-ri.us
Realms of Quest III is an RPG game for Commodore VIC20.
Enter Realms of Quest III, the computer game that offers you the chance to assemble a party of six adventurers who undertake heroic acts in a vast world of deep dunjons to explore…
source: psytronik software
A third party switchable cartridge with up to 16k of extra RAM memory. Switchable to 3k, 8k or 16k.
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